《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:10



"I'll have a Laccha paratha, Chicken Kolhapuri and a lassi." Closing the menu with a cute grin, melon passed the menu to me which I waved off.

"Whatever she ordered make it two." I said to the waiter who nodded at me before going on his way.

"Copy cat kill the rat." Melon commented at the fact that I ordered what she ordered (copy cat) in her words, but I couldn't agree more. Yes, I copied her and that's because I wanted my revenge for what she made me do.

She really made me say things I never ever in my entire life dared to say.

I mean, she made me praise CHAI!!!!!

That thing itself makes me angry... I cheated on my coffee because of her now my coffee is going to be bitter to me. (No pun intended)

So now, I was irritating her by copying her order, nothing tends to irritate her more than the fact that someone copied her. And that's exactly why I'm doing it and also because whatever she ordered is my favourite too.

So it's a win-win situation for me.

"I know why you are doing this, ughh I don't like you anymore now." She pouted pointing at me accusingly or I say rather cutely.

"Smart melon. So now as you know then I don't think there's something for me to explain cause you figured it out by yourself, good girl." My hand reached out to pat her head but the poor thing returned with a red mark of five fingers stapled on it.

This girl really needs to hit well and why won't she? After all sh-.

Uhh she's a smart girl...

"Hey stop harassing me like that, I'm a small baby."

"Yaa and which baby drinks milk adding coffee?"

"Me!" I announced proudly, I mean yaa. I do.

I ain't a baby but at least I'm going to be someone's baby right? If you know you know what I actually mean.


I see, what you did there.

Of course you do as you are my conscience.

Due to the building boredom my eyes wandered around the bright hues of our surrounding making me take time in complimenting the fine crafting architecture of the hotel.

The maker really took time in making this masterpiece.

At this moment I'm just sitting back wondering about who you are talking about, though I have a perfect idea about it.

Ain't my conscience a natural comedian? Indeed it is.

My eyes landed on a young chap who looked about our age, walking towards our table with a wide grin on his face.

Na, na shoo! Don't come near us no!!!

How I wish I could make people understand what I'm saying without actually saying but alas, over all it's still a dream.

I turned to face melon who is currently pretending like she wasn't staring me some moments back.

Mhm sure.

"Melon? Do you know him, that boy who is coming towards our table?" She turned to see about whom I was talking about but before she could say anything that boy immediately came and hugged her.

What the hell???

I was going to push him but I stopped in my movement seeing her reciprocate to the hug even more tightly.

Okay. Now this is pure freaking hell.

After what felt like ages to me which were actually 120 seconds, they finally broke the hug.

Praise the lord!!!!

"Vishal!!! How are you?!" Melon squealed seeing him happily while I can't say the same about me. I would squeal happily if he goes it isn't even an hour that I've met him and I've caught an utter dislike for him.

God knows why, isn't it?

"I'm fine baby, we've met after a long time you know? And how's your life going?" Drishti smiled and moved towards the side making some place for this unwanted guest to sit.


Baby? In what way does he thinks that she's a baby. She looks like a full grown woman to me, this man has surely lost it.

Say's who, the one who calls her melon?

Ignoring my pesky little mind thoughts I cleared my throat in the efforts of making my presence known to them.

And by God's grace they finally noticed me. How wonderful.

Melons eyes widened as she realised that I was still there.

Isn't she unforgettable?!!

"Aye Vishal, meet him he's Rakshit and Rakshit meet him, he's Vishal"

I don't want to meet him that's the problem.

"Hey buddy, nice meeting you. I'm Vishal, Drishit's best friend."

How I wish I could say the same but what can I do, my feelings ain't mutual. They would have been if you didn't hop and stick to my melon like a branch.

Earning a glare from melon who was forcing me to behave properly I managed to pass him a sweet smile.

"And I'm Rakshit, Drishit's b-"

"-best friend" Melon cut me off answering the question for me.

Huh. I wanted to answer that but never mind.

"Well well, so one best friend meets another best friend. Very nice."

"By the way Vishal what are you doing here?" She asked him.

"What a sensible question to ask, what do you come to do in a hotel, of course to eat food right. Stop acting dumb, Drish." Let's say that was not a good moment to drink water because I literally choked on it.

If this boy hadn't been a fevicol sticking to my melon. I would actually like him.

I bit my lips trying not to laugh but melon exactly knew what I wanted to do and as simple to guess, that woman has a way with harassing me for every chance she gets. So this time I got a show mark on my foot and I'm so sure about it. Because the way she stamped my foot it took me all my will power to not scream with pain.

By now our food had arrived but I couldn't eat because the both of them weren't stopping with their ancient talks...

"Are you both done? Can we eat now?" With my patience now ending I finally asked them. If they wanted to speak they could sit somewhere else and speak I love my food too much.

Believe me, you'll not really like the idea of them going somewhere.

Drishti stopped talking and looked at me. "Hmm yaa Vishal we should start eating before something burns isn't it Rakshit?" I didn't say anything this time but just gave her a stare which made her chuckle.

"Ahh no guys you both continue I just got a text from my boyfriend that we have to go somewhere so I'll see you both next time. Okay bye it was nice meeting you Rakshit." Getting up from his seat, Vishal put his mobile in his pocket and waved smiling at us as he excited. Leaving me behind completely shocked.


"Oops!" Melon grinned sheepishly looking at me while I glared her wide eyed.

Oh this little devilish vixen!!! I'm not going to spare her.



Hehe jelly Oaf is fun isn't he?

Well, if you don't know about the dishes, I've made a collage for them with their explanations so that it wouldn't be a trouble for y'all.




Laccha paratha:Lachha paratha is a popular flat bread variety from north India, made from whole wheat flour.

Chicken Kolhapuri: A spicy Chicken gravy dish from India, a speciality of Kolahpur (A city in Maharashtra, India)

Lassi: Lassi is a popular traditional dahi-based drink that originated in the Indian Subcontinent. Lassi is a blend of yoghurt, water, spices and sometimes fruit.


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