《Birds of a Feather》Howl


Nagini and Yusuf had explored the mansion with no sign of Credence. They had tried every door, every hallway closet, but there was no sign of the Obscurus.

They had narrowly dodged several people and had been staying in a small storage room. Grindelwald wasn't in the mansion, thankfully. Probably running around.

And they couldn't ask anyone about it. Even with their clever master disguises, many people still had their doubts about them. Hence, they had to maintain a low cover and stay off the radar.

Soon, they decided to leave the mansion. All they learnt was Rosier and Grindelwald were now married, much to Abernathy's dismay. Nothing else about the "plan".

That night, Yusuf gathered all of his things and his thick stack of notes. Nagini had found a saddle bag and they stored enough supplies in it.

"Let's move" they decided and quickly walked down the dark hallways. Yusuf cast a spell to unlock the locks to the house. Vinda was crazy that way. She had locked the house from inside, using huge heavy duty chains.

As they were walking down the twisty pathway, they heard sounds of two people talking.

"Quick!" Yusuf mouthed as he grabbed her wrist and led her closer to the source of the sound. They hid near the bushes.

The two people were talking about something of great importance. One was definitely a man, his arms covered with hair. The other seemed to be a woman.

"Remember, we need to bring them here" the female said.

"Aye, so I must go attack 'em?"

"Don't. Bring them here. Chase them here" the woman said, "They're getting in our way".

"So, Grindelwald will give whatever I want then?"


"Fine" he snapped, "I need to get the Scamanders and your sister here. And also that Muggle idiot and that other girl, right?"

"Get their names right" Queenie defended them, "Bring them here".



Arrooooo! A wolf at a distance howled. The man found the necessity to replicate the same howl. He turned into a creature, a werewolf.

"Don't hurt me" the woman said.

The werewolf looked at her and rushed away from the area, responding to the other wolf's call.

"Huh" the woman said. Then, a small ray of light emitted from a window, illuminated her face.

Queenie Goldstein was standing there, conspiracing with a werewolf.

She then quickly left.

"What the heck happened?" Nagini said.

"We need to warn them" Yusuf told her, "We need to warn those people. They might walk right into a trap".

"What are we going to do? We can't divert our direction! We need to look for Credence!" Nagini hissed.

"But we need people to help us. We can't do this ourselves and we need to help them" Yusuf said, "Let's go! They might be in the Rio Ministry".

"It's night" Nagini said.

"We can still make it. All we need to tell them is that this werewolf is coming for them" Yusuf said, "Come on! If we travel all night, we can make it!"

"What's up with you?" Nagini said, "You were ranting about how stupid and naive they were and suddenly you want them to help you?"

"The more the better" Yusuf said, "And we can tell them about what we learnt".

"They still think I'm in London!" Nagini said, "All except for that Muggle, but he doesn't know me that well".

"Let's go,! It would be even more of a danger if we stay here!" Yusuf cried.

"Fine, I'll come" Nagini gave in, "But I need dinner first. I hadn't had a decent meal for ages".

They found a midnight restaurant opened all hours. It was weird as they walked in, all tired and their luggages trailing behind them as they sat down, ready to eat anything.


It wasn't a fancy restaurant. Just a local diner. They had all sorts of food, including some continental ones which Yusuf Kama didn't want to try. He went for some spaghetti squash and Nagini decided to order some scrambled eggs.

"Scrambled eggs? Isn't it a breakfast food?" Kama joked.

"Well, this is all we ate, plus meatballs and bread when we were going on tour" Nagini defended, "It reminds me of the circus".

"Didn't you try anything in Paris?" Kama asked, "The food there is simply -" he made a satisfying sound, "- amazing".

"I just want to get a feeling of home" Nagini shrugged, "Even if I was mistreated, I miss home".

The waiter brought their foods. Soon, they attacked it the way they attacked life - with a fork and a knife.

Nagini silently stuffed pieces of egg into her mouth, relishing every bite of it while Yusuf scarfed down his food like he had gone hungry for the past few weeks. In this case, they had merely survived eating dried berries and old bread even though the mansion had plenty of food to last several years.

They finished their meals, with a gulp of water and left the diner.

"It's going to be a long journey" Yusuf said. The moon was just above the horizon. It was nearly midnight.

"Then let's get started, shall we?"

Tina had just finished her dinner, quietly in her room as she contemplated what happened in the Ministry that day.

The Minister of Magic in Rio was extremely cautious with Dumbledore, treating him strangely and answering his questions vaguely. Tina knew that they had to build some trust between Dumbledore and the Minister to assure them that they are fighting for a good cause.

Theseus did manage to convince them to lend their support, but after meeting with Dumbledore, they weren't sure anymore.


"Oh, Newt, it's you" Tina got a bit startled. She set down the dinner plate.

"Um. . I was wondering if you have some time?" Newt asked, "I want to talk".

"Yeah, sure, I have some time" Tina replied.

Newt stood near the doorway, unsure of what to do. Tina pulled up a chair for him.

"Sit" she said. Newt awkwardly shuffled across the room and sat down.

"What do you want to tell me?" Tina asked.

"I have been thinking about us , a lot" Newt said, "And, it led me to that night".

"When we. . "

". . kissed" Newt finished her sentence.


"I couldn't help but feel overly pressurized from Jacob and Bridget about this" Newt said, "I don't know how to proceed, so I was wondering if you have anything?"

"I feel the same way" Tina said, "It's just that they all lost their significant other, dead or alive and they turn to us for their hopeless romance deeds".

"I don't want people's point of view" Newt told her, "I want yours".

"Well, I don't have any objection with anything. It's upto you, if you feel comfortable" Tina spoke.

"I'm fine as long as you're okay with it" Newt smiled awkwardly.

They broke out into fits of laughter.

After they had cooled down, Newt finally popped up the question, "Are we courting?".

"If you want to" Tina grinned.

"I don't have objections"

"Neither do I".

There was a brief pause, before Newt spoke again, "Do we kiss?"

"I suppose so" Tina murmured, "I have no idea how this works".

"You courted Achilles Tolliver"

"Yes, but I wasn't fully committed to the relationship. I thought it would be friendly and all that" Tina said, "Believe me, I am not aware of this".

"Neither am I" Newt said, "So, do we kiss?"

"Moron" Tina laughed, as she leaned forward to kiss him.

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