《Objection! Dear Love...》#12 Center of the Circle


"We'll play all the same old games,

And we wait for the end to change,

Yeah that's what crazy is

When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix,

And we pray that everything will be okay,

While we're making all the same mistakes."

— "Same Mistakes" // One Direction


"You've half an hour, say what you've to say fast." Mishti demands.

"C'mon babe, why this rush? We've got the whole night to spend here." Nishant says in his usual creepy tone.

But then, did Mishti ever care?

"Now cut the crap and get to the point."

"Oh oh, okay baby doll." Nishant says mockingly, raising his hands in the air. "For starters I really don't have any idea about the particular deal you're talking about. And you know how it is babes, my beloved father hardly allows me inside the Great Hall of his fucking castle."

"Meaning you don't attend his business meetings?"

"Precisely, my lady."

"Then why on earth you said you'll help me, Nishant? What the fuck are you playing at?"

"Calm down sweetheart, calm down. There's more to this. How do you think I'm surviving amidst all these? Of course I've got some brains, haven't I?"

Mishti doesn't say anything.

"Okay, see Mishti, I might not help you invade his kingdom, and honestly even if I could, I have no reason to help you. And I believe that's not even your intention here. But what I realize is I'm the only one except my stupid mom who have access to my father's bedroom locker. So here I am."

Mishti looks at him with bewilderment. Of course Nishant is right, Mr. Singhaniya's locker - the key to all his secrets!

"Bother me to explain your intentions here, Nishant. Why, out of everyone, YOU decided to help me? I see --"

"Zip it, Mish, you know I'm not a bad guy anyways."

"Oh yes, surely."

"Not a joke though. I mean, you see, Mish, it was never like you and me weren't friends. In fact, we used to be best mates during college. All these marriage crap and business stuff disgusted things. And you too have to agree on this, we were never enemies."

Mishti simply hums.

"Marrying you was a bad idea, I mean that was never my idea though. But it happened and things went wrong. Not like I call myself guilty of everything because you were wrong too. Uh well, to be brutally honest, it was all our parents' bullshit and we both were like scapegoats. And trust me on this, I didn't know our marriage was a business deal at first."

"But when you came to know about it, you couldn't exactly handle it better."

"Yes, and unfortunately that's the only thing I'll ever be sorry for. I was so angry, I was against the idea of marrying you anyways, I mean c'mon, we were best mates not lovers. Especially you, Mishti, how could you even agree even though you knew I was in love with... Uh, shut it."

"I understand that now and I am sorry Nishant. I guess, we both were too stupid to let others decide for our lives."

" Right. We both were equally at fault. And marriage and stuff were beyond my agenda yet when I gave in, it turns out my wife is just a showpiece for fame and money. And cherry on the top, I was not even remotely interested in you or any other girl for that matter. Do you have any idea how suffocating it was for me? Now thinking about it, I feel like I wasn't even breathing freely."


"Nishant --"

"Wait, don't say anything yet. It sounds hurtful I know, but that's the truth. Not like I'm blaming you so you better not blame me. So where was I? Yeah, yeah our show off marriage. Yes, so you know me Mish, I'm a jerk, I know. So no wonder I tried manhandling you. My freedom was curtailed, someone else was taking decisions for me and I didn't even know. Most importantly you were equally not interested in this crap. Over that my parents manipulated me, money it was after all. And money blinds everyone."

"Yes, it does." Mishti sighs.

"But here I'd like to mention, your Abir is an exception. I tried bribing him so many times, he didn't give a damn. Such an angel, I swear." Nishant laughs, making Mishti roll her eyes. A mention of Abir is the last thing she needs right now, especially after her sudden disappearance from his world.

"Hey Mish, what's wrong?" Nishant asks. Of course he doesn't care if something's bothering her anyways, but it's worth trying to know what exactly went wrong between her and Abir. The last thing he knows is that Abir is in love with his ex-wife, and Nishant is sure she's given Abir a hard time. After all, he knows Mishti well.

"Nonetheless, Mishti, so that's it. I think helping you out will mark my way to my father's property. Especially now that he has almost disowned me, if you put him behind the bars my poor mum has no choice but to call me back."

"Is that all?"

"Well, will you come back?"

"How dare you even ask me that?"

"Chill Mish darling, chill. I don't want to get tied up with anyone anymore. I just asked to see if I stand a chance."

"You don't."

"Precisely, yes. But well, I think helping you in this will take the burden off my shoulders. At least I'll come clean from at least one mistake in my life."

Well as much as he sounds strange to himself, Nishant hopes that Mishti will understand him. He never wants any wrong for Mishti, true that. It's been so long and he is really not a total jerk to not realize what's right and what's wrong. He might act the wrong way most of the time, but he knows what's the right way, especially now.

Out of nowhere, he bursts into laughter.

"What?" Mishti glares.

"Don't you think I'm being too much of a good boy today?"

Mishti doesn't say anything as Nishant seems to be enjoying himself amidst the tense situation. She has to acknowledge, Nishant was not the bad guy earlier nor is he now. Sometimes situations play such tricks that people act against themselves. Didn't she do just the same nearly months ago? She left Abir in the middle of his own party and never looked back. And just like that, she keeps playing the coldhearted one although deep down she still carries a wounded heart.

Well, it's a bad idea to think about it right now.

"So if we're done with your comedy circus, Mr. Nishant, can we move forward?"

Without replying to Mishti, Nishant sits down on the sofa. Just a week ago Mishti suddenly got a call from Nishant who offered to help her in her revenge. Mishti immediately knew it's a good deal because getting Nishant on her side was a big advantage. Of course she had to make sure she was not being fooled. This is the fourth time she's meeting Nishant in a week and till now he's repeating the same things, which sounds reliable. Because Nishant Singhaniya is a terrible liar.


And maybe after a long time, he is actually speaking the truth. He is not being selfless here but who cares anyways? All she needs is a lead to avenge her mother's death at any cost.

"Hey Mish, you alright?"


Mishti has noticed Nishant's change in behaviour, he's no longer the violent, aggressive asshole but seems to be getting better. Whatever it was, she is just glad that he is of her use. That's the only thing that matters at this point.

"So yes, the plan is I'm going to Canada next week. I'll see if I can enter my father's room and open the locker. I'm sure we'll find something vital there and then it depends on what kind of information I get."


"Also before that I'll try to sneak into our mansion here in Rajkot."

"But will he let you enter?"

"Are you nuts? Of course he won't. I just said I'd need to sneak in."

"Isn't that too generous of you?"

"I'm just bounded by a stupid promise."


"Now that's none of your business."

Mishti glares. True enough, it's not her business to ponder over it but then it is her business. Nishant Singhaniya won't help her so willingly for his father's destruction unless there's something big behind this. No matter how much he hates his father, it just doesn't make sense to Nishant betraying him so happily. But, that can wait as of now.

"As of now what's important is I've come across some of my father's old business investors who kind of knew about our family disputes. And I'm damn sure they might be of our help to locate his black businesses. Actually I've tricked them into confessing almost half of the truth. Here you go. And there's something shocking."

Nishant playes the voice recorder.

"Oh well, no one is going to admit this but everyone knows Mr. Yash Singhaniya well enough. He had these secret deals with many foreign investors. Why do you think he could easily grip into the foreign market? He was nearly arrested for some corruption cases with a government deal. But nothing can overpower money, so he's free. In today's world, honesty has no place. Look at what happened to poor Mehul Rajvansh. He was dragged to the jails, his poor son tried hard to save him but fuck their honesty, everything was ruined. Well I truly feel for their son, he was robbed of everything yet he managed to rise. What's the story they say? Unicorn I guess? Rising from ashes?"

Mishti doesn't even care if Nishant can see the proud smile on her face. Of course, she is always proud of Abir.

"Anyways, what were you saying, boy? Your father is no saint and you can trust me on this. He tricked the great Maheshwaris in his games. Well, Vishambhar Maheshwari doesn't get a clean sheet either. But in the end, he seemed to have regained his senses. But Singhaniyas did dirty to them already. But poor Rajshree, I knew her. Such a sweet lady. She married Vishambhar after Yash fucked her."


Mishti screams. Did she hear something wrong?

"Calm down Mishti, hear it all first."

"Well, nobody knew about it except, of course, close ones. What's the name of the poor girl? Mishti, oh yeah, she's the mistake of Yash and when Rajshree was abandoned Vishambhar got her. Maybe some love affair, I don't know exactly. But --"

"Stop it, Nishant. Stop it." Mishti yells. She really can't bear it anymore. She is the daughter of Yash Singhaniya? That son of a bitch who ruined her family and her life? It makes absolutely no sense. How can it be?

Is that why Vishambhar used her this way? Her step-father used her against her father? Is that the reason she received the bitter hatred at the Singhaniya's?

Oh My God!

Mishti can feel her head spinning.

Nishant immediately offers her a glass of water. Somehow he can feel what a shock it must be to her. In fact, he felt terrible about himself when he first came to know that he was adopted. But now, Mishti is hearing something that's much worse. First, her biggest enemy is her step-dad and now it's her biological father. God knows where this is heading to.

But it is important to get Mishti stable and he has no idea how to do that. It's horrible. Not like he sympathizes with her, she is no saint after all. But she has been more than a just best friend to him in college and before their ugly marriage. Nishant very well knows what kind of a reckless girl Mishti used to be. But right now all the dynamics are changed, neither the situations nor Mishti are the same anymore. And the poor girl definitely doesn't deserve too much pain.

Hasn't she gone through enough already?

So Nishant gently pats her back. After all, she used to be his best friend and now he's promised someone to take care of her. So he'll keep it. He needs to distract her.

"So tell me, why did Abir leave you?"

"Excuse me, Nishant?"

"I mean yeah, okay, why did YOU leave him then?"

"Why are we talking about this?"

"Oh, just being sneaky in my ex's life. But tell me that I'm not wrong. Poor guy was so in love with you, even I could see it. It must have been you who left, weren't you? Suits you, though."

"None of your business." Mishti snaps and leaves the room.

Nishant smirks. He has known her since they were teens, he knows all her flings, dates and tantrums. Best mates, after all. The moment he heard of Mishti's disappearance from Abir's life he knew it was Mishti and her evil mind (at least he believes so) that played with Abir.

Poor Rajvansh! All he did was to love, little did he know what Mishti is!

Well anyways, she's changed to a great extent now and Nishant can see that. Honestly it's all really weird and confusing how Nishant landed in this situation. But today he somehow realizes, he has always been a part of this and if this needs to be ended then everyone who is included has to play their part.

If it is the revenge for Mishti, then it is his attempt to make amends for the deep remorse and shame he feels for what he did to Mishti and unintentionally, to Abir.

"Your lady is strong, Abir. She'll be fine. I'm at her place. Still avoids talking about you though but I'm sure she needs you the most right now after the revelation."

Nishant sends the text to Abir. Whatever the situation is, it's pathetic.

Precisely, everything is running in a circle and no one can see where the end line is. In fact, Nishant doubts if there is even an end to this? Maybe the only way out is to reach the center and break the circle altogether.

Sounds like some horrible movie plot in making, isn't it?

Nishant sighs as he spares a thought for the villain of the story called his "beloved" father who has no idea what's going on behind his back. And for his mom, who is too much of a saint to be able to handle the harsh consequences once Mishti snaps on her husband.

And for himself, because right now he's a pathetic son and he doesn't even regret it.

Whatever Mishti plans, hopefully it won't go wrong, Nishant silently prays as he reads the reply from Abir.

"Take care of her man, make sure she's eating well. Thanks ya, drinks are on me tonight."

"Come and check yourself. I'm not her caretaker."

But Nishant immediately regrets sending the text when he sees Abir typing for more than 20 seconds. Nishant groans, maybe in frustration, he's not sure. But tired? Definitely.

"Say that to someone who was not abandoned in the middle of the night in a party right after confessing his feelings. 'Cos man, Abir Rajvansh can't relate."

After nearly a minute of typing, finally this is what Abir's message reads.

Nishant sighs. This time he's just angry. With himself? That he always is.

But this time his useless anger is with these two idiots who need each other the most but won't admit it.

Oh God, someone please remind him again why he even involved himself in this drama!

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