《Birds of a Feather》Huff


His eyes were like a hawk, staring into space as he searched for a certain Newt Scamander and his friends. Nagini and Yusuf took cover behind a potted plant, Yusuf's wand out. Newt and Tina scrambled to the far end, their respective wands pointed at the werewolf.

"We need Wolfsbane Potion to control him" Tina whispered into Newt's ear.

The front desk woman had rushed out of the lobby as fast as she could. There was not a single soul in the room. The werewolf could hear the breathing noises.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" the werewolf prompted. Just then, his nose caught the scent of fresh tea and parchment and he went right after Newt.

Before the werewolf could manage to get Newt, Tina stepped in front of him, earning a big blow.

The last thing she could hear was Newt's voice, crying out for her.

Queenie Goldstein never wanted to do it. She never wanted to send a werewolf after her sister. But what could she do? She was committed. She must keep her word to Grindelwald.

Grindelwald promised so much, a world where wizards and witches are free to marry whoever they wanted to. So Queenie could still stay in America and marry Jacob. That was her greatest wish.

Ever since her schooldays, she had been seeking out for true love. Of course, she had courted some boys back in Illvermorny, but she couldn't find anyone who knew her.

Jacob got to know her very well, even if they stayed together for a few days. She and Jacob had several things in common namely their cooking interests.

And Grindelwald promised her that she'd get whatever she wanted if she helped him. Which was horrible. Allegedly kidnapping people, betraying her own sister for it. But hey, you will have to sacrifice several "commitments" for something bigger, right?



Tina woke up, as swiftly as she fell down. She looked around. No, she wasn't in a damp hospital prison, she was in the inn.

Crawling to her feet, Tina managed to get up and look at herself properly. She still had her same clothes on. But she could smell something synthetic. Slowly she walked in front of a mirror and looked.

A deep gash cut through her cheek and was stitched and covered with a little bandage from the point where blood seeped through. She could see the scar very well.

"Oh no" she let out a gasp. If the werewolf had bitten her, then it means. . .

"Tina!" Newt rushed into the room, "I knew it. You need rest".

"A-am I a werewolf?" Tina asked.

"No, you aren't" Newt confirmed, "Don't worry. The werewolf just scratched your face and it didn't bite you".

"Are you sure?"

"Do you trust me?"

They stared at each other for a few moments. Newt pulled her into a comforting hug.

"I do trust you" she sniffed, holding back tears, "How did this happen?"

"Well," Newt began, not daring to let go off her, "You protected me".

"I'm glad you aren't hurt, Newt" she said.

"Why would you do this? For me?" Newt asked, "You're really brave, y'know? I'm just a wimp--"

"You are the bravest person I've ever met" Tina smiled, ever so slightly, not hurting her scar, "But brave people need protection too".

"That makes you even more braver than me" Newt said, pressing a slight kiss on her forehead, "I'm so glad you're alright".

"I'm fine, Newt" Tina said, "If I can't handle this, I don't deserve to be an Auror".

"Okay, my dear Auror, you need some rest" Newt said, "How about I go and fetch some Murtlap Potion to heal?"


"How deep is the cut?" Tina posed a question.

"It's not too deep or not too serious" Newt replied, vaguely, "You're fine. Don't worry".

"I know I'm fine" Tina said.

"I owe you one" Newt replied, "For everything".

"You already helped me a bunch of times. Let me help you" Tina said.

"I love you so much" Newt finally let go of his tugging emotions.

"I love you too" Tina buried her face on his shoulder, silently sobbing.

"What happened to the werewolf?" Tina asked, a few hours later. She was feeling a bit better now that her bandages were changed and replaced with fresh ones.

"He's under interrogation" Theseus informed her, "The Ministry is planning to track down whoever sent him".

"I bet it's probably Queenie" Tina took a wild guess.

There was an awkward pause between the two Aurors. After that, Theseus spoke, "You know, what you did, was really courageous. It takes massive strength to do that".

"All I did was. . " Tina began.

"No, you protected my brother" Theseus said, "You stopped the werewolf. He could've died or become one of them".

"It's just that, I don't want the same thing to happen between you and Newt like what happened between Queenie and I" Tina said, "I don't want Newt becoming a werewolf and changing sides".

"I'm forever thankful for that" Theseus smiled.

"You don't have to be" Tina said, "I just did my part".

"I owe you one. As Newt's brother" Theseus said.

"You don't have to" Tina said, "It was a simple favor. Years from now, you wouldn't have anything to regret. I just helped you get on that path".

"We'll find Queenie" Theseus promised, "And knock some sense into her".

All Tina did was chuckle softly, "Hopefully we do" she sighed.

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