《Over Chai And Coffee ✔》Chapter:1


Happy Birthday Chocolate_freak_ and _meethi_ well aha my two of the most favourite people!!

And thanks to dazzling_nightingale My ms pa for the wonderful banner up here.



The stars above the sky and the twinkling constellations in the sky made the fury inside me twitch with light. It wasn't always that you could see the bright starry night sky in the polluted city of Mumbai but during some rare moments like today, when we could see it, it was worth all the time that the skies were covered with clouds of smoke.

Now don't get me wrong, even I hate pollution and all but I was just complimenting the view right now.

I took in a sharp breath and smiled at the scenic beauty surrounding me as the swiftness of my tea filled my nostrils with its mesmerising aroma which made it impossible for anyone to decline the offer of swigging it all down at once.

The veins in my hand popped out (not really) as I twisted my wrist giving my restless fingers some exercise which they surely needed after the continuous penning down countless numbers of pages.

Let's just say that helping your best friend complete her entirely incomplete book isn't the best of a decision.

But then again, I can't even complain because my best friend herself isn't the best decision and that's why she's my best friend.

Insane us!

I chuckled at my thoughts and took a sip of the heavenly goodness that was the only thing that could keep me up right now. I stood up from my chair and leaned on the railing of my balcony, taking the chance of leaning more on the railing, after all it's the only time I can do this without giving my parents a heart attack as opposite as they are quite similar. Something that you would call a match made in heaven, just like the typical wattpad novels.

My dad was that smirking playboy jerk from cliche wattpad stories and my mom was that new next-door neighbour who didn't know his full existence or about his crush on her until she crossed path with him and his best friend who immediately shipped them both and become friend with mom and then a cocky comment was thrown towards mom's way by a totally whipped dad who had the jerk facade on.

But mom's relationship with uncle Raj is still the same; brother sister besties, most precisely when they gang up together against dad or when mom decides to give them both a piece of mind.

They're the bestest trio. Peridot!

I giggled softly staring at the crescent moon that was still working on the only work it had. Another sip of my tea went down my food pipe while suddenly an unknown sexy voice made me lose my balance, but I somehow made myself stable and glared into the direction of the voice.

"Woah sweetheart what's with this late night show?" If right now someone says that one can't drool over a human then well, jokes on that person because right now my eyes we're staring at a handsome piece of meat that I didn't know existed, like seriously! No kidding.

"You know right suicide isn't the best option for anyone and dying by jumping off from your balcony or drinking poison is just the worst." He said with the rim of his mug pressed between his lips as he gave me an amused look.

My body jerked back from the railing as I scowled at him giving my assumptions about him being good a second thought.


This handsome bear is too delusional for his own good.

"The horse in your brain is running too fast to win a delusional competition mister, and secondly no one's dying here or neither am I certain about you finding entertainment in watching me at this time. Like what is going on here, a circus?" I narrowed my eyes at him while he smirked.

"Sort of, yaa. But the view was telling me something else you know, that you are highly entertained by my presence melon but not that I mind anyways, you can continue." I looked at him wide eyed while he shrugged and made himself comfortable on the chair.

Cocky much, are we now.

I rolled my eyes but was mentally gushing over his bare body.

Oh god Drishti, control yourself.

But then his previous sentence struck me and I looked at my tea and then at him.

"For your kind information chai isn't a poison but what you are gulping down happily, is." I said, now taking the pen in my hand ignoring the hot new unknown person next door.

I heard a snort which I didn't pay any heed to.

"So mind introducing yourself?" He asked.

"Oh yes. I certainly have a problem introducing myself to a stranger in the middle of the night and to top it all, that person certainly insulted my chai too, so. No thanks." I deadpanned while he laughed.

Wait a minute, his laughter is pure bliss. My hidden fangirl squealed while I shut it off.

"Feisty haan, I like it." He said, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Rakshit, I'm Rakshit Shergill and to what I guess I'm your new next door neighbour."

Well then my fantasies need a break so do I, from Wattpad because that hot boy next-door genre is currently rolling in my mind.

God, help me.

I kept mum and just stared at the twenty something more pages remaining before turning to face him.

"Why don't we play a game? Just like twenty one questions, but because I beg to differ there are going to be some changes. Our version of the game is going to be called 'Over Chai and Coffee'.

So here we both can ask each other as many and any questions related to almost anything but here there is a twist, after every question that we ask we have to take a sip of our beverage and the game is going to last only over chai and coffee. That means it's going to stop when we finish our drinks." He trailed while I eyed him and then my books, well not really my books but Trisha's.

But what age does he think we are, four?

"Why do you think I'll play?" I voiced my thoughts out looking at him seeing my books thoughtfully.

"And why am I sure that you'll play if I say I'll help you to complete your work." Rakshit smirked having full trust in his deal and well, it worked. I sighed and nodded, noticing the smirk on his lips that just stretched more wider.

"But I need my books completed tomorrow so you have to complete them by today morning." I ordered him as he passed me a salute.

"Hmm so let's start, well first it's my turn; so what's your name?" Of course he asked this question, after all a little persistent jerk that he was.

I gave him an 'are-you-serious' look while he shrugged still smirking as the rim of his coffee mug touched his lips and his adams bobbled up and down as he sipped it.


"Drishti Sharma." I said, rolling my eyes simultaneously.

"Nice name you know, it suits you and all, but I prefer melon you know." I wanted to smile but I couldn't. If there was a combination of being surprised and annoyed, then right now I was living that emotion.

Rakshit winked from the other side making me narrow my eyes at him.

"You know right, that I'm a human and not a fruit to be called a melon."

"You think I care melon? You know, it's cute that you still have delusions at this age." He snorted making me glare him. Delusion my foot, this is my name we are talking about not his, so of course I'll care about it.

I guess he sensed my anger because he kept giving me an amusing look.

Now, what the hell can he find amusing in this situation? That I'm pissed at him? Wow, what a jerk.

"Okay wait, so what do you prefer, angel? Sweetheart? Or wait, darling?" Rakshit said smugly.

I swear to God, I'm going to kill this man if I get a chance. I mean how many minutes have passed that I've met him, hardly 30-40 minutes approximately? But right now here he is, getting on my nerves.

"I now clearly know what I'll call you; Jerk and well I prefer you calling me Drishti. Thank you. Now next, which college are you going to join?" His lips twitched in a smirk, making me give my question a second thought.

Did I say something wrong or did I frame the sentence wrong? Wait lemme say that in my mind.

'Which college are you going to join?' Hmm I've framed it right so there's nothing wrong with me framing my sentence.

"You really don't know? Well, never mind," he paused and then started again, "well melon, though we are of the same age but let me break it to you, I finished my college this year and now I'm preparing myself for further studies." My mouth slightly dropped, well scratch that. I was so sure that the way it was open, it would be a miracle if it hadn't touched the ground yet.

Who is he? Damn it. He even put my class topper to shame.

It took me few minutes to grasp the new information that I had just got about the 'hot-nextdoor-jerky-neighbour'.

He wasn't dumb and all like what I had thought.

But the moment of grasping information was quickly demolished hearing Rakshit' snort from the other side.

"Assumed that I'm a failure, hmm melon." He paused, but his eyes ran their way into mine, those hazel brown eyes that he had conveyed a mysterious message through them. A mystery no one could ever find.

His head whipped up towards the sky and then turned back towards me.

"You know melon, most of the problems start with And one answer to stop all the problems would be to stop assuming. Because, assumption is that one type of drug that will pull you down into the earth with the pond of failure drowning you more deeper within.

And every coin has two sides melon, and labelling the first one you see as right and stating the other side wrong because you still haven't seen it, is more dangerous then anything. And once again assumption will be that one view that'll nevertheless prove you wrong." The moment he finished, the pang of guilt built up in my chest struck me like lightening. He was right, I assumed things pretty quickly and that's how most of the time I fell in trouble.

I gulped, wetting my throat that was as dry as sand paper right now. "I'm sorry, I- I shouldn't have judged you like that, I-" He cut me off with nodding in no, with a sly smile adapting on his lips.

"It's okay melon, accepting your mistake and trying to not attempt it again is what that matters. Anyways, my turn now." He clapped his hands together returning back to his smirking mode.

And I sort of liked the normalcy over here after the few minutes back convo.

"My turn. So got a love life?" I scoffed at this. Yaa, of course love life, right. Which only works when I read a wattpad novel because let's face it, real life relationship suck (not all actually, but yaa.) And secondly I won't ever have a love life like wattpad couples you know, the bad boy good girl then the next door neighbours cliché shit and all and also the only relationship that I've kept stable is with me, my bed, blanket-pillow and food.

Well and overall, I certainly am not a good girl (wattpad spoilt me! Yeah.) Though for the second statement I guess, I've certainly got a hot smarty pants next door neighbour.

"Ya, I had one but then I broke up with him because that son of a bitch was a sexist." I shrugged while he locked his lips.

Woah! Yummy yummy...can I taste that, please.

I tore my attention away from him with the fear that I might just blurt out the sexual innuendos and stuff going on in my head.

The real definition of 'mind is in the gutter' was inspired after peeping into my mind. Geez.

"Suits him right, if he still has the same thoughts and if I ever meet him then well it won't be a mistake if my knuckles collide with his jaw. In the generation where girls and boys are equal, ah wait! Where girls have touched more higher heights than boys there are these some people like him who are still dumb asses, just shame on that type of mind set that they carry. And I will not even feel bad if I bash someone like him." Rakshit said, with truthfulness seeping through each word that he had uttered which immediately made me smile.

"That won't be needed because if by chance he ever comes in front of me I myself will make sure that he lands in the hospital." I tightened my grip on my tea cup remembering some stupid idiotic moments of our very short term relationship.

Just pray to God Rahul that you never ever come in front of me or him, like never.

I brushed the negative thoughts aside and focused on the hotspot of attractive thoughts sitting opposite to me.

Damn Drishti, control yourself.

But his chest. Ayee hayee!

Oh god, no. Bad, bad Drishti!

"So, what about your relationship status, hmm?" I asked him leaning back more into my cushioned sofa chair, staring at the stars that glistened as brightly as they can conveying the hidden message of motivation saying; however dark the night maybe but the good in the bad is what we have to notice to make our life beautiful even in the worst moments.

But however, right now my philosophical thoughts too weren't helping me with the acting of pretending that I didn't care about his relationship status.

Well, damn freaking hell. I'm literally hoping for the answer to be a big ass 'No'. Even though being oblivious to the fact as to why I feel this.

Might be my girl hormones are are too electrified after seeing a hot piece of meat sitting in front of me and not to forget, he wasn't wearing a freaking shirt and to add a cherry on top I just met him like hours back.

Okay, for now I blame my hormones. Next time I'll find a new thing to blame, ha!

Rakshit opened his mouth to answer while my heart caught it's pace giving me the feeling of when I was a kid waiting for my teacher to give me my test paper.

But then suddenly a loud crash made me jump up in my place.

Making us both look at each other wide eyed.

Well, what the real freaking hell!!!!


Woah! What do you think might have happened?

Hehe whatever it is y'all are surely going to enjoy it.

And do comment the line that y'all liked the most in this chapter.

And till the next update love me some red velvet and chocolates.

Signing off




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