《Birds of a Feather》Hoth


"How long?" Tina moaned.

"I have to check your vitals" the Healer said, "And then you're free to go".

"Yeah, sure".

Tina waited patiently as the Healer made sure everything was normal. Then she got up from her hospital bed, ready to leave this place for good.

"Thanks, um. . I never got your name" Tina smiled.

"I'm Karen"

"Thank you so much for everything Karen" Tina wished she could thank her forever, "You helped me get through some serious injuries. I owe you one".

"You know what? You just need to do a little favor for me" Karen said, "Invite me to your wedding, alright?"

"Wait, what?" Tina scoffed, "Newt and I aren't gonna get married!"

"Keep telling yourself that, honey" Karen shook her head, "Now do me a favor and get out of this place. You were a huge bother".

Karen pulled Tina into a hug. It was awkward for a Healer to hug her patient right before she leaves, but the poor doctor had to deal with boring and extremely sick people that she hadn't had the time to have fun with her patients.

"If you don't, I shall personally hunt you down" Karen mumbled.

"Hey, um. . Sure I will invite you of course, but. . only if I do get married" Tina grinned as she left the room.

"Cheers to a great victory!" Jacob celebrated as the four of them gathered in the Blind Pig that evening to celebrate.

"Is it okay for you, Teen?" Queenie asked, "Like, gettin' alcohol in your system right after you're discharged?"

"Relax Queenie, I'm not gonna drink" Tina assured her sister, "I'm just going to get some non alcoholic punch. Those fruit ones look good".

"What about you, Newt?" Jacob said.

"I'll go with a punch too" Newt told him, "I mean, not exactly a punch in the face punch, but a fruit punch".


"Yeah we get it"

Tina and Newt went to get their fruit punches from the bartender.

"Look at us. . from soldiers to fruit-punch-orderers. How much has changed?" Tina joked, taking her punch.

"Maybe a lot" Newt accepted his drink, "In just a few days".

"I probably missed a lot" Tina said.

"Nah, you just missed the sappy things. I don't think you'd want to have a bunch of people crying and hugging you" Newt chuckled, "Well, that happened."

"Oh Mercy Lewis" Tina rolled her eyes and raised her hand mockingly, "Someone hugged Newt Scamander? Looks like that's the last of him, then".

"Hey, I'm no turtle, but I do like accepting hugs from one particular person" Newt admitted.

"It's me" Tina said, smugly.

"It's actually Pickett" Newt laughed.

Tina gave him a look of intense dread and anger.

"Okay, it's you".

"Am I really supposed to be competing with your creatures for your undying love?" Tina rolled her eyes again, "You can do better, Newt".

"Well" Newt took a step forward, "You get a headstart in the competition".

And he leaned in and kissed her.

"Well, I win then, right?" Tina grinned.

"Nah, maybe?"

"Newt, you moron" Tina gave him a playful push.

Suddenly their moment was interrupted by a huge scream across the pub.

"AND. . . I TOLD HIM. . . TO GO AND. . . DIE IN A HOLE!" Queenie hiccuped. Jacob snorted.

"How many drinks did they have?" Tina questioned him.

"A couple, perhaps" a voice behind them, answered.

Professor Dumbledore stood with his arms tucked in his pockets. He ordered a drink and greeted Newt and Tina.

"I saw them. They are so wasted" Dumbledore said.

"I'll help them. They'd need plenty of water" Tina put her drink down and went to help her sister and Jacob.


Newt turned to Dumbledore.

"Hello Newt, um. . " Albus began.


"You've got something red on your . . lips" Albus pointed. Newt quickly rubbed the stain from his lips on the back of his sleeve.

"Is that. . Tina's lipsti. . ?" Albus began.

"No, its just the punch" Newt reasoned, "It's colored with food dye, I bet".

Albus paused and sighed, "I've made a lot of mistakes, Newt".

"I know. But you fixed them".

"Not without everyone's support".

"Let's not reminisce".

"I guess, I've been misled by Grindelwald" Albus said, "And I've been too defensive to admit it. I've done a lot of mistakes".

"We all did" Newt assured, "We all made mistakes. But we managed to fix them, right? That is important, after all, in the end".


"And just regretting your mistakes seem stupid. And we aren't stupid anymore" Newt said.

Albus nodded, Newt's advice sinking in.

"You're philosophical, Newt. You know that? You have great ideas. Someday you'll have everything you want and desire" Albus whispered.

"Is that a fact or a. . "

"A fact".

The teacher and his student exchanged a smile.

"You should go and help your friends. The two of them had an overdose on Firewhiskey" Albus insisted, "We'll talk more soon".

"Yeah, we will" Newt answered.

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