《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:2



We were immediately on our feet trying to summon what actually happened. The interruption was actually making me want to kill the person who decided to interrupted us.

He was freaking going to answer couldn't whatever happened, happen a bit later?

I mentally cursed the person who interrupted us when Rakshit's voice brought me back to reality.

"Hmm. Might be cats or something." His face had an unsure expression as he stared the road down and then the flat opposite to us. Before I could figure out where his orbs were lingering he plopped back into his seat distracting me as well.

Distracting my foot, ask him about he answer.

But why am I so bothered. It's his life.

And it's your mind that's curious or....

My conscience screamed from inside while I couldn't agree more.

"So? It was your turn right?" I asked him trying to keep the persistence out of my tone. He looked at me with a blank expression but then his eyes widened as he realised.

"Tch no." Rakshit said, taking another sip of his coffee, preparing himself to ask me a question. While me on the other side left a breath that I never knew I was holding and before my mouth could co-operate with me it just blurted things out. "What? I mean no one would believe that you are single you know like you are handsome and all."

Shut your fudging mouth!!! You dumbo!!

I will be kidding if I say that I couldn't imagine my conscience self hitting her head on the wall. But what could I do? I spoke the truth right?

Yaa and that too a jerk. Go on, go on.

I looked up at the chap, who was as imagined, smirking after hearing me.

You didn't imagine him smirking because if you had then you wouldn't have spilled the tea, your dear chai.

Well, um about that. Ha yaa, right though.

I closed and opened my eyes in annoyance but that idiot was finding this amusing too, because he was chuckling.

"Well melon, thanks for the compliment, at last you stated facts. You know I'm handsome." He said wiggling his eyebrows with a sly smirk plastered on his lips.

This boy is giving me full,

'I'm sexy and I know it' vibes.

This time I thanked the heavens that I didn't say this out loud, because if I had then I would dig my own grave and jump in it and die there with embarrassment.

He continued after his dramatic pause, "but yaa, girls keep running behind me but I like to sit outside at the ghostly hours and play a game with a certain black haired girl who I suppose is an alien who likes drinking tea and complete her work sitting outside or well, to crack a deal with a certain hot neighbour next door to follow her work so that she can laze around." I scowled at him.

Wasn't he the one who cracked the deal when I was peacefully doing my work?

My attention shifted to him after hearing him laugh softly.

"Aren't you cute melon." He said smiling at me.

"And aren't you a narcissistic Jerk?" I raised my eyebrows at him playfully but his attention flicked somewhere down. And before I knew it he stood up diverting his attention to me.


His eyes held an emotion I couldn't figure as he walked closer to the railing, stretching his arms that held the coffee mug out in front of me now.

He looked at me. And I looked at him.

Not romantically but completely blank I must add.

What's this dude exactly trying to do?

"Come on melon, leave your comfort zone and help me out just catch this mug first." He ordered handing the mug to me, I took it and kept it besides my chai and then continued staring at him wide eyed.

No, not with those intentions but due to shock.

Now the fun fact is, that our balconies are at a shoulder distance but we live on the thirty third floor and jumping from there isn't exactly something that I would consider best.

Unless you like to visit hospital or to pay a visit to heaven or hell in your free time you know, just like Rakshit feels like doing now, 'Something Creative you know'.

Jumping from there to here.

"What the real hell! Rakshit! No!" I whisper yelled, but now it was too late. That fat ass landed right on top of me while I made it possible to land us both on my favourite cushioned pillow chair.

Sue my bloody luck! And well his ass wasn't fat.

I murmured some profanities under my breath, he was too heavy for his own good and I was like a mosquito pressed under him.

I opened my eyes seeing right through his. Our face were too close, so close that I could feel his breath fanning my skin. The rhythm of my heart was too abnormal now.

I wonder why.

If either one of us moved right now, we would end up kissing. And well, he was leaning now but besides me and our position right now would look like as if he's the only person present over here, because my body was entirely pressed under him. I mean it when I say entirely pressed.

"Melon, listen to me carefully. On the count of three we have to dive inside your house okay." Rakshit whispered in my ear, taking me by shock. I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off.

"Don't ask questions okay, I'll tell you why just jump for now. One... Two... And Three." With the last count, both of us were crashing into the soft comfort of my very soft floors.

There's no sarcasm there okay, no sarcasm in sarcasm.

The moment we reached inside Rakshit closed the door with a bang locking it simultaneously.

When suddenly the moment he closed the door we heard a loud noise.

A bullet... Someone fired a bullet.

My eyes shot up with horror and so did Rakshit's.

"Melon, run!" With that he caught hold of my hand and in a jiffy we were running out of my house with my free hand now clutching the key of my car and the other hand clutching his hand.

I was glad that there was no one at home today or God knows what could have happened.

I immediately pulled Rakshit into my car and sat in the driver's seat. With my heart still at its marathon speed and my mind at its normal state.


Normal mind is equal to a very insane mind.

The wind blew into my car through the open windows just like escalated thoughts knocked into my head.

"Rakshit, what is happening?" I tried to look at him and manage looking at the road at the same time too, his head whipped towards me as he spoke.

"Remember the loud crash we had heard? It wasn't a cat or anything it was a gun shot that was either directed towards me or towards you. And the reason that I jumped towards you was because I had seen the red laser on your wall. Let's just say that we both are in trouble." Rakshit's voice held a mysterious tinge that made me think that he knew something.

I wasn't scared right now. Because something inside made me feel brave.

I could feel Rakshit's intense gaze from the side, raising the urge from my side to ask him if he needs to tell me something.

But I kept quiet, because if he really wanted to tell me he would have told.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked him, still moving the staring according to the road I know.

"Melon just drive to a place which is always full of life, quick!" His voice had urgency matching the situation completely but his face had stoic expression, something that I hadn't seen before.

But over all how much time did we spend with each other, 4 hours or so.

I nodded without asking another question because I knew why he said so, in a place full of life that person won't be able to harm us.

"Rakshit are we going to go back home?" I asked him worried about my best friends incomplete homework.

Right now will it be funny if I say that I'm more scared of my best friend killing me tomorrow then death that's knocking at my door right now?

"Well, I guess no melon. We can't go there soon." My eyes widened and I looked at him with my mouth slightly open.

"But my friends incomplete book-?" I asked him worriedly but he looked at me weirdly and then burst out laughing..

"You know what melon, even in this situation you don't fail to amuse me. I must say you have a chance in stand up comedy." Wait what!?

Yaa, say that after you meet my friend.

"Yaa right? And you have a chance in being featured in science of stupid." This time it was he who glared me and it was me who smirked.

Ha! In your face jerk.

"Melon I-" He stopped his sentence and completely changed it after seeing something in the rear view mirror. "Shit! Melon drive faster one car is following us. Fast melon fast!" And boom we were flying on road, yes literally!

My Mercedes Benz was literally flying on the road right now.


Few minutes later oops lots of hours later in short next morning well oops again, let me frame it properly.

Next sleepless morning and non stop bickerings later...

We finally reached a place 'full of life even when you are going to die' as said by Rakshit.

Right now, we were looking at the place spell bounded because describing it wasn't something one would be able to do.

Even during the dawn the place was sparkling like Edward Cullen. With the spectator worth view on display and people roaming around like busy bees setting their business as fast as possible for the sale that has to go on.

The word 'sale' made me widen my eyes and my head quickly whipped towards Rakshit.

"Rakshit, I don't have money I hope you have." And now his expression was giving me more tension.

Wow, that rhymed. See Shakespeare I'm a lady Shakespeare muhahahaha.

Okay that was lame.

"Melon, you are joking right." He asked me with a worried smile while I nodded in no making that smile fall from his face.

"So how many plates will you be able to clean?" Wait what!

My eyes widened at this. Great just great! First I had to sacrifice my sleep, next I knew that a killer is after me, third I had to spend a full ride with this idiot and I still have to stay with him and fourth and as you say, last but not the least.

Yes it should have been the first.

I have to wash utensils in a hotel because we don't have money.

My life is so beautiful.

Before I could voice my thoughts out a roll of laughter rang in my ears, making me think if even Rakshit has lost his mind.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Rakshit pointed towards me and started laughing more loudly clutching his stomach now.

People, I don't know him he's insane I'm perfectly sane, well okay not perfectly though. But yaa, I'm more saner them him.

"Oh god melon your expression was hilarious, I- oh god." He burst out laughing once again while I gritted my teeth understanding what he meant.

Oh this little son of a vixen, I tell you!

I pinched his arms not waiting to hear anything more from him.

"You-you!! Ughh you dumbass, I hate you." I huffed angrily giving him a glare simultaneously.

"Well, no you don't. Not after I have the money and right now you depend on me." I bit my lips seeing him smirk, facts though but no, I don't want to depend on anyone.

"No, I am not depending on you. Huh specially not you." I deadpanned, and flipping my hair back I went towards an unfamiliar direction like an awesome exit but that dumbass didn't move from there, instead from the corner of my eyes I could see him smirking, with his hands in his pocket.

"Okay, tata bye bye. But then don't come near me if you see that shooter or if you are hungry and when you want to sleep."

Okay well, I guess my movie type exit can wait...

Two minutes later... I was back near him grinning like a kid in a candy shop.


"Haha, come now. Let's go find a place and think what we have to do."


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