《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:5



Where's it, ahh where's it… why hasn't it come yet? I can't live without it, oh god, where's it??

My hands were vibrating like a pendulum on a clock predicting the time but in my case I was predicting my life.

Bruh, that's too much acting for a day. I'll continue my acting some other day.

My eyes lit up in excitement making me quickly run to open the door.

The moment I opened the door my eyes fell on the white powder in the man's hand.

What? I ain't taking any drugs. I was talking about the sugar that would go in my tea.

Bruh, y'all have a funny imagination.

And like duh I don't even need drugs to be high, I'm normally high. I know that.

See I'm self aware.

After thanking the service boy I delicately stirred my tea enjoying every bit of it.

It was like the sun to my sunshine, moon to my night sky, water to my plants and L' Oreal to my problems (five problems one solution).

In short, it was my better half, I say hell to the thought to marry a boy I want to marry my chai.

Aww, poor Rakshit.

Excuse me? What is my conscience saying?

Ignore it, it's useless.

Feeling the serenity around me I sipped my chai which took me the flashback of the past days.

Guns, hot next door neighbour, chai and coffee and an unexpected adventure.

Who knew that my life would change over a beverage? But that's the irony of life, to do unexpected things at an unanticipated time.

I quaffed my tea down while simultaneously pacing around our room which was as big as a garden.

At this point, I didn't know what was legit happening.

It was just like:

I was nearly killed by a gunshot, I have to live with my newly found hot neighbour roommate, my parents are oblivious about the fact that their lazy daughter is literally doing a hard job of saving herself.


But overall what I'm doing is:

Sitting back and enjoying tea.

Yay me, yay my chill and yay my short term life.

God, help me.

Sighing at my now empty cup I was heading towards our inbuilt room kitchen when suddenly I heard Rakshit talking to someone.

Sure, I may be lazy (I surely am), I may be a procrastinator (which again, I surely am) but I wasn't someone who would invade someone's privacy because I knew how that damn thing felt like.

But, what really made me curious was that I heard him take my name.

And let's be real. Literally anyone will stop in their tracks if they hear someone speaking something about them and our current situation wasn't helping either.

Shifting closer to the door I kept my gaze straight towards Rakshit's back, which was facing me.

Ooff, imagine him shirtless like that. Ah ha, that'll be a sight to see.

This time I couldn't agree with my conscience more, I mean facts right? He was umm hot.

"Yeah, it's Drishti." Rakshit said to the person on the other side of the call.

"She's stubborn for her own good, that girl isn't going to leave me and that's the problem." What? Me? Stubborn? Says who? The person who was glaring at everyone in the morning because he got cold coffee instead of hot coffee, ha and I'm stubborn, like wow!

His further lines made me narrow my eyes, "I'm trying my best to send her away but she isn't budging from her decision… Yes, I know it's dangerous but that girl is something entirely from another planet I swear."

Wait, did he indirectly call me an alien? Damn him, damn his hotness, d-

Wait what, hotness?

I'm losing my mind, oh god!!!! How the hell did his hotness come in the middle of my list of damning?


Huh, damn my mind too.

"And she likes chai, I mean what the real real hell?"

Okay, now it's final. I'm going to kill this stupid son of a jerk. No one dares to insult my damn chai like that.

Wait- now why did I damn my chai?

Oh god!!!!

Stupid, stupid jerk. And oh wait, shameless too. He's talking about me in front of me though he doesn't know that I'm behind him but still that's bad.

Buh, bad jerk.

"Huh, if only she gets my point. I know that's dangerous but she isn't ready to back out. I'm doing my best to send her home and to keep her safe but no. This girl isn't normal, she breaths thrill like we breath air."

What? The last time I checked I was breathing air like normal people, okay I know I'm weird and that's my virgo trait but I'm not so weird that I breathe thriller

Like dude how do you breath that?

I swear now I want the thing that he's high on. Does one become high on coffee or something? Because that's the only thing I've seen him drink. I'm sure something's wrong with it. Remind me next time to check the contents of the coffee that he consumes.

"That's what!!! That is going to be dangerous because-" Before I could hear further, a loud knock on the door startled me making my mug scratch against the wall which in fraction made a sharp noise gaining Rakshit's attention too.

I mentally cursed the person on the other side of the door and quickly tiptoed out of that space and raced towards the door in such a way that he wouldn't doubt that I was, um sort of eavesdropping his conversation.

But I had a reason. And that's because he was talking about me.

I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me and I obviously knew to whom they belonged to.

Rakshit came out with his mobile in one hand and coffee mug in another.

I prefer calling them expensive drugs in his case. Thank you.

"Who is it melon?"

Yaa, yaa, pretend like you weren't talking about me a few seconds back to someone and not to forget the fact that you insulted my chai too.

And lemme pretend that I was a good girl who didn't eavesdrop on your conversation.

"Who do you think I am? Chiti the robot who'll scan who's there on the other side of the door without actually opening the door. Huh dumbass." He gave me a, 'and-ladies-and-gentlemen-that-is-typical-melon-for-you-look' which I gladly returned to him in the form of my infamous glare.

The moment I opened the door, we were taken by surprise to find no one at the door.

I immediately closed the door and looked at Rakshit wide eyed but that human was as calm as a cucumber.

Hell no, at this point I'm sure that the cucumber is jealous of his calming skills.

"Chill melon, might be a kid pulling a prank. No need to panic." Saying so he gave me a soft smile and headed towards our room while I was left behind gazing at the door.

Kid at eleven forty five PM at night? Yaa, right.

Now this shit is getting interesting.


"Rakshit, get your things ready. We are leaving. Right now!"


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