《Birds of a Feather》Herd


Dear Miss Barebone,

I'm very much sure that you have so many questions, which you have explained in a detailed manner in your letter.

For the first question, Illvermorny is a school dedicated to teaching magic for students who have the gifted talent for the art of magic. We have dedicated professors in our institution who would not only tell you the methods to magic, but will also help you make sure that you can control magic.

Secondly, we are aware of your current situation and it is of course, almost impossible to convince No-Majs about this. We request you to not reply to us via any No Maj mail, since our location is hidden.

Thirdly, if you are looking for a person to help you out with finding school books and supplies, we would be happy to inform our staff to arrange a meeting and talk about it with you.

Lastly, do not worry about this. Don't think about reality and how magic somehow corresponds to it. Because, we all have a bit of magic inside us. That's what makes us different.

Yet, we belong to the same herd. With different personalities.

Good luck on your future endeavors and have a bright day.

Eulalie Hicks

Modesty finished reading the letter. Just then, Miss Tibber barged inside.

"What is this, Modesty?" Miss Tibber barked, "You've been late to supper. You've been irresponsible and you haven't been doing your chores".

"Sorry, I've been caught up with something" Modesty began. Miss Tibber whisked the paper out of her hands.

"Who is this crackpot writing to you?" Miss Tibber growled.

"No one" Modesty lied, "I wrote it to myself. See, I'm working on a book".

"You're just nine years old"

"I'm eleven".

"Doesn't matter" Miss Tibber tore up the paper, "You need to be focusing on your life than working on some book! You should know that you've been through a lot and you're here for a clean slate. And if you want that, you need to obey everything I say".


"Yes Miss Tibber" Modesty said.

"Now put those papers away and help me make supper. Those vegetables aren't going to be able to dice them themselves" Miss Tibber said, "And what's that owl doing over there?"

She spotted the snowy owl, perched on the branch outside Modesty's window.

"It's my owl" Modesty snapped, "Her name is Snow White".

"You cannot have pets without my consent" Miss Tibber said.

"No, Miss" Modesty protested, "She just comes here everyday and I often feed her a few bits of food. She isn't mine, as in mine mine. She's an owl".

"Something's wrong with you, Modesty" Miss Tibber said, "Anyway, come along".

Modesty smiled to herself as she walked out of the room. Soon, in a few weeks, maybe, she'd get herself a new home.

"We've found it!" Dumbledore said, slapping down a stack of parchment on a wooden table.

"We did it!" Theseus exclaimed, "The only thing".

"To destroy the wretched blood pact" Dumbledore said, quite excited.

"What is it?" Tina asked.

"We need a rare object" Dumbledore said, "A basilisk fang. It's poison can penetrate into the blood pact, thereby killing it".

"But I thought you need to put an end to your relationship. . " Newt started.

"That works too, but it takes a longer time to get it done" Theseus said, "After three days of researching, we did it, Ally!"

"It's Albus" Dumbledore gritted his teeth, "We may be friends, Theseus, but I am still your former teacher".


"Where can we find a fang?" Tina asked.

"Fortunately, I've found a place that houses many rare potion ingredients and almost everything from A to Z" Theseus said, smugly, "It's Grindelwald's lair".

"No" Bridget said. She had been an observer for quite a while, until she spoke up.


"Yes. And it is the only place with a basilisk fang" Theseus said, "Close by, I mean. In Rio".

"Can't we get it somewhere else?" Jacob piped in, "I don't want to see Queenie's stupid face again".

"We can't. It is too late to import it from other Ministries and it would be considered illegal without a warrant" Theseus said, "If not, we must breed a basilisk which is suicide".

"Oh, no thanks" Newt exclaimed, "I've seen enough horrific things".

"That's why this is our opportunity. We must get to it before Grindelwald does" Theseus told them, "Come on, I've mapped out a plan".

The others followed Theseus to discuss about the plan. Albus clutched the blood pact and sighed deeply.

"Gellert" he whispered, for the very first time and followed Theseus.

It was hard to see him going against his childhood friend, one whom he had become utterly close with. But this has to be done. Or else, it would break him.

"Weird, huh" Tina said, "Finding a basilisk fang is like searching for a pin in a haystack".

"It's not too hard" Newt said, "It is easy".

"Don't tell me you've bred basilisks" Tina shook her head.

"Well, sort of. . kind of. . " Newt began,"I've researched them in safe environments".

Tina chuckled, "You've done everything, right?"

"I don't necessarily have everything" Newt rubbed the back of his neck.

"What would you wish for, if you had an opportunity to have everything?" Tina asked, curious about what the Magizoologist wanted the most in the world.

"Well, I won't" Newt answered, confident, "because I have you, right?".

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