《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:4



"Yes mom, I'm fine. Yaa, I just won't be able to go to college for some days, if ma'am calls you tell her that I'm at aunt's house...okay? Hmm, yaa, I'll take care, okay bye you too take care, hmm." I looked at my phone which a few seconds back had my parents voice echoing through it but now it was flashing my wallpaper which had a picture of me grinning widely hugging my parents.

"Melon, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Do they have an option for your head on a platter? Then I want that. Thank you." I smiled at him extra sweetly getting one in return from him.

"Oh sorry, the menu in the hotel wasn't designed for wendigos like you, it was designed for normal people like me, so just act like a human and order something worth eating." He hung the towel on the hanger and picked up the room service phone and started dialling a number.

Act like a human? What the hell did he mean!?

I stormed towards Rakshit with my finger stretched out pointing towards him.

"Stop testing my patience, okay? What do you mean by 'act' like a human, I'm human, why should I have to act then?"

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed, thanks for telling." Sipping his coffee he looked at me with an amused expression.

"Tell me one thing, did you tell your parents about our adventuring past?" Now this earned him a glare, his words were literally going in another direction.

"Stop twisting the sentences like that okay, and No, I just told her that I'm at my aunt's house because of an emergency and because my mom literally despises that aunt of mine I know that she'll not call her, so..." I trailed picking up my phone and putting it for charging, thanks to the hotel for that.

"But what if something happens to you, then? What if you get hurt then what will you say to them or what will I tell them? Like come on melon." This time his tone scared me a bit, he sounded serious, which he never was from the time I met him.


You mean yesterday night. Stop exaggerating and say yesterday.

My conscience found the need to open its mouth and remind me that I was exaggerating, but then whatever he was like damn serious right now.

"But Rakshit if I'll tell them, then I wouldn't be here I would be at home which is dangerous either way so why not here?"

Rakshit got up from the bed and started walking towards me with an unknown emotion dwelling in his eyes. The moment he was at a two step distance away from me I could see him taking in a deep breath to calm himself before speaking.

He knows that he has to be patient to talk to you, I like this boy he has brains.

"See melon, you are pushing yourself more into trouble and increasing the risk of hurting yourself. Just listen to me and tell your parents, sure that they'll worry but they'll find a way to keep you safe." He finished his rant which I completely ignored and just focused on the last lines.

"Yaa, and let them take me and leave you alone here, huh no." I deadpanned, giving him a challenging look to which he reciprocated equally.

"You are going to do that."

"I won't, try me."

Now, I was pinned to the poor wall or well not actually poor, the walls of this damn hotel were looking rich as hell.

Wait, is hell rich? Never mind when I go I'll find out.

Rakshit looked, ha, my bad. Glared me. Our distance was as much as two opposite magnets kept together. Very very close. I could feel his breath on my face and I'm sure he could feel mine too, because damn, I was hyperventilating right now and my dear heart was on the track of giving me a heart failure.

He leaned more closer to me and I leaned more towards the dear rich wall.

My conscience wasn't helping either because it was singing, 'Kiss me, kiss me, kiss or touch me touch me touch me.' Blast my conscience.

"I can make you do it, I swear I won't back out and the best part is, I have my ways." His voice was like an ice cube soothing at certain circumstances and dangerous in other circumstances. My breath hitched and I worried about passing out due to some reasons.


Don't forget to pray for me, I need it, not only for my soul but for my mind that's in the gutter, no cap there.

Mustering the courage I had in me (without stuttering) I spoke, " You know you are cute, like you still have some cute delusions." I patted his cheeks and grinned at him. He growled and stepped back, running a hand through his hair as he spoke. "In my entire life I haven't come across a girl as stubborn and persistent and courageous as you." The last word came out as a whisper but it was enough for me to hear.

My grin at this moment had reached up to my eyes. "Don't worry, now you have met me, I'm an exception."

"Indeed." Rakshit said, shaking his head in a duh tone, which earned him a punch from me which I'm sure didn't even hurt him a bit because he chuckled.


"Rakshit!" If killing someone with eyes was possible then I'm sure I would be behind the bars right now.

"Yes, meh-lh-an" Rakshit said, still munching on his breakfast which consisted of: two chicken club sandwiches, cold coffee, eggs and chicken salami. He looked up at me with an innocent look. I swear to God, the audacity of this man is going to be the death of him some day.

He looks cute, you ain't going to kill him. Damn this man and his looks.

"Don't yes melon me, why does my plate consists of a drawing of a head." I looked at my plate and the picture of Rakshit's head stuck on it and then at Rakshit who was gulping down his breakfast joyfully more like teasing me I can say, damn this tease.

"Oh that?" Gulping down the last bit of his sandwich he looked at me. "I just obeyed your orders, remember what you told me when I asked you what you'll like to have? You said, 'Do they have an option for your head on a platter? Then I want that.' So because I'm a good human I didn't want you to die of hunger because as I've informed you, this hotel isn't run by wendigos, sad for you. So I stuck my passport size photo on the plate and gave you, see now you have my head on the platter, enjoy." With that, the jerk in front of me smirked, shrugged and continued eating.

Ain't he smart, haha.

It took me my full willpower to not go and strangle him to death. "You! " I was aware of the fact that my teeth were gritting against each other in anger.

"Yes, me."

"You are impossible."

"Tch tch melon, don't you know that nothing is impossible even the word impossible says I'm possible, if you don't know this then I have to check your school, cause that quote was sort of stuck everywhere in every education building, from toilet to classrooms. I'll say, your school authorities got no chill."

That was true but now we are moving forward from the topic.

"Don't change the topic."

"I'm not interested in changing the topic, let the topic change its own clothes, huh senseless topic. His parents have to teach him manners, tch mannerless."


"Yes, melon."

"Shut up."

"Tell that to your growling stomach, ha." He replied trying to hide his smirk behind his coffee mug.


He took the sandwich and unwrapped it while I looked at it longingly.

Rakshit caught me staring at it and handed it towards me.

"You want?" Finding no point in saying no, I nodded in yes but that jerk blew a chef's kiss towards me and was supposed to gobble that up too but stopped and passed it to me, I swiftly caught it and looked at him.

"What? I'm not mean and bruh I ain't your fellow wendigo so I brought extra sandwich, thank me later, love."

I smiled at the sandwich and ignored him as I continued eating. His chuckle filled my mind but his previous word was creating a full havoc in there.



hee I updated. *dodges the bullets and slippers* opps sorry for updating late, I was busy *widens my eyes due to the glares I'm receiving* ok, I accept it, I was lazy.

Hehe about that.

Till then do love me some red velvet and chocolates

Signing off


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