《Birds of a Feather》Hoar


A few days passed with Grindelwald slowly gaining followers. Nobody knew where the others were. Newt and Tina were in Ajuda Mágica, for a few weeks, the only magical hospital in all of South America. Theseus, Charles and Harold were in Castelobruxo, trying to restore order in the school. Nagini and Yusuf Kama were nowhere to be seen. Jacob was in Rio, looking for Queenie.

Everyone were scattered. If only there was a force to pull them together.

Tina was finally discharged after a few days. She was in the pink of the health, all fit and ready to go to war. Newt finally received a letter from Bunty, which was rather enigmatic.


I hope you're okay. Can't talk much. Mails being checked. Expect a visitor.


Expect a visitor? Who was it? Newt tried to contact Nicolas Flamel and check whether the eccentric alchemist is planning of helping them. But no matter how hard he wrote in code, he knew that the letter would never reach Flamel. Due to the fact that Grindelwald was in control of the owl post.

He could only use the Two Way Mirror, which was with Theseus.

"What are you mulling about?" Tina asked. They were staying in a Muggle inn.

"Nothing, just about. . how one day we'll all die and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it" Newt grimaced.

"I think about it everyday" Tina sat down next to him, "But I hope things will become better. That's all".

"Hope?" Newt's voice turned bitter. Tina knew that she had hit a nerve. There's got to be a way to make things seem fine.

"Dumbledore is coming to Rio, you know. You told me so" Tina said.

"But there's only little that he can do. He can't fight him. He'll die if he breaks the pact" Newt said, "It has got to be us. And if we ever get involved in a war, trust me, we're going to lose so many good people".

"Let's not get into war. Is there another way we can resolve this?" Tina asked, "All Grindelwald wants is power. If we manage to find him an authoritative position, we might be able to expect some morality from him".


"It's an idea, all right" Newt commented, "But it's all about Dumbledore".

"Do we know the truth?"

"I wish" Newt hoped, "But he keeps changing it. One time he told me that he made the blood pact after Grindelwald, his brother and him dueled which resulted in his sister's death and the other time he told me that he was on the verge of breaking apart from Grindelwald, but Grindelwald forced him into making the pact".

"He's never honest" Tina said.

"No!" Newt snapped, "Dumbledore has a specific reason as to why he doesn't want us to know why he made the blood pact in the first place! Don't call him dishonest!"

Tina blinked.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Tina. I should've never taken it out on you" Newt apologized profusely, "I should've never done this".

"It's okay" Tina assured him, "It's a peculiar problem and we're all part of it".

"It also gave me some time to think" Newt confessed, "What will you do after this ends?"

"After the war?" Tina asked, "I have no idea".

"Would you go back to New York?"

"Depends" Tina swallowed, "If Queenie's back, then she can marry Jacob and move to London where the laws aren't strict. And I'll have to resume my position in MACUSA, so it makes sense for me to return back".

Newt gulped. Would he ever not see her again?

"You can work here, you know. You're an amazing Auror, they'll want you to work here" Newt started, "Plus, I don't think it's wise enough for you to live all alone".

"It's fine. I'm used to being alone" Tina said.

"On Christmas?" Newt asked, bewildered. There was no way a person could be alone during the holidays.

"I've been alone plenty of times" Tina said, "It's what makes me stronger".

Newt laughed, "As much as you are desperate to return back to New York, you can have a life here".

"It's almost as if you want me to stay here" Tina said.

"I do" he replied, "I want you to stay here--".

"Why?" Tina asked a blunt question.

"B-because I don't want you to leave" Newt said.


"What, I bet you can't stand me getting all over your head" Tina grinned, "I'd be better off in New York, I expect. I don't want Queenie to feel any more uncomfortable".

"You're genuine, Tina" Newt smiled at the ground, "Just, make a decision. It wouldn't be too long until the war ends. And if you still want to leave, you c-can. But I'd be happy if you stayed in London".

"I'll see what I can do" Tina decided.

Of course it was obvious to Tina ; she herself happened to admit to it that she liked Newt, more than just a friend. And she didn't know why Newt would have any reason to like her.

Look at Newt! He's a celebrity! A famous author with a case full of beasts. Who wouldn't want to spend their whole life with him? He's a big star! Tina knew that Newt would eventually settle down, get married to someone better than her.

And she was just plain old boring Tina. She was an Auror, running from country to another country. Just bravery wouldn't help. It would make people feel intimidated and there were plenty of girls out there who gave more importance to their looks.

Tina wasn't that kind of a gal.

In Newt's point of view, he was absolutely head over heels in love with Tina. There was no doubt. If Jacob can realize it, then there is absolutely no way he can deny it.

To him, Tina was a fabulous person, with charm and groove. Her bravery, her chivalry and her wit were her best features. Newt didn't care what other people thought of Tina.

To him, she was perfect. And of course, if Tina were to return back to New York, she'd marry Achilles Tolliver. And he'd never see her again. After all they've been through.

"Please don't go" Newt said, again, "I don't want you to leave".

"I'm considering my options" Tina knew this was a big decision. She spent all her life in New York and she can't let one British man change her way.

Then again, he can.

"I'll miss you" Newt said, getting all of his feelings off his chest, "Very much".

"I'd miss you too" Tina replied hoarsely.

"I miss London" Newt declared, changing the subject to something less depressing.

Of course. London was his home. After traveling for nearly three years continuously without a break, Newt needed some time off for his life.

Newt remembered the time when during Christmases, snow would settle down on the roof. His dad would conjure up a spell and enchant it to form drops of water. He would then prank his sons. It was a Christmas tradition at the Scamanders . Cookies and eggnog were rather common. The best part was the snowball fight they had when they finished opening their presents.

It wasn't Christmas yet. It was nearing October and Newt would be, back at home, in the mood for Halloween. They would dress up, wouldn't necessarily go out for candy, but would celebrate it as a costume party. A huge dinner and several tricks followed.

The sky was hoar outside. It wasn't supposed to rain. Rio receives rain only around December.

Soon a huge clap of thunderstorm was heard. Tina quickly tensed up.

"What's the matter, Tina?" Newt asked.

"Nothing, nothing. It's absolutely not necessary" Tina protested.

Another thunder clap. Tina's breathing rate became a bit faster.

"What happ. . ?"

"It's nothing to bother about" Tina murmured.

"No, I want to know" Newt said. Realizing how rude he had sounded, he quickly added, "I'd be glad to know".

"It's this irrational fear of thunder that I have. I can't seem to get rid of it. It stayed with me since childhood" Tina said.

"But I thought you lived in New York, and that is quite a rainy place" Newt pointed.

"Before my parents passed, I lived in California. After they died, I went to live with my mom's sister in New York. In spite of getting used to New York's weather, I'm still scared of thunderstorms" Tina said.

There was a sound of another thunder. Tina yelped. Newt slowly pulled her closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"It'd be fine, Tina" Newt soothed, "Everything has got a chance of turning out right".

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