《Birds of a Feather》Hoax


After, maybe twenty days of traveling, they finally arrived at the Port. Theseus, all fresh and ready to start the day, hopped out of the ship while the others lagged behind.

"I'm so tired" Bridget yawned, "Stayed up late reading maps".

"You think that's hard? I haven't slept in a week" Tina murmured, "Mercy Lewis!"

Rio was an enchanting city. Filled with tropical wonder and eccentric vegetation, it was as if they had entered a haven of colors.

"Look, there's a carnival!" An excited Harold pointed at an extravaganza near the docks. There were food, people, exotic drinks and songs were sung.

"I'm starving" Harold continued, "Can we get something to eat?".

"We literally just had breakfast" Bridget said.

"It's fine" Theseus agreed, "At least we'll get to see what Rio is like. Get to know people. Until then, I'll try to find some motels".

"I'll come with you, Mr Scamander" Charles said, in a monotone voice.

"Oh thank you, Thes'!" Harold grinned, "Anyway, my sister was here a few years ago on a visit to Castelbruxo, the Brazilian school of magic and she said that Rio is -- simply amazing!"

"Let's cool down the excitement for a while" Tina told him, giving Newt a slight smirk.

As Theseus and Charles went to search for a good place to spend the next few weeks, Newt, Tina, Bridget and Harold proceeded to the carnival.

"Experimente nossos novos sabores! autêntica mordida brasileira!" One of the salesmen held up a platter of different samples of food to Tina. He gave her a smile.

"Uh. . maybe later" Newt appeared before Tina.

"Claro! Eu vou provar" Harold said, speaking fluently in Portuguese.

"Wait, you know Portuguese?" Bridget asked, as Harold swallowed a sample.

"Of course I do. My sister taught me. It's rather simple to learn" Harold admitted proudly, "Excelente! Isso é tão esplêndido!"


"Obrigado!" The salesman declared, bowing shortly to the Englishman. Harold acknowledged it and they moved on.

"What did you talk about?" Tina asked.

"Well, he offered me a platter of Brazilian cuisine to sample and it was splendid" Harold shrugged, "Don't worry, you can pick the language up by the time you reach home".

There was a lively party music erupting from a band on stage. People were dancing in pairs, wearing brightly colored clothes. The others were cheering.

"Come on, let's dance!" Bridget said, swaying to the music.

"May I have this dance?" Harold asked her, gently. He had developed a little unknown feelings for her ever since they had met a few months ago.

"Ever the gentleman" Bridget laughed and took his hand and walked to the dance floor.

"D'you want to dance?" Newt asked Tina.

"Do you?" she asked him back.

"I don't know how to dance" he admitted.

"Me neither" she added, "I've never been a big fan of dancing".

"Hey you two!" Bridget cried, "Stop standing there and get out here!".

"Yeah, the weather is super nice for a dance!" Harold said, "After all, life's too short!"

After many insists, Newt and Tina proceeded to the dance floor. They stared at each other, awkwardly, unsure of how to dance. The other couples looked at them, weirdly before resuming to their "trotting" and "spinning".

"Okay, let's do this" Newt stated boldly. Tina nodded. She clasped her hand on his shoulder, gripping it firmly and her other hand entwined with his right hand.

Newt slid his hand on her waist and pulled her a bit closer. Neither of them knew how to dance like how the others did, but they knew a little bit.

They moved in sync. Tina placed her right foot forward while Newt placed his left at the back. Soon they seemed to enjoy the moment.


Observing the other dancers, Newt gently twirled Tina, his hands ready to catch her in case if she trips. However she maintained perfect balance, almost like a Muggle gymnast and in turn, twirled Newt around.

They did a few more twirls and turns until the song ended. A thunderous applause broke out to compliment the band. The singers and the piano player took a bow.

"Mercy Lewis, that was fun!" Tina said, panting to catch her breath.

"Wasn't it?" Newt smiled, "Thanks for dancing with me".

Tina rolled her eyes, "You've thanked enough".

Suddenly Tina caught a glimpse of a hooded man, wearing a long black cape. The worst thing was, he had a wand with him.

As Tina's hands curved around her own wand, anticipating an attack, the hooded man grabbed Bridget by the hand.

"Bridget!" Tina cried. She raced over and chased the hooded man with Newt and Harold rushing after them.

"Stop you miscreant! You filthy half witted cave dweller!" Tina let out a string of insults as she chased him. They turned sharply down a narrow alley.

"Cave dweller?" the hooded man laughed, holding his wand against Bridget's throat. Bridget was completely defenseless. Her wand was snatched away and she stood there, fear in her eyes.

"Leave her alone!" Newt snapped.

"Bridge'!" Harold yelled as he leapt forward.

"You two" the man growled at Newt and Tina, "Always show up when you're least required. Reverte Statum!"

A green spell shot out of his wand and hit all three of them. Tina gasped and lunged for her wand.

"Revelio!" she said, wanting to know who this man actually was.

To her horror, his hood dropped down. It was Abernathy.

"Abernathy." Tina got up, her wand clutched, "Leave Bridget alone".

"So sorry, my fellow mates" he cackled, "Grindelwald's commands. Can't break the rules".

"You've done plenty of damage" Newt added, "Leave Bridget alone and we won't hurt you or hex you to the Moon and back".

"Or else. . ?" he laughed, in spite of knowing the obvious answer.

"Stupefy!" Tina screamed.

"Protego Maxima!" Abernathy defended.

"So long" he said and Disapparated. There was a long pause.

"It's all been a trick" Harold realized, "He somehow knew we were coming to the carnival".

"Obviously" Newt scoffed, "That dirty cheating liar--"


"Stupid pilfering pest--"

"Newt!" Tina exclaimed, "We need to get to Theseus and Charles. The sooner the better. Who knows what Grindelwald would do to Bridget?".

"A hoax" Harold gulped, "We were too oblivious. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I wanted to go to the carnival".

"It's fine, Harold. Consider this as an opportunity to get Grindelwald on his knees" Tina grabbed Newt's wand for him, "He'll pay".

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