《Alone Until You: Parents: Laurenzside x Smajor1995》A Day In The Life Of...


[Scott's POV]

"So Lauren what are you planning to do today?" I heard the voice of Shelby ask her. She was more than likely talking to her on a video call. "Not much really. Maybe get a few videos recorded for the next few days, go to the store to get things for the twins because we're almost out of some things already, and maybe go for a walk." She responded.

"Really? Babies sure do go through a lot!" I heard Shelby remark getting quieter as I walked away from Lauren's office. After about half an hour, Lauren came out of her office/recording room where I asked her, "So what do you want to do today?" "Well I have to go to the store to get more diapers and a few other things, then I was thinking we could go out to lunch?" Lauren asked me. "That sounds great, let me go get the twins ready so you can get ready." I told her starting for the stairs.

I put a red and white dress on Scarlet with a red bow headband, then I put Layton in jean shorts with a t-shirt that had a puppy on it. I put their shoes on and put them into their carriers. "Well you two, ready to go?" I asked rhetorically seeing as they were far too young to start speaking. I took them downstairs with the bag that Lauren and I took if we ever needed to take them out in public.

After spending a few hours at the mall and various other stores, we went to Subway for lunch. We took it to a park where we ate by a pond. Scarlet and Layton had fallen asleep and were perfectly fine for the time being. "Hey you're that Youtuber LaurenzSide right?" This girl, she looked about twelve, asked Lauren. "Yeah why?" Lauren nicely asked her. "You're like my idol!" She looked as if she had stars in her eyes. "Awe! That's so sweet! Thanks!" Lauren said. "Could you sign my shirt?" She asked referencing the LaurenzSide T-shirt she was wearing. "Of course!" Lauren signed the shirt and the girl happily skipped away.


About an hour later, we returned to the house where we stayed the rest of the day and watched the Star Wars Movies, at least the ones that were currently released. For the first time in forever it felt like we actually had gotten to relax. "Goodnight Scott..." Was the last thing I heard that day before peacefully drifting off to sleep.

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