《Birds of a Feather》Hogh


After a few weeks, the harsh and brutal winter left to the arrival of summer. The whole gang decided to stay in New York for a while to get things fixed up, patching old relationships and friendships.

Meanwhile, Jacob thought of a brilliant party with Queenie, Theseus, Newt and Tina. He made cakes and cookies, pies and crackers, cupcakes and all the best desserts for an ideal picnic.

"Hey" Newt said, "Coming to the picnic?"

The Company had rented a bunch of rooms, since they couldn't stay in the Brownstone after they. . "moved away".

"Do you know where Dumbledore is?" Tina asked immediately.

"Why do you need Dumbledore?" Newt asked.

"It's for something important. I'll be there by eleven" Tina assured, "Now where is he?"

"He's at MACUSA. He left today to meet up with Picquery regarding the aftermath" Newt said, "Come on, why do you need to worry more?"

"I need to do something" Tina put on her coat, "I'll be back okay?"

"D'you want me to come?" Newt asked.

"Jacob and Queenie would kill us. At least go as our representative" Tina said.

"Representative. I can do that".

She chuckled and Apparated to Woolworth Building. She had to learn the answer to the question she had in mind.

". . and we shall see to it that it never happens again" Fontaine concluded the session when Tina burst into the meeting room.

"Miss Goldstein? Again?" Serephina sighed.

"Professor Dumbledore, can I talk to you? Like now?" Tina panted.

"Yes, sure" Albus was perplexed, but he sort of expected such behavior from Tina. He excused himself and went to the hallway to talk to her.

"Do you have a few minutes?" Tina asked.

"Why yes" Albus said, "What is it?"


"Do you have any idea about the Deathly Hallows? Especially the Resurrection Stone?" Tina asked.

"I'm sorry, Tina, but the Hallows are passed down to the family. We never know who has it now".

"But Grindelwald--"

"He had the Elder Wand and now it is in my possession" Albus said, "The Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility are missing and they're yet to be uncovered".

"I see" Tina wanted to cry, "That's bad".

"Why do you need it? Is it to resurrect Ms Lestrange?"

Tina nodded, embarrassed, "I was wondering if I could get her back for Theseus".

"I see".

"Please tell me there's another way" Tina begged.

"There are no spells which can resurrect the dead, Tina" Albus admitted, "Most of them are far too complex with very less successful attempts."

"I've heard about Necromancy" Tina remembered when she studied the different types of dark magic.

"And it's far too dangerous. You may disrupt the entire concept of afterlife and the whole pattern" Albus told her, sternly, "And don't ask me about Time Turners. They can be used, but will lead to a disaster in the present".

"I'm aware".

"I understand your plight, but Miss Goldstein, please promise me you would not immerse yourself in dark magic. It's dangerous and it can lead to dangerous things" Albus warned.

"I do" Tina muttered.

"Good. Care for some tea?"

"I'm actually headed off to a picnic".

"Very well. Don't let the essence of dark magic get to your head" Albus let her off with a warning.

Back on top of a hill, Tina saw the clouds and the warm feeling of summer envelope her into a hug.

"Let's eat!" Jacob cut out a portion of a cream filled cake and passed it to the gang, "This calls for a cake toast!"


"That sounds weird" Theseus, who hadn't said a word since they got back to normal, finally let out a comment.

Tina watched him as he slowly ate his portion, gazing at the sky. She wondered how different it would be if Leta were here.

"That looks like a Niffler" Leta pointed at a cloud.

"My brother has been influencing you, Leta" Theseus chuckled.

"Hey, you know what? Let's move to the clouds. Set up a house there and live there forever" Leta lied on the grass.

"Now you're really drunk" Theseus lied next to her, "I love summer".

"We can make toasted marshmallows and go on camping. It's what I learnt from Tina and Queenie"

"Wow, now the sisters too? Who are you and what have you done with my Leta?" Theseus joked.

"Hey" Tina found herself talking to the elder brother.

"Hi" Theseus said, "I believe I haven't gotten to know you well".

"Seriously?" Tina gave him a glare.

Theseus snorted, "Let's have an Auror to Auror talk".

"You still want to talk about your job?" Tina asked, shaking her head, "Don't you want to enjoy?"

"Yes, that sounds wonderful" But behind his smile lied a broken heart which could cry to fill a river.

Deep down Tina knew that even if it was dangerous, she was going to learn Necromancy even if she doesn't get optimal results.

"What are you thinking?" Theseus asked.

"Nothing" she answered and smiled at him, a knowing smile at the future to come.

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