《Birds of a Feather》Hobo


Tina, Theseus and Newt, plus a few important Aurors and Minister Francisco were sitting in the meeting room, discussing what to be done involving the case.

"The floor is open for suggestions" The Minister concluded his minute long speech and sat down.

Newt gave Tina a little nudge and nodded, assuring her. "You're going to be fine" he mouthed quickly.

Tina got up from her seat and moved to the front. "I have an idea" she began, quite informally, "I was hoping we could develop an anti-Dark Magic mechanism which detects Grindelwald or his cronies. This way we can prevent the Ministry from an attack".

"And how are you planning to do it?" A nosy Auror said.

"I suggest an informal meeting to discuss this with other dignitaries from various Ministries. They can pool in together to create a master lock" Tina answered.

"Another meeting will be tedious" the Auror said, "Plus, the Minister would be very busy. . "

Francisco raised his hand, "I like the idea".

Tina let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Minister" she said.

"But, Minis--" the Auror began.

"Quiet, Carlos. I've had enough" Francisco said, "We'll get working immediately if you provide us the report. And what about Me Dumbledore?"

"We shall take care of the blood pact" Dumbledore answered.

"Then it's done. This meeting may be the last formal gathering we ever had. Gina? Get the rest of the Aurors, quick. I need to inform them. Miss Goldstein? I'd require the report by the end of today" The Minister barked instructions.

"Yes sir" Gina, the forgotten Auror rushed to fetch the rest of the Auror squad.

"Yes sir" Tina replied, commandingly. After that, the Minister left with Dumbledore and Theseus to discuss about the final plans regarding the blood pact.

"He is a bit. . spontaneous" Tina said, "I've never had seen a person accept an idea of mine so quickly".


"What's wrong with your idea?" Newt asked, "Your idea is that convincing enough to make him accept without any further questions".

"Yes, but, I still. . " Tina began.

"Don't you dare doubt yourself" Newt said, his voice growing deathly quiet, "You're one of the best and if you ever doubt yourself, I would never forgive you".

Tina's expression turned from neutral to surprised.

"Kidding, of course" Newt smiled, "But you really shouldn't doubt anything".

"Why am I stuck with you?" Tina sighed.

"Because. . uh," Newt couldn't find the answer. Before he could formulate a little plausible answer, she cut him off with a quick kiss against his lips.

"Woah" Newt gasped.

"I'm sorry, I--" Tina began to apologise.

"No, it's fine. It's going to take a while to get to mentally know that I'm courting you" Newt said, laughing.

"Does anyone know about this?" Tina asked.

"I haven't told anyone" Newt responded.

"Good. Let's keep it that way" Tina said, "I don't want Jacob coming to me asking me whether he should organize our wedding cake".

"He does escalate things pretty quickly" Newt said, "Alright, uh, we should really get going".


Things became a bit awkward ever since Newt and Tina decided upon a courtship. They weren't really sure about this, since they really didn't put their minds into thought. They would occasionally kiss, maybe enjoy a few poetic moments together. Other than that, people wouldn't really believe they were courting even with solid proof.

Tina knew that relationships were not going to work in times of war. Tina predicted that eventually they'd have to break up and remain as friends once the heat is up.

But she decided to put that thought away and live for the moment.

"Quick!" Yusuf cried as he rushed to the Ministry with Nagini trailing behind him. They were quite worn out indeed. They had managed to find a carriage to get to Rio and had to walk the rest.


They cannoned into the room and skidded to a fierce stop opposite to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The woman had a South American accent.

"Thank Merlin you know English" Yusuf panted.

"I am very good at it" the woman replied, slightly perplexed, "What can I do for you?"

"We need to contact Newt Scamander and his friends" Nagini popped up, "They're here, with the Minister, working on a case".

"Let me check the guest list" the woman brought a big book and got through the names, "They're here, all right".

"Can we please see them?" Yusuf asked.

"No unauthorized personnel are allowed" The woman stated, "However, you may wait here while I fetch them for you".

"I'm an authorized person! I work in the Parisian Ministry!" Yusuf pulled out his identity card as proof.

"Sorry, only the ones affliated to the Ministério da Magia can enter" the woman informed, "Please wait in the lobby while I inform those people that you two have come".

Just then, Tina and Newt were walking downstairs to the lobby to get a piece of paper and quills to start working on the report.

"Nagini! Kama!" Tina screeched, out of anxiety and joy.

"Yusuf! Nagini!" Newt smiled at them.

Newt enveloped Nagini into a tight hug while Tina and Kama shook hands like true Aurors.

"Why are you here?" Tina asked.

"We're looking for Credence" Nagini said, "And there's something we've got to tell you".

"Buckle up and grab a butterbeer. Things are going to get pretty nasty". Yusuf said, and grimaced, "I can't believe I'm actually getting the hang of this American lilt " .

"Woah" Newt gasped after fully listening to their story, "I am not pleased, Nagini. I told you to stay in London".

"I can't just do nothing, Newt!" Nagini said, "I'm equally part of this. I know plenty about Credence than all of you combined".

"And how did you find her, Kama?" Tina asked.

"Well, I was in London and I saw her, desperate. I decided to help her, for I share the same desire to find out who that boy really is" Yusuf briefed.

"I see, and did you give it a thought that you might be breaking tons of laws and pose an impeccable threat to exposing ourself?" Tina said.

"We might've. . It might've crossed our heads" Nagini stammered.

"Well, now that you're here, all we need to do is to escape this werewolf" Newt said, "Did Queenie really say that?"

"Heard it with our own two ears" Yusuf said, "You can't trust her, Tina. She wouldn't change".

"She might" Tina still had her hopes up, "Someday she might".

Just then, a huge thud was heard outside the door. The front desk woman screamed and ducked, shivering.

The doors opened to reveal a man, a hairy man- a werewolf with drops of blood staining his nails as he ripped opened the doors and bellowed.

"Where are you, little Newtie pie?" he cooed, as his eyes scanned the surroundings for a familiar face.

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