《Birds of a Feather》Hwyl


"Tina, wait!" Newt finally caught up to her, panting and puffing his lungs out.

"Now what?" Tina asked, turning to him. Honestly she had given up being mad at him.

"I've been an idiot" Newt said, "I am so stupid not to trust you. I should've never taken down our trust".

"So?" Tina said, quizzically. She was almost amused.

"I was wondering if we'd get back to our normal lives?" Newt lowered his voice, "Before the fight, maybe?".

"You want us to be friends?" she asked.

"A bit more, actually" Newt answered, referring to the courtship, "I'm sorry for what happened".

"Newt, Newt, Newt" Tina sighed, "I'm not mad at you. Quite given up".

"You aren't?" Newt asked, aghast.

"I'm worried about us. If we establish a relationship now, then it would kill the other if one of us were to die in the war" Tina spoke her mind.

"Wait, what?" Newt said.

"That's right. You know this is going to be the final battle" Tina folded her arms, "And there will be casualties. We don't know if we will be able to survive a war".

"And. . ?"

"If we get into a relationship, it would make things difficult" Tina said, "And I don't want you to feel any guilt if I'm not there".

"But relationships are supposed to protect you and the other" Newt told.

"Newt, how can you be so naive and smart at the same time?" Tina sighed, "Give it a minute. You'll get it".

"So you're saying that. . oh" Newt's voice stiffened, "No, Tina. I can't lose you".

Tina chuckled, "You're going to find plenty of others, with better personalities than me".

"But there's only one of you" Newt said, "You're the only one who is understanding and compassionate".


"I bet there are plenty of fish in the sea" Tina said, "Everything is going to be fine, Newt. If I'm not there, you'll always have Jacob. You'll always have people around you".

"But you'll always be here. . " Newt pointed to his heart, ". . even if. . you're not there".

"That's. . nice" Tina stifled her tears. There was no way a brave Auror would cry, right? Tears threatened to spill and stain her cheeks.

"I don't care about the other people out there" Newt said, finally speaking out his mind, "I don't care about anyone, except you. It has always been you".

"What am I ever going to do with you, Newt?" Tina sniffed, "You. . you. ."

"And. . if you ever die in the battle, I would consider it to be my fault" Newt said, "Because. . because. . "

Neither of them knew what to say. Soon they enveloped each other into a comforting hug. Tina was crying freely now, her fingers tangled in Newt's hair. Newt patted her head affectionately.

"You've been through so much" Newt said, pain in his eyes and his tone, "You've been in turmoil and despair. Yet you manage to pull yourself together during the darkest of the times".

"You're. . " Tina's voice trailed off, inaudible.

"You truly have gone middlehead" Newt sighed.

Tina gave out a dry laugh, "The visionary" she said, "You are too, you know."

"I am no way a visionary" Newt said, "I let you go. I let a brave Auror who saved my life, just go just like that".

"I know you never meant it" Tina whispered.

"I'm sorry, Tina. From the bottom of my heart" Newt said, "I'm so sorry".

"I know" she said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine".

"I'll always be there for you, Tina" Newt promised. A promise he would keep up for all his life.


Modesty carried her response letter to the post office, a little shop located at the end. Almost forgotten about. It had a very old man managing the store.

"Um. . sir?" Modesty said, "I need to mail this".

The man received the letter and took a peek at the address.

"Illvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?" the man read, "I've never seen such balderdash! What are you talking about?"

"They wrote to me" Modesty answered.

"I'm sorry, but if it ain't a prank, I would accept it. Magic school" he scoffed, "Who on Earth teaches magic? You must be reading those stupid books".

"No, it's real" Modesty began, but she was shooed out. She clutched her letter and walked back to the orphanage.

Soon there came a little hoot.

Modesty looked up at a tree branch. There was a beautiful snowy owl perched on the tree. It motioned her for the letter.

"That's it! I'll use you!" Modesty declared happily, "You're the only link between me and the school".

The owl hooted as if it understood.

Modesty pulled out her rubber band that held her hair in place and ripped it off. She then tied the letter to the owl's foot and let it fly.

"I'll call you Snow White" Modesty smiled happily. For the first time, she had found a friend.

Modesty's letter contained important questions to the professor about it. She told her about the incident, almost everything about herself from start to the end.

It was a comprehensive charter, more like.

She quietly slipped back to her room, waiting for their response.

"Hey, Modesty" Jake, the most annoying boy in the whole planet prompted her, "What are you smirking about?"

"Things are finally going to change" Modesty said.

"Suit yourselves, you freak" Jake laughed, "Things are never going to change. We're stuck here until the end. So get used to soggy cereal and damp partially cooked chicken, because you're here forever".

Jake was a few years older than her and had lost his parents in a car accident. Ever since then, he had been exceptionally salty.

"I'm talking about. . " Modesty began.

"Come down for supper, Barebone" Jake said, "You ain't a fairy princess. Everyone gets the same".

Maybe one day, one day, she'd be able to go where she actually belongs. Maybe, just maybe, she can turn her life all around.

As always, there's motivation and hope waiting to be called in for support.

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