《Birds of a Feather》Horn


A few weeks passed by, with Newt actually managing to convince his brother to let him come along. Theseus only allowed this just to get Newt and Tina together. He was tired of them pushing away their feelings for each other and decided this could be the perfect opportunity.

Soon August turned to September and 21st was on its way. One morning, on the dull day of September 20th, Tina was getting ready for the mission. She was told that Dumbledore would be communicating with them via a Two Way Mirror.

"I still can't believe I can't come" Jacob wailed, "I'm supposed to stay here with that weird snake lady".

"I heard that!" Nagini yelled.

"It's just for a few weeks, Jacob. Once we get some intel on Grindelwald, we'll come back for phase two" Tina said, "Until then, you'll have to take care of Newt's creatures along with h Bunty".

"Here's a book" Newt handed a small leather bound diary, "It contains everything you need to know".

Tina remembered the night when the four of them were looking for Credence the Obscurus when Newt handed her this book and told her the same thing.

"Here you go. Everything you need to know is here--" Newt gave Tina his journal of taking care of magical creatures, "--If I don't come back, look after my creatures".

As he disapparated, Tina yelled, "Newt!"

That memory still haunted Tina. What if Newt didn't come back? What if he was killed by Grindelwald? Of course, at that time they were merely affiliates with each other and maybe friends, but just having the thought of Newt's death made Tina want to faint.

"It isn't fair. We are a bunch of friends" Jacob protested.

"It's just for a few days" Tina repeated herself, reducing the "few weeks" to "few days" so that Jacob would feel better.


"What if you don't return?" Nagini popped up.

"You can always remember us" Tina shrugged, "Plus, I'll guarantee we'll return. Don't worry. Worrying makes you--"

". . Suffer twice" Newt finished her sentence, "We'll send letters".

"Fine" Nagini stormed off. She seemed a bit angry at how spontaneous the decision was made and she didn't even receive a warning at all. It seemed so sudden.

"Take care, buddy" Jacob hugged his pal, "Keep in touch. Send me some postcards! I've always wanted to go to Brazil!"

"You can" Tina assured him, "Once everything gets to normal, you would marry Queenie and have a wonderful vacation there".

"You. . ?" Jacob looked dumbfounded, as if he couldn't believe what Tina had just said.

"Family is more important than a bunch of laws" Tina proclaimed, as she hugged Jacob, "And I'll do anything to keep my sister happy".

Jacob sniffed, "If you ever see her, tell her that I missed her".

"We will" Newt said, "And oh, the Nifflers are pesky. Just make sure you deal with the easy ones and let Bunty take the rest. She's experienced".

"Got it" Jacob assured.

"Goodbye Newt. Goodbye Tina".

"Goodbye Jacob" they said in unison.

"Come on, hurry up! We haven't got much time!" Theseus complained. He and his Auror Team met with Newt and Tina near the docks.

"Sorry, we were saying goodbye to Jacob and Nagini" Tina explained quickly.

"You're Tina Goldstein? The Tina Goldstein?" one of the Aurors asked her.

"Yes, I am" Tina replied, stiffly. She was so over people asking for her name and pretending to be surprised. Of course she was a groovy Auror, with a really short temper and probably the bravest person ever to have existed, as that's how people described her.

The ship's horn blew.


"All aboard!"

Theseus and his Auror Team boarded the ship first, followed by Tina and Newt. Newt took a last glance at the docks and his home, England, before shaking away his sappy thoughts and rushing into the ship.

"Okay, Bridget and Tina can share a room, while Harold and I can share another room. Newt and Charles can bunk in" Theseus quickly assigned roommates.

Being the only two females in Team Alpha, Bridget and Tina didn't have a hard time getting to know each other. Bridget was a young Auror, in terms of experience. She had worked for the Ministry for two whole years and her contributions were so valued that she instantly became the best.

"You're amazing, Bridget".

"Says the girl who got her groove back!" Bridget said with a wink.

Theseus and Harold discussed several strategies on what they would do when they'll arrive in Rio. Harold, being a light hearted fellow, cracked jokes and enjoyed himself as opposed to Theseus's naturally serious looks.

"Harold, we aren't going to Peru!"

"But I was hoping to visit some tourist sights!"

Newt and Charles had only one thing in common, which is both of them were introverts. They didn't talk much, except for their plans and places around South America. Other than that, they kept to each other.

"Great day, huh?"

"Will be a bit sunny in Rio, I expect".

"Oh, very well. I expect Rio is famous for it's beaches" Charles muttered, "Maybe we'll get to see some".

As Newt gazed out of the window, bidding England a silent goodbye, he couldn't help but wonder, What if?

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