《Birds of a Feather》Hate


Dear Tina,

Where are you, my dearest? You've been to Paris and the last letter I've received from you was informing me that you've broken up with me.

You know I do not take no for an answer. I thought you were committed to this relationship. Now I feel like you're using me to court someone else.

I saw the article in the paper about Grindelwald taking over the owl post. I don't care, I'm sending this via a No Maj Postal Service, as you might've observed. And I feel that I must get to you, wherever you are.

Please respond. You've been ignoring my last five letters. You have no idea how high my hopes are, that you'll actually return back.

Let me tell you a story, Tina. I've never loved anyone. People are intimidated by my appearance and people think I've only become an Auror because my father worked with MACUSA as the undersecretary to the President. You're the first person whom I've ever fallen for. If you leave me, I don't think I'll be around very long.

I just want to see you again. Please respond. Tell me where you are and whom you're with so I can hope for your safe return. And make sure you use the No Maj Postal Service, alright?

I have never written letters like this before, except for ones I send them to my Mother, letting her know that her son does care. That was irrelevant now. The point is that I want you to know that I miss you very much.

If you can, I'd really appreciate it if you came back to New York City after your mission is done. We can have a good life, maybe as friends, maybe as lovers. It depends on how time changes everything.

I met Joanna Shrubs today. She was this new Auror recruited by MACUSA. She is exceptionally flirtatious and rather a disgrace to our reputation. She keeps insisting me to meet up with her for brunch and I keep refusing because I have grown feelings for a certain someone.

Joanna is good, no doubt. She's good in her work and is not chatty like Julius or Eliza. She gossips though. I can't believe I'm including two contradictory statements in one line, but this is how things are now.


See you soon, Tina.




Not him.

Anyone but him.

Tina could handle five rogue wizards than him. Tina knew that she had broken his heart. Achilles deserved so much better. Plus, she can't change her mind now. She had to keep going and wait until she gets a chance to make the most logical decision.

Hence, she got a paper and a quill to write him a letter and tell him how things were.

Dear Achilles,

Tina wondered what to write next. Just then, Newt waltzed into her's and Bridget's inn room. Bridget had gone out for a walk with Theseus, to discuss what happened when she was kidnapped. Tina should've been part of the clique as well, but with relationship problems on one side, there's only so much she could do.

"Oh so sorry. . I was wondering. . what are you doing?" Newt asked.

"Just writing a letter to uh. . Achilles" Tina said.

"Right. I'd not want to disturb you, then" Newt said, "Right, I just came here to uh. . nothing. I'll see myself out. ."

Newt hurriedly rushed out and bumped into Jacob.

"I am no Queenie, but I know exactly what's going on" Jacob said, "It's jealousy".

"I'm not jealous of that Tolliver man" Newt defended himself, "I uh. ."

"Go on, Newt. Speak up".

"It's just that I like her, Jacob" Newt lowered his voice, "And she's fretting over Tolliver. She doesn't feel the same".

"I'm no Queenie, again, but Tina's been awfully worried about you" Jacob said, "She used to talk to me about how she didn't want to lose you or me just like Queenie".

"Really?" Newt asked, "She doesn't want to lose me!"

"Keep your voice down, Romeo" Jacob laughed, "Anyway, don't worry about it too much. She's just writing Achilles Tolliver a letter to tell him that she's fine".

"D'you think I should ask her?" Newt asked, "Should I comfort her about Queenie?"

"It's upto you" Jacob shrugged.

"Comfort her for what?" A voice was heard. Tina stood near the doorway, her arms folded and a cheeky yet playful smile dancing on her lips.


"Oof" Jacob mouthed.

"H-hello T-Tina" Newt said, clearly swallowing his own words, "Uh, we, we . We, we weren't talking about y-you".

"Of course you were" Tina said, "Because I clearly remember something like, Should I comfort her? and something about Romeo"

"Tina, uh that wasn't you" Newt retorted.

"It's fine. Gossip all you want about me. I'm done" Tina raised her arms and walked back into her room to finish her letter.

"Tina, wait!" Newt said. Jacob, realizing this was going to be the moment, quickly left.

"What?" Tina asked him.

"I'm concerned about you" Newt said, "I don't want you to mull over the past. I want you to be happy. Even during the darkest hour".

"Very well, Mr Happy" Tina teased, "What am I supposed to do?"

"Would you like to walk around?" Newt asked, "Like, uh. . yeah walk around. Theseus uh. . he says walking clears your head and I've tried it as well. . it sort of works and uh. . I'll help you.".

"Okay let's go".

They walked around, near the inn overlooking the sea. They didn't want to go to the beach, considering they didn't have that kind of time. A little stroll round the corner should do it.

"Did you really mean it when you said that my eyes look like a salamander's?" Tina blurted out.

"Why d'you ask?"

"It's always been in my head" Tina said, "Naturally, I want to know".

"Well, it does. It's got this effect in them and I uh. . happen to grow a bit fond of it" Newt smiled at the concrete pathway.

"I see"

"I know you were uncomfortable" Newt said, "I compared your eyes to a lizard's and it's probably an insult-"

"Newt" Tina didn't let him finish, "I loved your compliment. It is never an insult. To me, I was so excited to see you and uh. . you came all the way from Paris?"

Newt nodded, "I did".

"Just to explain that the magazine was wrong?" Tina asked.

Newt nodded again, "Affirmative".

Tina quickly pulled him into a hug. Newt was quite startled at first, but then he hugged her back. They broke apart after a few seconds.

"Thank you" Tina said, unable to control her big smile, "I don't think I'll be able to repay it back".

"Tina you're the best. You deserve so much" Newt said, "I'm sorry about Queenie".

"You don't need to apologise" Tina said, "It's awfully nice of you. To come all the way from London to Paris. How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Travel from London to Paris? You were on a travel ban"

"I uh. . " Newt murmured, "I took an illegal Portkey".

Tina punched his shoulder, "How could you? You know it's illegal! You could've just written me a darn letter! You didn't have to do that! That was stupid and dangerous and--"

Newt didn't wince. He stood there, smiling.


"You look adorable" Newt laughed, "S-so sorry, but I can't suppress my laughter".

"You idiot" Tina scolded. But then she broke out into a playful smile and joined in the laughter.

"You told me that you would not do anything until your travel documentation was authorized!" Tina screamed.

"When d-did I say that?"

"In one of your letters. The third one to be precise and you told me that you would not endorse in criminal activities" Tina said.

"Wait, letter?"

"Yeah, I keep all your lett--" Tina stopped herself from finishing the sentence.

"You. . do?" Newt asked.

"No, I might've kept some" Tina said.

"I kept all of yours too" Newt smiled.

Tina grinned. Someone actually paid attention to her letters!

"Most of them are balderdash" Tina replied, modest.

"I quite enjoyed rereading them" Newt told her, "To be honest, I would keep waiting for your letters. Sorry if it sounds. . "

"I understand" Tina nodded, "Thanks for, y'know, being there for me. It's been tough, with all the rage and hate".

They were too shy to hold their hands and hence they tucked them into their pockets.

"Hey," Newt turned to look at her, "I'll always be there for you".

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