《Birds of a Feather》Halt


Tina did not expect the huge jumpscare she received when she woke up. Newt was staring at her.

"Ayee!" Tina screamed.

"Ah!" Newt let out a yelp.

"Newt, why would you do this?" Tina massaged her head, "You scared me to death!"

"No, sorry about it. But I wanted to show you this letter. Only you can open it" Newt handed her a white envelope, addressed to her.

"For me? Probably from Picquery or Tolliver" Tina guessed.

"Tolliver? You two are still--?"

"Nah, nah" Tina shook her head, "We broke up. Couldn't balance relationships and war, right? Plus, I didn't like him very much".

"Oh, I see" Newt whispered, "Anyway, here you go. We have to go downstairs for breakfast. The inn is having strict schedules for eating. A lot of balderdash if you'd ask me".

"I'll be there in a few minutes" Tina called out as Newt got up to leave.

Tina returned to her letter. She slowly opened it to find her name written on top. She pulled off the envelope and read the letter.


I probably shouldn't be writing this, but since Gellert is controlling the owl posts, I don't have trouble writing this.

I love you, Teen. No matter what, you'll always be my big sister. I know I've made some bad choices, but please understand.

Don't move. Halt all your missions and plans as of now. There's something Gellert is going to do. I can't explain everything, for I don't know the entire plan myself. As far as I know, don't leave Rio.

It's for your own safety. I really need you to trust me in this situation. I can't risk losing you. If you meet Jacob, tell him that I send my love.

And also, what's up with you and Newt? Hopefully you two are courting by the time this war ends. I'm getting ahead of myself, gee!

Anyway, this is my message.


Her tone sounded so much more grim in spite of writing about her and Newt , which usually put a smile on her face.


But she can't trust her anymore. She's working for a dark wizard. She has betrayed everyone. And yet, she's pleading for trust. Tina thought whether Grindelwald had brainwashed her into writing this letter. Maybe it's a red herring. Maybe it's a distraction from all the terrible things Grindelwald was doing.

She folded the letter. Today they were going to meet up with Theseus and the others about a plan to get Bridget back. It had already been a few weeks. Tina scolded herself for being this late.

They need some intel. Right now.

"Alright, so. ." Theseus said, "It leaves the three of us".

"What happened to Charles and Harold?" Tina asked.

"They're in Castelobruxo, taking charge" Theseus said, "Now we need to look for Bridget. No more delays".

"We've already been late" Newt commented.

"Look, we've had a lot of hurdles to jump up and down. I'm sure Bridget would understand" Theseus said, "Let's not waste time and let's get looking. The battle may be over, but it's the beginning of the war".

"I have an idea about how to get to Bridget than just randomly look around, we can track Queenie's letter to see where it is from. Clearly Grindelwald wouldn't have kept Bridget in some faraway land" Tina said.

"Hold on, Queenie's letter?"

"She sent Tina a letter" Newt said.

"That miscreant foul loathsome..." Theseus started to insult her that Newt had to cover his ears.

"Stop!" Tina demanded, "Don't insult my sister! She's probably doing the right thing without realizing it!"

"Fine" Theseus agreed to the moment. He was aghast at how Queenie could've endorsed in many crimes and then, she casually writes a letter to her sister.

"Let's track and find out some information" Tina concluded.

"Sounds good" Newt said.

After managing to cast a dozen charms on the letter, the trio managed to locate where Queenie's letter would've been from. They quickly copied it to a map of Rio.

"Its near Corcovado" Theseus said, examining the map, "The famous mountain views. It's a tourist sight".


"You don't think Grindelwald would want to establish a hideout near a Muggle spot, would you?" Newt asked.

"The map doesn't lie" Theseus shrugged.

"Well, there's only one way to find out" Tina decided.

Jacob didn't know Rio very much. It was like he woke up from a very bad case of amnesia and he couldn't manage to navigate around town.

He crouched in a corner of a cafè and waited for someone to come to him and help him around.

"You're lost, Jacob" a voice came.

Jacob turned back, "Magnuson!"

Indeed, his ship pal was right in front of him. Jacob didn't know how he managed to find him in a crowd of people, speaking a language he didn't understand.

"You must be tired" Magnuson said, with a little smirk, "Come along. You must be searching for Queenie".

"Of course, I really appreciate it" Jacob said, "Uh. . Magnuson, I don't think you ought to know..."

Magnuson grabbed Jacob's hand and rushed into an alley. Then he Apparated.

Jacob arrived in a damp place. Almost like an underground hideout. He was pushed into a dark cell and was locked in by Magnuson.

"Let me out!" Jacob yelled.

"I know exactly who you are, Jacob Kowalski. And you pose a threat to all of us" Magnuson's voice went hoarse.

"I know that you're a wizard!" Jacob blurted out.

"Of course. But you don't know I work for the noble Grindelwald, oh no you don't" Magnuson laughed, "The moment you mentioned Queenie, I knew I had to make arrangements".

"Let me out, you cockroach!" Jacob insulted.

"Not very friendly" Magnuson smirked, "Let's see how Newt Scamander and Tina Goldstein come and find you now. Goodbye for now".

He Apparated.

Jacob sat down, cross legged on the damp floor. Tears streamed from his eyes. The man whom he trusted, the man whom he shared secrets with, betrayed him. He should've known that Magnuson was nothing but a dirty cheating liar.

"Hello? Is that you, Magnus? I thought I heard your voice down here" a feminine voice echoed. It sounded oddly familiar.

"Who is it?" Jacob said.

"Who are you?" the woman asked. She then came into his view.

She was a little tall. Her blonde hair was tucked behind her ears. She wore a long pink dress and she had her wand with her.

"Queenie?" Jacob got up.

"Ja-Jacob?" Queenie gulped.

It was going to be a long journey to Corcovado Mountains. They decided to catch a train and get there as quickly as possible. It was a forty five minute journey, from where they were.

"I need some fresh air" Theseus said, "I'll be near the exit doors. Just want to look at some scenery".

He left leaving Newt and Tina in an empty compartment.

"Ever heard of Chocolate Frogs?" Newt blurted.

"The what?" Tina asked, quite startled herself.

"They're little treats that you get on the Hogwarts Express. Reminds me of when I traveled to Hogwarts" Newt reminisced, "They have these little cards in them of famous witches and wizards".

"Oh really?" Tina said, "We have something similar too. I forgot the name".

"It's really good to have something sweet during bitter times like these" Newt said, "Too bad they don't have Chocolate Frogs in Rio".

Tina laughed, "You're a good man, Newt. Theseus is lucky to have you as a brother".

"Queenie is lucky to have you too" Newt complimented back.

"After the incident, I'm not really sure" Tina answered.

"You're smart, protective, brave and strong. I think Queenie would be grateful, even if she has changed" Newt said, almost whispering to her.

"We'll see" Tina decided, "Maybe we'll get to see a glint of hope after all".

creative license, right?

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