《Birds of a Feather》Hill


"Oh Teenie!" Queenie exclaimed, forgetting the fact that she was, currently, fighting against her sister. She went over and hugged her warmly. Tina did not return the hug. Instead she stood transfixed, processing what had happened in the last few minutes.

"Jacob!" Newt was happy to see his old baker pal again, "Why did you even come to Rio?"

"Long story, Newt. Couldn't handle it" Jacob said.

"Now you put us all in danger" Theseus exclaimed, "Now that we have a Muggle with us, it's going to be even more perilous".

"Relax, Jacob here is a trustworthy person" Newt assured his brother. Jacob looked confused.

"No offense" Theseus added.

"None taken" Jacob said.

"Get off me, Queenie!" Tina pushed her sister away, "You hug me, after so much of betrayal".

"Tina, please" Queenie began, "Please just hear me out".

"I don't think I will" Tina snapped, "Your act purely out of love is just balderdash! You are out of your mind!"

"Tina, I'm so glad you found me. But you aren't supposed to be here" Queenie said, "I know what you did. You are clever. Mum would be proud".

"We'll see" Tina spat.

"Until then, I must take you as my hostages." Queenie pointed her wand, "I'm sorry, but visitors who pop in here are to be kept as hostages. Gellert says so".

"Gellert?" Tina asked, "Oh, so you two. ."

"Tina! Please, just help me work on it" Queenie pleaded, "Follow me".

"So Grindelwald would be proud of you? I would never ever endorse or cooperate with you just so you can "help" me escape" Tina snapped.

"Well, sister. I think I must use force" Queenie aimed her wand at Tina and began to utter a spell.

"Stupefy!" Newt yelled before Queenie could. The Charm sent her waltzing into a wall.


"Expelliarmus!" Queenie started.

Newt ducked as the spell rushed and extinguished into a pile of rocks. Then the worst thing happened.

There was a crack forming on the side of the rocky wall. Then the whole cave began to shake as rocks fell from the top.

"No!" Queenie cried.

"Bombarda Maxima!" Tina screamed at the cage. The prison exploded, leaving a very shaky Jacob among a pile of iron. Theseus grabbed Tina's hand as he led her out. Newt pulled Jacob towards him as the four of them made a quick escape.

As the cave rubbled down, a very drained Bridget emerged from the ruins. She managed to breathe, in the smoke and rushed outside, following her friends.

"Bridget!" Tina exclaimed as she hugged her old friend. Bridget was clearly exhausted. Theseus pulled out a water flask and handed it to her. They helped Bridget regain some consciousness.

"You okay?" Newt peered at her.

"W-where is H-Harold?" she coughed.

"He's at Castelobruxo" Theseus said.

"Huh?" Bridget's brain seemed to process what happened in the last few minutes. How she literally ran without thinking, emerging from the rubble.

She passed out.

"They have escaped, Gellert".

"Let them run, my dearest Queenie" Grindelwald smiled, "They can run, but they can never hide".

"If you see my sister, don't kill her" Queenie pleaded.

"Oh honey" Grindelwald scoffed, "I don't kill people. I choose them".

This clearly was a lie. Grindelwald wanted a person like Queenie on his team so he lied. He had to lie.

"Bring in the boy" Grindelwald ordered.

"Yes, Gellert" Queenie obeyed as she went to fetch Credence.

"Okay, I've never had food as brilliant as this in my entire life!" Jacob exclaimed. They decided to eat something before resuming. Bridget looked like she was starving for days. She bit into a pie.


Tina had just ordered a plain coffee with two sugar cubes, just how she liked it. Newt and Theseus sipped their teas respectively.

"Very well" Theseus said, "I shall contact Dumbledore as quickly as possible. Let's get away from this place?"

They all nodded.

"Perhaps near the beaches" Jacob decided, "I've seen plenty of inns available".

"So what did I miss?" Bridget asked.

"A long story" Tina murmured, "Long story short, we're all screwed".

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