《Birds of a Feather》Hard


"Qu-Queenie?" Jacob gasped with fright, "Get away from me!"

"Jacob, I'm so sorry" Queenie sobbed, "You've changed a lot".

"Of course" Jacob spat, "I can't believe that you would do this to all of us. To me."

"I was.."

"Don't tell me that it's because you wanted us to get married" Jacob stopped her, "We could've very well moved to London! Newt told me so".

"Honey, I'm so sorry" Queenie whispered.

"Everyone betrayed me. First it was Magnuson. Then you" Jacob stifled all the tears threatening to spill, "I'm done. I don't care if I die here".

"No, Jacob. ." Queenie began, "It's not about us. Gellert, he has big plans . ."

"Oh so now it's you and Gellert, huh?" Jacob hissed.

"No, no!" Queenie said, "We aren't courting! Gellert has really good plans for the future! We can still live in New York and get married!"

"Queenie, I'm sorry. I trusted you. I knew from the moment I met you, I knew we are meant to be" Jacob said, "Now I'm doubting my statements. You have Gellert".

"Jacob, I'll never forget you. You're special. You're unique. And you're you. You understand me" Queenie said, "You think of me more than a girl with beautiful looks. People think they can win over me by shoving a necklace at me or buying me accessories. But you're different!"

"Queenie" Jacob began, "People's choices determine who they are, far more than their respective potentialities. And you've let me down in the worst possible way".

There was a long pause.

"Would you like something to eat?" Queenie asked, "The food from the ship wouldn't have been enough"

"Stop reading my mind" Jacob snapped.

"I'm not reading your mind" Queenie grinned, "I can read your emotions".

"Tell me you're not an emotional reader as well" Jacob huffed.


"No, it's just that, it's obvious" Queenie said, "You're pale. You need food. Good ones".

"No thank you very much" Jacob snapped again, "You probably poisoned it on behalf of your dear Gellert"

"Jacob, please" Queenie begged, "You believe in second chances, don't you?"

"I used to. But now I don't" Jacob growled, "If you really have changed, let me out of this prison".

"I really don't think I can do that" Queenie murmured, "But I can help you out with food and water. And I can answer your questions"

"What questions?" Jacob asked.

"Your mind spoke to me" Queenie answered cryptically, "You have some questions and I will do my best to answer all of them truthfully".

"Oh well" Jacob realized, "Carry on, then".

Once they got off at Corcovado's stop, the trio decided to wander around, hoping to look for some clues. There was a tourist group nearby, who were writing things on journals, paying heed to the tourist guide who led them around.

They snuck off , maintaining a safe and an aloof distance from the Muggle tour group and rushed down to a valley like structure, downhill.

"Okay this is it" Theseus pulled out his map, "We're here at this place".

"We still need to move north" Tina pointed, "Let's go".

The mountain terrain was causing a hindrance. Tina had almost fell down two times, but if it weren't for Newt who caught her arm right on time, she'd have plummeted to her death.

"I'll catch you" Newt smiled as he hoisted Tina up.

"I know" Tina smiled back.

"Let's go!" Theseus, who stood afar from them, yelled, "You okay, guys?"

"Yes!" Newt said, almost screaming.

"Then come on!" Theseus screamed. To be honest, the older Scamander brother was genuinely jealous of his younger brother. Newt has Tina. He'd eventually get married to her. It was so obvious.


But to him? Leta was the first person who genuinely loved him. Not like those Hogwarts girls in his year who would court him just because of his appearance and his personality. Theseus was much more than that.

Troubled by his thoughts, Theseus focused on getting Bridget back first.

They soon arrived, at what supposedly was, a cave.

"It looks like some kind of a hideout" Tina said.

"This is where the map leads us" Theseus folded the map back and tucked it into his pocket, "Well, let's get in. Might as well explore".

"And one more thing" Theseus continued, "Ssshhh" he placed a finger over his lips.

"You see, Jacob, I did have a choice. I wanted to help all those wizards and witches out there who want to marry No-Majs" Queenie finished her long explanation.

"You did. And then you had to work for him" Jacob scoffed, "After learning that he was behind several merciless heinous crimes!"

"I'm sorry, Jacob. Gellert promised a lot! He even vowed that he'd keep those promises!" Queenie protested, "I know I've made some bad choices..."

"It's not about me, Queenie" Jacob said, "How are you planning to convince Tina? She's crushed".

"I know. I sent her a letter. I've never got a response back" Queenie said.

"It's never about me" Jacob whispered, "It's about you two. I'm just another man, another baker , a No-Maj. But your relationship with Tina is more important than ours".

"I know" Queenie repeated, "I wish she could listen to me and see how desperate I am".

"Well" Jacob picked up a blueberry muffin from the food tray that Queenie had brought for him, "At least these are good".

"Glad you like 'em, sweetie" Queenie grinned happily as Jacob devoured the muffin. He didn't care whether it was poisoned or how was it even stored in a damp cave. He was happy to see some food.

"How's your bakery going?" Queenie asked.

"Very well" Jacob replied.

"Someday we'll get to own it together." Queenie said, implying their potential marriage.

"Maybe" Jacob said, "But I ain't lettin' you work on the icing on the cake. That's mine. "

Queenie laughed, "I call dibs on it!"

Suddenly there was a huge thud. Queenie quickly pulled out her wand. There were three mysterious people who broke into the cave.

One had short hair and female features. She was armed with a wand with the tip lit up. A simple Lighting Charm.

Behind her were two men who looked similar, almost like brothers. They were armed with their wands as well. The man with auburn hair was ready to protect the woman in case if there was a deadly duel engagement. The man with dark raven hair had some sort of a parchment tucked into his pocket haphazardly.

"Queenie?" Tina's voice rang the blonde witch's ear.


"Jacob?" Newt piped up, glancing at the man inside the cell.



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