《Alone Until You: Parents: Laurenzside x Smajor1995》Yammy's Crazy


[Scott's POV]

"Should we take her to a doctor?" I asked. "Yeah probably... But let's talk to Kyle about it first..." Lauren said laying Layton back in his cradle.

"Kyle I think we should take her to a doctor..." I told him motioning towards Yammy. "Yeah I've been thinking about doing that... She's been acting weird lately..." They look over and see Yammy 'Talking To The Narrator.'

"Hey Yammy?" Lauren called to her. "Yeah what's up?" She asked walking over to us. "Yammy, we're worried for your mental health..." Kyle said to her. "Why? It's perfectly fine..." She told him.

"Yammy, I've told you not to break the fourth wall... I warned you something like this would happen... That's why you won't be allowed to break the fourth wall... For now at least..." I told her. "No wait! I won't!" She started. "You will I know you will..." I said in a melancholy tone. "But... Fine... I don't want them to be worried about me..." Yammy finally agreed.

[Scott's POV]

"Yammy?" I asked. She had just fainted out of nowhere. "Yammy!" Lauren yelled dumping water onto her. Her eyes bolted open. "Ahhh!" Yammy yelled and fell off the couch. "Oops..." Lauren snickered. "Not funny..." Yammy said sweeping a piece of her pinkish-purple hair out of her face.

"I mean it was a BIT funny Yammy." Joey said from the chair he was sitting in in the dining room. "WAS NOT!" Yammy yelled to him. "Great now my clothes are all soaked..." She said standing up. "Yammy? You sure you're ok? Before you passed out you were ranting about there being some sort of narrator? And readers?" I asked her. "What?! I would never say anything like that! You guys have to be crazy?! I mean seriously?! Who would want to narrate or read our boring lives?!" Yammy exclaimed. "Maybe it was stress getting to her...?" Kyle asked. "Yeah maybe it was." Lauren shrugged it off.


"Anyway, I was thinking we could stay in tonight and watch the new Justice League movie. Anyone else up for it?" I asked. "Um of course!" Joey said. The others nodded in agreement.

"It's settled then! I'll order pizza. Scott set up the movie!" Lauren said standing up from kneeling next to the couch.

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