《Birds of a Feather》Hock


"This is the plan," Theseus clapped his hands.

"What plan?" Tina asked.

"Since you're all cooped up in your love life, we have found some intel on one of Grindelwald's men" Bridget said. Tina turned beet red.

"Who?" Newt continued, distancing the conversation away from him and Tina.

"Jose Ramos" Bridget said, "We believe that he's been behind Silva's death as he probably rattled out to Grindelwald about this".

"And how do you know that?" Tina asked.

"We've been following him. We just need a bit of information from him, when he's exceptionally. . . tipsy" Theseus said.

"Wait, what?" Newt's eyes widened.

"We have a really good plan, but it's a long shot" Bridget continued, "We believe that if we manage to extract information from him while he's. . "

". . tipsy, then we can easily learn what Grindelwald was upto" Tina finished her sentence, "Queenie mentioned about Grindelwald's plan. We can learn all about it".

"And you four are going to be out there" Theseus indicated the four of them, "Meanwhile I'll have to check on with the Ministry in Rio to see whether Dumbledore's safe trip here is executed properly".

"When do we do this?" Newt asked, gulping.

"Tonight" Bridget gave him a cheeky smile, "And also, Theseus? Check on Harold and Charles for me?"

"I'll be around Castelobruxo. I'll see what those two are upto. Either they trashed the place or they do have some discipline to help the students" Theseus joked, "Alright, the plan commences".

"Dress nice, Tina" Bridget said, "You know the drill. Don't look intimidating".

"I don't look that way!" Tina scoffed, "Do I?"

"Maybe a little" Newt teased. Tina rolled her eyes.

"Okay, let's meet in the lobby by eight" Bridget clapped her hands, "Theseus? You should get going".

"I'm nervous" Jacob whispered into Newt's ear, "I mean, the Blind Pig was one thing and now?"

"Jacob, we would need you. We need a bunch of people going together as friends. We don't want to attract suspicion" Tina explained.

"Tina, a word please" Bridget said, "I uh. . need to talk to you about what to wear tonight".


Once Bridget and Tina were left alone in the room, Bridget snapped at her.

"You didn't tell me you kissed him!" Bridget squealed, "Jacob told me all about it!".

"Let's save the girl talk later" Tina tried to get away, but Bridget wouldn't budge.

"You are basically courting!" Bridget screamed.

"No, it's a misunderstanding. We didn't kiss" Tina told her, with a little disappointment in her voice, "We aren't courting".

"But you were about to!" came the reply, "You wanted to kiss him!"

"C-can we talk about this later?" Tina quickly rushed out of the room.

"This doesn't end here, Missy!" Bridget called out.


The night finally approached. Tina was dressed in a blue silk shirt and dark knee length skirt. She decided to avoid any forms of makeup and slightly combed her hair.

She didn't know why they had to go to a bar to find Jose Ramos. Then again, it sounded more like Gnarlack, except Jose was human.

It was like a retelling of her past stories. A little deja Vu moment.

"Tina, let's go! We're going to be late!" Bridget called out from the hallway, enough to draw the attention of several innsfolk. Tina quickly pulled her hair into a ponytail, for her hair had grown to a certain length.

Tina quickly put on some flats before walking downstairs, maintaining her posture and not looking like an absolute idiot.

"Well, team, let's get going" Bridget said, changing her accent to a more exotic one so that people wouldn't recognize her.

"Where are we going?" Newt asked her.

"It's called the Unnamed House, for some reason. It's a magical pub, so don't hesitate to use your wand. " Bridget shrugged, "Theseus and I recorded that Ramos would be here, around this time, every alternate day to meet up with his friends".

"Friends?" Tina asked, suspiciously.

"Relax. He's got those house elves to work for him" Bridget said, "Technically he doesn't have very human friends".

They arrived at an aloof corner of the town to the pub. There were so many people entering in. Bright and heavy pop music was erupting from the pub.

"Come along, let's get this over with" Jacob said, with mild disgust.

"Yusuf, what's the plan now?" Nagini asked.

"We break in" Kama smiled. He offered her a backpack with essentials.

"We're just reaching out to Credence" Nagini said, "Right?"

"You seem awfully nervous" Kama swung the rope above his head and let it lunge forward and get tied tightly on a tree branch.

"I've never tried infiltration" Nagini said.

"Trust me," Yusuf tugged the rope, "It's bad".

Nagini smiled as she climbed first. The tree was tall enough as a window they were reaching onto. Grindelwald's guards were most likely sleeping, considering it was that easy to get into the property.

Or maybe it's a red herring, they didn't know.

After slowly maintaining their balance, the duo walked on the thin branch. Nagini was extremely cautious even after spending a lot of time with the trapeze actors back in the circus.

The opening was a rather large French window and the doors were open. They slowly managed to get on their feet and with a gigantic leap, enter the building.

"Sssh!" Yusuf hissed at her as Nagini almost broke a vase with her jump.

"Okay" Nagini mouthed, "Where are we?"

The room seemed more likely a bedroom. It had a small bed at the corner of the room, a wardrobe nearby and a desk situated adjacent to the window. A long lamp, dimly lit illuminated the room.


Just then the door clicked open. A familiar figure entered the room. Yusuf and Nagini hid behind the curtains, close to the window in case they had to escape.

Nagini silently gasped at the person.

It was Vinda Rosier.

"We're here" Bridget folded her arms.

The pub was decorated with fairy lights, dimmed to give out the aura of distinct dottiness. Jose Ramos was sitting at the very end of the bar, drinking down a bit of Butterbeer.

"We need to be very careful with everyone" Tina whispered, "We can't let them know it's us".

"Why don't we split up?" Newt asked, "We'll get to know everyone before arriving at Jose".

"But we haven't got time" Bridget hissed, "We need information".

"I'll talk my way" Newt told her.

"You? Talk?" Tina hesitated to laugh.

"Why not?" Newt asked her, quizzically, "Alright, I may not be the brightest when it comes to socializing, but I can".

"I'll come with you" Tina offered.

"I'll go with Bridget" Jacob decided, giving Newt and Tina the privacy to talk about certain things.


Tina ordered two glasses of water and lemon squeezed into it. She then brought it to Newt. They stood nearby, overhearing Jose talking to a house elf.

". . get me Giggle Water" Jose smacked his fist on the table.

"Haven't you had enough, sir?" the concerned house elf trembled at Jose's tipsiness.

"I. . need. . more. ." Jose ordered.

"Right away, sir" the house elf rushed to bring the drink.

"He's already drunk" Tina said, "If we manage to befriend him, we'd get to learn what he's upto".

Newt quickly pulled out his wand and uttered a spell that changed the color of his trademark auburn hair. He didn't want to be recognized as the famed magizoologist, in spite of wearing a suit and a top hat that nearly covered his face.

He gave Tina a quick smile before sitting next to Jose.

"Whatcha need?" Jose said.

"You know who I am, Ramos" Newt said, lowering his voice.

"I've never met you before, in my life. Well, currently I'm living a life, so until I meet you. . " Ramos rambled on.

"Okay, my name is Harrison" Newt said, "Abernathy's friend. And. . supporter of the Great Wizard, Grindelwald".

"We don't speak his name here, you idiot!" Jose punched his arm, the alcohol doing all the talking.

"I want to know what his plan is all about" Newt continued, "I've been in America, you see, runnin' from the law so I haven't been updated much".

Jose's attention turned to Tina. "Heya beautiful" he said.

Tina knew that she would have to play along, just for the sake of getting the information. Newt looked extremely uncomfortable.

"C'mere" he urged, "Your name, honey?"

"Joanna" Tina quickly thought of the chatty coworker she had to work along with when she was an Auror in MACUSA.

"Joanna, such a pretty name, though!" Jose winked, like a trifler he was.

"Well, I guess you could say that" Tina pulled up a chair next to him.

"You are, honey pie" Jose gave her a knowing smirk.

Tina couldn't handle it. She couldn't handle the situation that she was rapidly put into. She never had overly flirtatious men as her affliates, mainly because nobody talked to her much.

"I am married" she blurted out and cursed herself for being so spontaneous.

"Oh, hon, I bet your husband is nothing but trash" Jose said.

"No, uh, I'm married to uh, Harrison" Tina quickly looked at Newt, "Y'know, him".

"You don't seem very married" Jose looked at the both of them. The duo were literally internally panicking as they proceeded to turn a violent shade of red.

"We a-are" Newt continued, "Just a few weeks ago".

"I don't see no ring on her finger" Jose pointed out.

"I took it off because it's very important and I don't want to lose it" Tina retorted, "Anyways, what were we talking about?"

"About the plan" Newt said.

"I see, huh, you're in, Joanna? In Gellert's Circle?" Jose asked.

"You bet I am!" Tina accepted, "Tell me, what is the plan all about?".

"Your drink, sir" the house elf came, at last, to give him a bottle of Firewhiskey.

"Thanks Rodney" Jose uncapped the bottle with his teeth and drank it's contents.

"Tell me" Tina said.

"Yeah, yeah, uh, Grindelwald uh... he is gonna take control of the British Ministry by using the Aurors all around the world, uh, and yeah, he's gonna do that" Jose's response was rather vague. He took another gulp and exhaled.

"And how is he planning to--?" Tina began to ask a question, when Jose swooped down and pressed his lips to Tina's, forcing her into a kiss.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Newt thundered, as he yanked Jose's shoulder away.

"Hey, shut up and get off!" Jose tried to defend himself, but Newt quickly pulled out his wand and conjured a spell to keep him in control.

"Woah" Tina got up from her seat, pulling her own wand out to cast a Sobering Charm on him. She murmured a quick spell and Jose fell to the ground, unconscious from all the alcohol he consumed.

"Are you alright?" Newt asked her.

"Ugh" Tina drank some water, "I could smell the reek in his breath. Yikes".

"Let's go. We've got the information we needed" Newt said.

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