《Birds of a Feather》Hiss


"This is where everything leads us" Nagini exclaimed.

"The books, the maps, the newspapers. . " Kama said.

"We do make a good team, Mr Kama" Nagini smiled.

"It's been a pleasure working with you".

They were outside a huge mansion. All their clues lead here, as the potential whereabouts of Credence Barebone. After three weeks of research, they had finally did it.

"How do we sneak in?" Nagini asked.

"Let's set up a base camp here and wait until it's dark enough to break in" Kama said.

"Good plan, Mr Kama"

"Please, call me Yusuf".

The duo set up a tent nearby, making sure they are as aloof as possible. Yusuf Kama began to stir up some soup as dinner, while Nagini hugged her legs and stared off into space.

"Would you like some soup?" Kama asked as he kept a bowl of soup next to her. It wasn't a usual question, but Kama didn't know what to say.

"No thanks" Nagini pushed the bowl back to him.

"Hey" Yusuf said, "It's tough losing family. Friends even. But we'll find them. Before anyone else".

"What do you know?" Nagini snapped.

"It's a long story. I've seen many things. Dangerous things. My mother, my father, Leta.. it's tough" Yusuf said.

"At least you know about yourself. Everything about me is a mystery. I know I'm from some corner of the world and the next thing I know, I'm working in a circus" Nagini said.

"Tell me more about it" Yusuf prompted her, politely.

"Well, there was this man, Skender. Before that, I was just a lonely girl wandering in the hinterlands and he came to me and told me that he could help me get my life back together if I worked for him" Nagini explained.

"He knew you were a Maledictus?"

"I told him so. He asked me what my abilities were and I talked about this blood curse I had" Nagini said, "He recruited me. We went around the world. Egypt was our last stop before Paris".

"And what else?"

"Skender just wanted some money and a good troop. We did our best to keep up the reputation of the circus. We scared the daylights out of non magical people when we travel around" Nagini laughed, "Overall, I didn't mind being an entertainer. "

"Then it got worse" the Maledictus continued, "Skender couldn't keep up the flow of cash, so he had to tell us to keep up the good show or get fired. That's when I met Credence after our tour. He told me that he could help me".


"I see. My past seems nothing compared to yours" Yusuf remarked.

"It's nothing, Yusuf" Nagini said, "All that matters is that I'm so close to having a good life and that's all I need now".

Back at Hogwarts, things weren't exactly very well. Dumbledore had school duties and Ministry meetings. Moreover he had to rush to Rio within a few days.

A new term at Hogwarts was starting. In spite of the ongoing battle, the Ministry didn't want a halt in magical education.

Dumbledore walked around, in the lit hallways. It was nighttime and he was making sure everyone were alright and in their dormitories.

Just then he saw a very young boy inside the Potions classroom. He was busy examining several things. Definitely a curious little eleven year old boy. He was with Professor Slughorn, the Potions master.

". . that is Bloomslang Skin".

"This is so amazing, professor!" the boy claimed.

"Horace" Dumbledore entered, "Oh hello Tom".

Tom Marvolo Riddle. The little boy with impeccable talent for magic. He was naturally good in academics and took an extra interest for Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Professor" Tom bowed.

"What are you doing up so late?" Albus asked, "Horace, you do realise there is a curfew".

"Sorry, Albus" Horace smiled, "Little Tom here wanted to ask me a few questions. Such a good fellow he is".

"Go to bed, Tom" Albus sighed.

"I'll meet you again, Professor. Maybe tomorrow at breakfast" Tom said, "Good night".

"Night, Tom" Horace called.

"What were you thinking?" Albus sighed.

"What? The boy was interested and I had to tell him" Slughorn shrugged, "It's important to kindle his curiosity. If he proceeds on like this, he might become a powerful wizard".

"Tom is academically gifted. But he lacks morality. That's upto us to help him achieve that" Albus said, "Watch out for him. Someday he'd use you to get into power".

"Very well, professor. But I highly doubt that young Tom would want anything to do with power. He's just a lonely orphan. Let him be" Horace smiled.

"Good night to you" Albus said.

Tom Riddle was an eccentric boy. He seemed curious about everything. But Albus Dumbledore decided to let it slide, because Tom was an orphan almost all his life and being picked up and thrown into a magical world would take some time for him to get adapted into. The only thing Dumbledore was worried about was how quickly the Sorting Hat has sorted him into Slytherin. Usually the Hat took some time to contemplate and this was oddly quick.


"Good night, Al" Horace Slughorn wished him, "You seem peaky"

"I'm leaving to Rio in a few days" Albus said, "Actually day after tomorrow. Take care of Tom for me, would you? He requires special attention".

"He's just a kid, Al!" Horace smiled, shaking his head, "He is not dangerous! He's just merely a little boy. I'll take care of him".

"He's been through a lot. With Merope and all" Albus said, stiffly, "Help him get through this, alright?"


"Tina-?" Newt called out. His voice rang down the empty hallways in the inn. Bridget and Theseus had gone out, as usual, to post a letter to the Ministry via Muggle Mail. Jacob was out for a walk.

Newt slowly opened Tina's door. Inside, the Auror was sitting on her bed, wiping away, what supposedly looked like tears.

"Tina, are- you alright?" Newt stumbled in, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you're okay"

"Achilles. ." Tina muttered.

"What did he do?" Newt asked.

"He sent me a very rude letter" Tina said, "A very very rude one. All I said was, in my previous letter, we're broken up and having a long distance relationship isn't exactly the best at the time of war. So I told him that and he responded rather rudely".

"C-can I see it?"

Tina handed him the letter. Newt opened it and started to read.


I've been more than patient with you, hoping that someday you'll come back but you know what? I'm done with you.

You're just a crook! A traitor! You broke my heart just to run off with that Newt Scamander fellow. That's right. I am updated with the latest gossip. Joanne tells me. You're are a pathetic loser who doesn't deserve my love, my care or my respect. You're a monster!

Maybe that's why nobody likes you. I'm surprised Mr Scamander would even want to have a reason to like you. You're dumb, you dress horribly. You're nothing like your sister. You don't care about anything. You don't consider our dates to be formal and you dress up in your work clothes. People used to call names behind my back, saying, "Oh, its Tolliver and his ugly girl!" and I think they're right.

You're an ugly duckling. You don't matter in anyone's life. You'll waltz into it and ruin it for them. You never deserved anything. Thank Lewis that you're alive now. If it weren't for me to personally request the Ministry of Magic to get you out of Pere Lachaise alive, you'd be dead in your coffin. Face it, you'd always rely on people for support and break their hearts.

Leave me alone.


"He wouldn't--" Newt began, his temper rising up, "I'll kill that man".

"Newt, it's fine" Tina assured him, "It's just that Achilles is right. I did betray him"

"Tina, but what you did was right" Newt said, "You did get away from such a miscreant".

"I don't know, Newt" Tina said, "It's hard for me to contemplate now".

"Whatever you do," Newt placed his hands on her shoulder, giving it a little shake, "You're the most wonderful, amazing and talented witch I've ever met".

Tina gave him a little smile.

Then, the rest seemed like history as Newt and Tina slowly leaned in, closing the gap between them and closed their eyes, only to feel the other's lips.

Then the unthinkable happened. Jacob quickly stormed into the room.

"Hey, Newt, Tina-- Theseus told me to. . " he began, as he looked at Newt and Tina. The pair quickly pulled away.

"I'll give you two some privacy" Jacob said, awkwardly. He didn't want to disrupt their kiss.

"No, Jacob!" Tina called out, "What did Theseus say?"

"He said that Dumbledore was going to arrive day after tomorrow" Jacob explained, "Dumbledore just contacted us via that Two Way Mirror thingy".

"Thanks for the update" Newt called.

Jacob gave him a smirk before letting himself out. Newt, the awkward little man he was, quickly rushed out, after giving a smile to Tina.

This is going to take a long time, Tina thought, following her love interest out of the door.

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