《Birds of a Feather》Heed


There was absolute silence in Seaside Motel overlooking the beach. Theseus, Charles, Newt, Tina and Harold waited for their respective room keys.

"I'm sorry" Harold repeatedly apologized which became rather annoying after a few moments.

"Enough!" Theseus exclaimed.

"Excuse me? Mr Scamander?" the kind motel landlady interrupted their heated conversation with a little cough, "Your rooms are ready".

"Thank you, Miss. . ?"

"Call me Anne. My full name is Annette Brookes" she smiled gently, "Here are your keys. Have a wonderful stay".

"T-thanks for the hospitality, Miss Brookes" Charles piped up.

As they proceeded to their respective rooms, Theseus quickly announced an emergency meeting after a few minutes, right after they unpack and get settled.

Tina entered her lone room. It would've been nice if Bridget wasn't kidnapped. They could've enjoyed late night conversations and she could've been the perfect Queenie.

No. No one can replace Queenie. Tina thought as she unpacked her clothes and arranged them in the provided wardrobe.

The five of them huddled around to get a glimpse of the Two Way Mirror to contact Dumbledore.

Theseus clutched the mirror, his reflection shown on the smooth side. He looked weary, tired and darkness under his eyes.

"Albus Dumbledore" he croaked.

At once, his reflection disappeared and fog covered the mirror. Then after it cleared, Albus Dumbledore, the man behind the mission, came into vision.

"Theseus" he said, "Newt. Tina. Harold. Charles. Hello".

"Okay, that's it!" Theseus declared, "Look, Bridget is missing and Abernathy knows we're here and there's absolutely no way we can get out of this place without death! How dare you, Dumbledore! I trusted you!"

"Let him speak" Tina insisted, but Theseus didn't pay attention to her.

"Theseus" Dumbledore repeated, his voice more firm and convincing, "I suffer the same pain as you do".

"You don't" Harold barged in, "You let us suffer".

"Let him speak, for Lewis's sake!" Tina screamed. Newt was taken aback. Tina was usually a person who wouldn't raise their voice.

"I never meant for Miss Warbeck to get kidnapped" Dumbledore spoke, "Theseus, they are not after you".


"Then who?"

"They're after me" he said, "I have the blood pact and hence I am liable to pay. If I manage to destroy it as soon as possible, I might figure out a way to get out".

"What are we to do?" Charles said, not in his usual dull voice.

"Go to Castelobruxo Academy of Magic. There's someone there I'd like you to meet" Dumbledore said. Even with a mirror, Newt could spot his eye twinkle.

"Someone who can help you get into Grindelwald's lair" he continued, "Just ask for Pedro Silva. He's a good friend of mine. Speaks seven languages, including Troll".

"All you do is point and grunt" Harold admitted. Dumbledore stifled a grin.

"Find him. Talk to him. And get back to me. Until then, I shall successfully attempt to derive information about the blood pact"

The fog reappeared and the mirror was back in it's usual form.

"Castelobruxo Academy?" Charles scoffed, "And what are we supposed to do now?".

"Tina? Newt? You better get a head start on this thing. Meanwhile the three of us will go undercover in Rio to search for any of Grindelwald's men" Theseus commanded.

Castelobruxo wasn't a normal school, aloof to the Muggles. It was, in fact, hidden in the Amazon rainforest in Northern Brazil. Tina and Newt decided to Apparate instead of taking local transport.

And here they were, in front of a big pink castle, similar to the ones in fairy tales? Newt's mother had read him some when he was too little and he would clap his hands in glee whenever his mother finished with a They lived happily ever after. Maybe he'd get a happy ending someday.

"Castelobruxo accepts students from all over South America. I remember when Illvermorny, Castelobruxo and Mahoutokoro had a Triwizard Tournament".


"Japanese school of magic" Tina explained, "And when I was a student, Illvermorny hosted it. The three schools are friends, but enemies when it comes to competition".

"Even we have Triwizard Tournaments. It's usually between Beauxbatons, Hogwarts and Durmstrang" Newt said, "We've almost banned the game because it led to a death of a student".


"Well, we usually don't have deaths" Tina said, cheerfully, "It's just the three schools competing in skills such as knowledge, strength and courage".

They reached the entrance to the castle. A huge stone guard stood in front, blocking the entrance to the castle.

"Purpose?" The statue spoke.

"We are here, from England" Newt spoke clearly, "She's from America. We want to talk to Pedro Silva about Grindelwald".

"Entry restricted" it's robotic voice snarled at them.

"Just let us in!" Tina drew her wand, "Move!"

"Antonio, would you stop?" A voice behind them said. Tina and Newt turned to see a tall man with a short beard and hair. He wore a long purple cape and dark baggy pants and a silk shirt.

"Can't allow intruders" Antonio said.

"They are with me" the man said, "Let me in".


"Não faça cócegas em uma bernunça adormecida" the man said, in clear and fluent Portuguese, "Now let us in".

The stone guard opened the long doors. The man motioned for Newt and Tina to follow. When they were allowed inside, the doors closed.

"Sorry about Antonio. We generally don't have him here. He's usually down in the basement. But since Grindelwald-" he clicked his lips, "We've got to be safe, eh?"

Newt and Tina looked perplexed.

"Oh so sorry. I'm Pedro Silva. Refer to me as Pedro. I'm the headmaster of Castelobruxo" he said, proudly, "Also the professor of Defense Arts".

Newt and Tina shook hands with him. They were quite relieved to have someone known to guide them around.

"Dumbledore said there are two important people who would be showing up" Pedro chuckled, "And I've been waiting in the gardens ever since. Sadly I didn't manage to see you. Or else I'd have saved you the trouble of talking to Antonio".

"Thanks, uh Mr Silva. I'm Tina--" Tina began, but he cut her off, "I know who you are. Tina Goldstein, Auror. Twenty years old, so young yet so experienced. Auror from America, Thunderbird in Illvermorny. That explains your adventurous quality".

Tina beamed. Silva turned to Newt.

"Of course. You're Newt Scamander, referred to as Theseus's little brother. However quite as much of a war hero like him" Silva observed, "Nearing thirty, but of course, still young. Celebrated magizoologist and author, and on the verge of publishing a second edition".

"Woah, you are thorough" Newt gaped in awe.

"I had to obviously learn about my guests" Pedro smiled, "I know exactly why you are here. Dumbledore told me about the problem. Why don't I give you a quick tour before we talk? I don't want anyone getting lost".

"We won't" Tina and Newt replied in unison.

"Are there students here?" Tina asked, once they began walking down the giant hallways.

"Yes, of course. They are in their respective classrooms and being outside their respective classes or dormitories is forbidden. They cannot visit the Amazon Rainforest or practice Quidditch until Grindelwald is far away" Silva explained, "We don't want any of our students getting into trouble".

"No Quidditch? Wow" Newt said.

"We have very strict rules in Castelobruxo. We don't expel students just because they break a few rules, but they will be dealt with severely" Silva continued, "In compensation for their Flying lessons, they will take extra Defense Arts, which means more tedious activities for me and my colleagues".

"Everyone must take Flying Lessons?" Newt asked.

"Everyone must. Irrespective of their age"

Back at Hogwarts, only first years were requested to take Flying Lessons. As they moved up a year, they didn't have to continue them.

"What about dormitories? Are they safe?" Tina asked.

"We have cast a special spell on the rooms, which makes it unaccessible for the other students not belonging to the House" Silva said, "The safety processes are extremely delicate and proper and we shall successfully implement them".

"Do you think Grindelwald will actually break in here?" Tina piped up.

"We don't know. But we do know that he's unprecedented" Silva shrugged, "And that's always not a good thing in this context".

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