《Birds of a Feather》Hike


After a long week of planning out, they were ready for the mission. Nagini and Yusuf, quite traumatized after their own adventure in Grindelwald's lair, decided to be the "control team" and stay back with the Ministry.

Bridget was still passive aggressive with Tina and Newt and was relieved to hear that she would be working with the Aurors behind the scenes which means she gets to stay back.

Jacob decided to tag along too. After all, he wants to help his friends and deep down, knew that he could give Queenie a second chance.

After their little moment, Newt and Tina had completely avoided each other. They never brought up their relationship and discussed only about their plans and nothing else.

Maybe this mission was to bring them together.

As Tina packed for the long journey, Bridget entered her room.

"Good luck" she said.

"Good luck to you too" Tina said.

"You'll need it more than me" Bridget offered her a smile, "If you see Queenie, bring her back".

"That's the plan" Tina shrugged.

"And. . yes, uh. . right" Bridget shuffled across the room, her hands casually placed inside her pockets to hide her insecurity, "Sorry".

"For what?" Tina asked.

"Don't make this harder" Bridget told her, her voice cracking.

"Fine, I've forgiven you before this started. It's my fault for being so naive" Tina said.

"No, it's just that. . I get inspired from you two. . a hope to have a future with. . " Bridget began.

". . With?" Tina gave her a sisterly smirk.

"No one"

"Look, I've known you for a great amount of time, even if it seems like a month or so. . tell me" Tina folded her arms.

"Okay, I may like Harold, okay?" Bridget said.

"Harold, mmm. . "

"I mean, I know he's in Castelobruxo right now and managing the school single handedly and stuff. . and like, have you seen his Portuguese? It's flawless!"


Tina nodded, "Probably the best, huh?"

"The point is, I see you and Newt and I cling onto that inspiration for a hope that maybe Harold and I will have a future. . ?"

"Together, you mean" Tina grinned.

"Yes" Bridget hesitated before letting it out.

"It's fine, Bridget. You don't have to be all awkward" Tina said, "All you need to do is make sure you are fine and he is fine and make sure you two can get through this".

"D'you think he'll feel the same?" Bridget wondered.

"Indeed he would. He'd be stupid if he doesn't feel the same way" Tina said, "You're charming and smart and witty. You've got traits".

"Thanks Tina. This is something I'll never be able to share with anyone. Anyone except you" Bridget enveloped Tina into a hug.

"Hey, we're best friends" Tina said, "You can tell me anything".

They were swept into this wave of nostalgia that reminded them of innocent school days, making friendly promises, playing tag in the school grounds and sharing lunch. Gossiping and ranting about parents. A classic childhood memory, even though they were two different people from two different places.

"And oh. . before I forget, I have this" Bridget pulled away and pulled out a small piece of paper envelope from her pocket.

"Please do not tell me this is a sappy letter" Tina prayed.

"No, seriously, Tina? I don't do sappy" Bridget said, sharply, "This is from this man".

Tina hurriedly pulled out the letter and to her horror, couldn't believe her eyes.

Dearest Tina,

I have written to you multiple times, begging for your love and support but you never sent me a response. You were too busy to talk to me.

I know that there was this other man. This other guy who was involved as well. Who might've complimented you numerous times to count, enough to make you forget about me.


And as a good friend, maybe, if you consider us as friends, I would like to invite you for my wedding. Her name is Linda Thymes and she's probably the first person I've ever honestly been in love with.

It shall be held during the 22nd of November, close to the holidays. I know you're probably busy, but I would like if you came to New York because it would be happy to meet you again, as friends.

I know, with Grindelwald's growing influence, you'd not like to leave and stay and work, but it would be an honour if I were to hold a wedding with a marvelous bunch of people, including you.

Looking forward to your response.


"Damn you. . " Tina let loose a string of cuss words.

"Woah, hey now!" Bridget calmed her down.

"This guy had the audacity to invite me to his damn wedding after what he did to me?" Tina boiled with anger.

"Is it You-Know-Who?" Bridget tensed. She knew about Achilles because Tina had mentioned it a few times.

"Hell yes it is" Tina said, "Aren't you supposed to be knowing by now?"

"Yes, but I didn't want to read your mail. I put it in my pocket right after I got the owl" Bridget said, "I don't want to intrude".

"I'll kill him" Tina crushed his letter.

"Let's not go to the obvious solution. The question is, are you going to the wedding?" Bridget asked.

"I don't know. It's quite a distance from her and it would take two boat trips to cover" Tina said.

"Bring Newt with you" Bridget suggested, "Show him you're not broken by him".

"Look, it's a long journey and midst a potential war. . " Tina drawled on.

"Are you going or not?" Bridget asked, "This can be an excellent opportunity to meet your friends at work and talk about MACUSA's plans as well".

"Mmm" Tina considered it, "Okay, I'll go and talk to Newt about it".

Tina packed her bags up and threw Achilles's letter in it as well. She then walked to Newt's room and knocked on his door.

"Oh greetings, Tina" Newt opened the door, his face quite flustered.

"Can I talk to you?" Tina asked.

"Sure, why not?" Newt opened the door a bit more to allow her in.

Tina closed the door as she saw the massive amount of bags that Newt had to pack.

"Theseus gave me his stuff as well" Newt blushed, "I don't necessarily own everything".

"I get it" Tina retorted, "Uh, Newt, Achilles is getting. . married".


"And he invited me for his wedding" Tina continued, "And I don't want to refuse".

"I see".

"But don't take it wrong" Tina said, "I just want to see what happened after I left New York, that's all".

"The point?" Newt asked.

"Would you be willing to come to New York, during the end of November for this?" Tina asked.

"Me? W-why me?" Newt asked.

"Don't ask questions. Is it a yes or a no?" Tina asked.

"It definitely is a yes, but why me?" Newt asked.

"You'll know it when you know it" Tina answered, cryptically, "Anyway, it's a long hike. Bring some water, y'know?"

"I didn't realize we were traveling to Grindelwald's lair on foot!" Newt exclaimed.

"We might, so pack up!" Tina said, "It's gonna be a tough hike".

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