《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:9



"Melon!! Let's play something please?"

"Does it involve something related to hitting you, then yes. If not, then no."

With that I turned towards the other side trying my best to sleep.

Keyword: 'trying'

And I was miserably failing in my so called trying and that's because of only one person:

He was pestering me to play with him since morning and right now it's evening. He's quite persistent I tell you, even after my kicks he didn't stop. See? Like even My kicks couldn't stop him!!! So no one else can stop him then.

His persistence level = on fire

"I'll take you to buy clothes."

I kept quiet.

"To shop whatever you want then?"

I kept quiet again.

"Fine, we'll go to eat food today."

Aha and that sounds like my type of offer.

I immediately sat on the bed grinning at him with a wide grin stuck on my face.


"Oh God, why didn't I think of that before, like that was so simple!!"

"You need brains to think which you don't have so, I hope that explains your query.." He glared at me which I royally ignored like always. What? I'm a pro at it by now.

"Okay, so what do you want to play."

"What about truth or dare??" Rakshit suggested excitedly and he honestly looked cute so I couldn't say no to him.

So I nodded.

"Yay! Let's start then." Clapping his hands happily he looked at me with a mischievous look.

"Truth or dare."

"Wait a minute! Why am I starting you are the one who wanted to play so you should start not me!" I stated huffing while simultaneously folding my arms on my chest.

"That's what melon, I wanted to play so my rules and if you go on wasting our time like this rather than playing then we'll leave late for dinner and I think you'll not want that." Ughh this stupid pesky oaf and his observing skill. Hell with him.


Grumbling a string of profanities I finally agreed.


"Would you really come here if it was someone else instead of me?"

And at that instance I could feel my heart beat increase. I really hadn't thought about it, would I really come here if it wasn't him, would I really risk my life for a coffee mug?

Just one thought and I knew the answers perfectly.

I looked up at his face which was hooked up on me from before.

"I wouldn- I... I mean yaa, of course I would, surely. Ha.. Ha!"

Oh god Jesus what was I going to say?

I can't!! I have to keep myself under control I can't risk it.

Rakshit stared at me and then nodded.

"Your chance. Truth or dare?"


Dare? Woah. I like it yes!! Finally.

My lips twitched in a smirk making Rakshit widen his eyes.

"M.... Me.. Lon"

"Hehehe, yes Rakshit?" I asked him sweetly, like very very sweetly. My words were coated with honey, caramel, chocolate, sugar and every thing that'll lead to diabetes but God knows why he was still getting scared.

Cause our man's smart, he knows what's up and that he's in deep shit right now.

"Well whatever it was Rakshit put a sock in it because I ain't giving you the chance to change your decision, so yaa you said dare, right? Hmm, so I have a very simple dare for you." I paused to give him a smile and then continued, " You, my dear oaf just have to say a few 7-10 good lines about chai and nothing else, see isn't this the most easiest dare in the history of truth or dare? " Ha he wanted to play right? Now let's play baby, this game can be played by two.

"What? You can't do that to me, I- I'll die before saying that. I can't cheat on my coffee like that. I can't!!" Rakshit vigorously shook his head looking completely and utterly horrified with that possibility of the heartbreak that his coffee will get if he says some good things about chai...


Buh, utter bullshit. He's just being cutely dramatic.

"Aww sweetie, I've already done it now. And if you fear cheating on your coffee then don't worry I and my chai will promise you that we'll keep this little secret away from your love okay? See, we ain't bed." Flashing him another one of my happy grin I signed him to continue.

"You can't... I can't..."

"You can, I can and oh well, I did too. Cause you know everything is possible as you said me once, remember??" Blowing him a chef's kiss I signed him to continue.

Ahh it feels so good to throw someone's words right on their face, ayee the atonement I'm feeling right now is just pure bliss.

"And well I can make you sleep outside as punishment for your loss which your coffee definitely can't so, think about it. Want to sleep outside in the cold or don't want to sleep after drinking coffee outside at all?" I'm evil and I know it mouahha!!!!

I heard a groan from besides me which only made me smile.

I swear I ain't a sadist but this is fun.

"Fine, I hate you cause you are making my coffee hate me."

"Believe me, your coffee doesn't give a shit about it, boy." I patted his head and sighed sympathetically.

See? I have tiny mini feelings but at least I have right?

Hmm, the poor souls condition says it all.

"Chai is very... Um very" Rakshit was forcing himself to say it so I thought, why don't I help him?

Cause I ain't bad as I told y'all.

"-Tasty?" I suggested him nicely but that ungrateful brat just gave me an icy stare.

"Yes, Chai is very tasty and... And it's... G.. G"

"Good? Is that what you meant?" I asked him innocently.

Oh boy I'm so enjoying this... Hehehe.

"Yes melon, chai is very um tasty and... And it's good for cold too." Believe me when I say that even Rakshit praising the tea sounds like he's insulting it. This chap really has an impressive way with his tone.

Very... Very impressive. I should surely learn it from him one day.


Making Rakshit say something good about my chai was literally like teaching a horse for the first to me to give someone a ride.

Totally dangerous and totally adorable.

He was extremely exhausted by the end of it and looked like he was at a verge of crying. Or more like making me cry seeing him drink coffee in my tea cup as a revenge.

Ahhhh!!! Damn that man.

I need a new cup now, and I'll make him pay for it. That stupid piece of dashing meat for a man.

Ahem ahem...

Bah, I just forgot to add a 'not' at the end it's not really how do you think it is, you know...

Mhm, sure sure. And I'm bill gates...

Now how will I know if you are Bill gates or Michelle Obama you aren't me. Or on a second note, you are a part of me actually...

Oh god! At this moment I've literally lost it. I mean, I'm talking to my conscience like literally talking to myself in a way. Ahhh! I need coffee-

Wait a minute, what did I just say?

Holy shit!!! Rakshit is rubbing off on me, I just said I want to drink coff- that brown druggy liquid?

I need to have bath in chai now, oh my dear chai forgive me. I'm only loyal to you don't worry I'll never leave you.

So what we're you saying? Bullshit? Cutely dramatic? Haha continue...

Uh huh, when I said Rakshit is rubbing off on me I seriously meant it.

God please save me from destructing myself cause of coffee.



Hehe and yet another chapter it is!!!!

Just few more to go for our caffeinated journey to end and I promise to make it as alluring as chai...

I hope y'all liked it so far.

Till the next update (which are like 4-5 chapters tomorrow)

Do love me some red velvet and chocolates

Signing off


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