《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:8



"Leave that, that's mine!!!! I said leave it." I clutched the packet that was in his hands and pulled it towards my direction while he was doing the same but from the opposite direction.

"No! I won't…" Rakshit pulled it towards him with more force and I did the same.

I'm not the one who's going to leave what's mine because there's a hot boy or man or an oaf who wants the same thing that's mine. Like bish, not happening.

What's mine is mine, period!

I glared him and he didn't back out in doing the same either.

"You Oaf! Leave it, that's mine I had ordered it!" I tried pushing him but that fat ass didn't budge instead he pulled it more hard.

"You think I care? Well babes then lemme me break it to you. I don't give a freaking damn. I had got hold of it before you so now, this belongs to me!" He took that pack from my hand smiling at me extra sweetly.

"Oh honey, no! Your delusions are growing too much, you should really do something about them you know. I ain't letting you take it!" With that I snatched the milk packet out of his hands and grinned at him proudly.

"No way, sweetie, that's mine." I quickly got up and ran away with that Oaf hot on my heels.

Now that thing why we were fighting for a milk packet was because it was the only packet available for now and both of us wanted to drink our favourite hot beverages but it was only one and we couldn't share cause it was of 250ml so, a very big no from my side as I like my tea with more milk.

And kindly explain why y'all are calling each other with lovey-dovey names??


Well, about that. I really don't know but it's fun anyways.

I tried running as fast as I could but at last where could I run? The room was the only place where we could run but it wasn't meant for running so, I freaking got caught.

"Where will you roll now melon? Haha you can't run or wait — roll away from me." Laughing like a dramatic villain from movies he approached closer to me making me run from there but my bad it was the same dear cemented wall which was once again capturing me.

Now I literally wanted to write a letter to the wall saying:

Dear cemented wall of our temporary room,

Kindly stop doing injustice to me and favouring this bad stupid Oaf every time. What did I ever do to you in the first place? Make your ex run over you? (No pun intended) so why are you doing this to me? I would prefer you to take my side from now onwards.

Yours not so sincerely,


But to my bad luck the wall didn't know to read and write, someone should've taught this wall about education.

I turned around with my eyes now as wide as saucers and his lips as twitched as an uneven stick.

"Aha, the fate really loves me don't you think?"

"I think many things but that doesn't mean they'll happen. Like right now I want you to be in mental hospital but alas, now it looks I'm the one living in a meant asylum as you stay with me." With that I gave him a sweet tight lipped smile.

"You just roasted me."

"Nothing new for the person who drinks roasted coffee after all." This time it was me who smirked but he still had an amusing expression ignoring the fact that I roasted him.


"You know you are cool and I - I like you but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave that milk packet for you don't expect that cliche shit from me, even I don't leave my things for anyone, I repeat- I don't leave my things for anyone."

With that he walked towards me but I ducked down, trying a way to escape with my dear milk packet but damn the wall and that Oaf, who caught me.

"Ahhh no!"


"I hate you."

"Hmm, I guess something begs to dif-" Before he could finish I stamped his foot.

"I mean yaa sure."

"Ughh Rakshit!! But, I had ordered the milk packet."

"And?" Damn him, damn the wall and damn my luck.

With that he caught hold of the packet and before he could snatch it I did the same, and this time the tug of war was very, very, very, very, very intense.

"Leave or neither of us will get it."

"You leave, this is mine."

"Okay then, continue pulling." And I did, I continued pulling. I wanted my milk tea means I wanted it!

"Melon leave!!"

"And why should I? You leave it, you oaf!"

I tugged it towards my side and he tugged it towards his side and we continued but then I guess the packet was tired if being pulled so it thought to divide itself, but that stupid thing didn't have any idea that it couldn't be divides like that and spilled itself on the floor.

Making us both widen our eyes and look at the floor completely and utterly horrified.

Now Drishti, time to fall on the knees dramatically and cry over the stupidity of the good milk packet, who thought it would be best to divide itself and solve your problem.

See? Even this proves that Maths adds more problems instead of dividing it, first of all maths itself is depressed in its life on the loss of its 'x' that it's trying to find it terribly. Like dude, move on with your damned life and stop depressing yourself and depressing us too because we can't find your bloody 'x'. Don't ask me 'Y' now!

Stupid maths!!!!!!

Okay so how did I come on maths? Oh ya, the milk packet, right!

I stared at the milk that was spilled on the floor now and then at Rakshit who was smiling at me sheepishly.

I too smiled at him, but it wasn't a sheepish smile, it was more like a dangerously peaceful one which was more terrifying than my sweet smile.

I guess by now Rakshit might have known that because I heard him mumble a, 'shit!' As he started running towards the door.

Smart boy, but now say bye bye to yourself.

"You Oaf!!!!!" And with that I ran after him with full speed.

You are going to suffer the loss of the poor dear sweet milk who wanted to do something good for us but ended up dying, no problem my dear friend late milk. I'll take the revenge from your side. Rest in peace.

"Come back, you idiot!!!!"

Hey but wait a minute- he just said that he likes you and n-

Ignore my conscience. Pretty please.


Well, well well aren't they complete goofba-( drishti:*throws a broom at Rakshit who dodges it)


*looks at them and then turns and smiles awkwardly* ha anyways.

Did y'all find something suspicious?? *winks* I'm sure the upcoming chapters are going to get y'all back here to see how the hell did y'all miss the hints.

*smirks* till then love me some red velvet and chocolates.

Signing off


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