《Alone Until You: Parents: Laurenzside x Smajor1995》Calm Once Again


{Lauren's POV}

A few more days passed and everyone else went home. "So Scott what do you want to do now?" I turned to him. "I mean I don't really know... Maybe record an explanation video explaining the break?" He asked. "Sounds like great idea! I'l get right on that!" I said rushing to my recording room.

After about four hours of trying to get everything perfect, I finally had the video recorded, now I just had to edit it. "Great... Now to use another four hours to edit it..." I said to myself. "Lauren! Lunch's ready!" I heard Scott call out. "Coming!" I called out, "Great an excuse to NOT do the editing!" I cheerily thought to myself almost skipping out to the dining room. "So how's your day been so far?" I asked him. "Great! I took the twins to the park because I decided to give you time to record your video and they loved it! I think they're gonna be big fans of the outdoors when they get older..." Scott told me.

"That's great! That means they won't be introvert YouTubers like their parents. Granted it did work out for us, but I want them to have real technical jobs and places in society..." I said. "Yeah I do too." Scott told me. "Though of course we'll still show them the nerd's side of things!" I said to him. "Heh yeah! You know it!" Scott said. I smiled at him and sat down at the table. "So what'd you make?" I asked him. "Just the classic Mac'n'Cheese with an apple on the side." He told me. "Thanks!" I told him as we both started to eat.

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