《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 16 - Ma Ma... errr Pa


As everyone was in pin drop silence, Vidya's crying echoed through the entire house grabbing everyone's attention.

Shruti picked crying Vidya to calm her down.

After calming her, Shruti looked up to see everyone was looking at her.

She understood that his parents wouldn't want to have the talk in-front of her, so she excused saying she need to go home.

She was returning to home first time after Pongal. So she brought some groceries on the way to home.

Now and then she kept looking at her phone to check whether he messaged her. To her dismay there weren't any messages from him.

He must be busy convincing his parents.

His parents weren't that strict as far as she noticed.

They pretty well guessed she was his girlfriend. They were happy until Vidya's laughing sound echoed throughout the house.

Her thoughts were interrupted by knocking sound.

She opened the door to see Viswa standing.

"Hi," saying that he barged in.

"You came." she looked at him shocked.

"Yes. But will return soon. Just to came check upon you both."

She couldn't help but smile.

He sat on sofa and asked looking worried, "Did my parents say anything?"

"They guessed about you and me and I accepted that. What happened?" she asked.

He chuckled at the memory.

As soon as she left, Viswa's mother glared at him.

"What is this Viswa? I didn't expect this from you!" she yelled at him.

He sighed. He knew his parents wouldn't accept their relationship as such. But he didn't know they will react this furiously.

"We didn't bring you up like this Viswa." His father scolded.

'Wait, why are they bringing their parenting now?' he frowned.

"What are you both saying?" he asked as he was confused.

"You are asking what we did. We should ask that? How can you hide us about your daughter?"

'Jeez! When did they know about AI? Uh-huh! Shruti!!! No! She wouldn't have told them about AI. Then how the hell they came to know that?'

On seeing his shocked face they continued, "How could you hide our grand-daughter from us Viswa?"

"Mom, listen." He tried to console them. He never wanted to tell them about his sperm donation. He knew they would react like this. Which grandparents can resist from seeing their grandchild?

"No way. Answer me this, did you both get married or you guys are in live-in relationship?" she asked out of nowhere.

'Why is she shifting from my baby to Shruti?' he frowned.


"What what? You have the nerve to get Shruti pregnant before marriage and have a child. Now you are behaving as if you didn't do anything?" his father spoke out.


Shruti laughed out on hearing this.

"Oh my God!" she kept on laughing.

"No offense. Viswa now I can understand where you get these weird imaginations," saying that she laughed out.


He huffed in annoyance.

"Fine, then what happened?" she asked.

"Then I had to say the truth about Vidya's birth," he said.

She nodded her head.

"They were shocked. Later they accepted you and Vidya," he grinned.

"What? They accepted me?" she looked shocked.

Even though he nodded his head, she couldn't believe that his parents had accepted her and Vidya.

When my parents couldn't accept me, how could they?

Viswa understood what was running in his mind, so he cleared her doubts.

"Shruti, I am divorcee. Soon after I got divorced, my parents started to search for alliance. They registered in some matrimony sites. All they got was proposals from widow and divorcee having kids. Initially they couldn't accept that. But later they were forced to accept the reality of me being a divorcee. So they changed their mind set accordingly. Plus they know how happy I was for past few months. So they agreed," saying this brought relief to her.

She didn't feel hurt as they were forced to accept her. Instead she was glad that they accepted her.

"They want to visit you guys tomorrow. So be ready," he grinned.

She nodded.

"So they knew you came here?" her question was answered when she heard calling bell.

He walked to the door where she noticed a delivery boy standing with food delivery.

After paying the swiggy delivery executive, he returned to living room.

"I had dinner," she said.

"Not for you. For my parents and me," he stuck his tongue out for which she rolled her eyes.

"I said to them that I will go to hotel and buy some for dinner. So I order food to be delivered here, so I can visit you both," saying that he kept the parcel on the table.

"Where is Vidya?" he asked.

In reply, she gestured towards her bedroom and he walked towards it.

When he saw Vidya playing with toys, he joined her to play with her.

On seeing the duo playing, Shruti sat on the bed.

"By the way, where is my gift?" he winked at her and lifted Vidya.

"Pa". On hearing that Viswa froze.

"Pa," Vidya called out to him and shook her hands in-front of his face.

He looked at Shruti, she nodded her head. Tears formed in his eyes, and looked at Vidya.

"Say once...more Vidu." He stammered.

"Pa Pa" she laughed, by this time, tears were flowing from his eyes.

He hugged her and kissed her cheeks and forehead.

"My baby. My Vidu kuttyma (pet name while calling children)," he cradled her slowly.

Soon Vidya started to yawn because of cradling. He laid her on the cradle and then he hugged Shruti.

"From when?" he whispered.

"Last two days. Recently she started to make sounds. So I figured out, she will be able to say small words."

"My best birthday gift! Thank you Shruti." saying that he kissed her forehead.


"So you are saying my birthday gift last night in not best?" she glared at him.

"Uh-huh" he scratched his head.

Girls and their timing for fighting!


Next day Viswa parents came home.

Shruti noticed his parents were little hesitant when it came to Vidya. But soon it was changed when they held her. Her smile made them to grow fond of her.

After spending entire day in her house they left for their hometown.

One month later...

"Why is she not calling me?" she pouted.

"Always appa (father)" she huffed.

"Come on, she needs time. Right Vidu?" saying that he gave Vidya a hi-fi.

She rolled her eyes.

"Shruti, I want to ask you something," he asked as he laid on her lap with Vidya sitting on his chest.

"When are you going to speak to you parents?" he asked seriously.

"My par...ents?" she stammered when he said about her parents.

"Yes, why are you hesitating?" he asked her.

"They didn't accept me Viswa. They won't," she said sadly.

"They didn't. But they might in future. It depends on how you speak to them."

"They won't listen to me."

"Make them," he said to which she sighed.

"Any parent would be furious if their daughter did like this. Even I am scared to tell my parents that I donated sperm to a couple. If they had known about that, they would have buried me alive. I was able to hide the truth from them, but you couldn't.

"It is all because of generation gap. What they think is taboo might be something so casual for us. What they think is correct might me outdated for us. We can't help it, Shruti. Sometimes we need to give up our ego and make them understand, because we all are family."

"Easier said than done." She muttered.

Viswa turned her head so that she can look at him.

"When I can convince my parents to accept Vidya, do you think it will be difficult for you to convince your parents?" he asked.

She closed her eyes to control her tears.

"Don't you think Vidya will need her grandparents?"

She looked away. Every time she spoke to his parents, she used to long for her parents. Whenever Vidya looks at his parents with love, she wanted the same for her parents.

"Vidu, you want thatha (grand-dad) and pati (grand-mom)?"

Vidya, enthusiastically said, "tha...tha... pa...thi"

Shruti gasped when she heard Vidya saying that.

"See. My daughter wants her grandparents. Convince them," he said with smug smile.

"How?" she looked perplexed.

"Go to your parent's home." He shrugged.

"Vidya? How can I take her? She can't travel for 6 hours!"

"Who asked you to take Vidya? You go alone. Take how much ever days you want until they get convinced. Meanwhile I will take care of Vidya. I can opt for work from home," saying that he rushed her to leave.

One week later...

He got call from her.

"Viswa," he could hear her sobbing.

"Shruti, what happened? Why are you crying?" he started to panic.

"They accepted me. They forgave me. I am so happy," he sighed in relief

"They want to meet Vidya. Maybe they will come by next week."

Then he asked her for her parent's number. When she asked to book flight for her, he asked her to come by bus so that she can sleep properly.

Thinking it as better option, she decided to travel next day.

"Vidu, mommy is coming. Ready for our surprise?" he winked at him.

"Ma ma," she said and she lifted her hands up.


When she reached her home, she got a surprise to see her house was decorated. At middle of living was a table with a cake.

"Happy birthday!" she heard a chorus voice.

She looked up to see Viswa's parents and her parents standing beside them.

She cupped her mouth in shock.

How did they come here so fast? She thought, but then she looked at Viswa to which he winked.

He deliberately asked me to come in bus! Idiot! She shook her head.

She cut the cake and fed Viswa first. After feeding everyone, Viswa stood infront of Shruti holding Vidya.

"Vidya wants to say something," he said.

She looked surprised. She turned towards Vidya who was smiling brightly.

Finally she is going to call me 'Ma'

Shruti grinned and extended her hands towards Vidya.

"What papa wants Vidu?" he whispered near Vidya.

"MA... maa..." then she made a growl sound, then said "pa"

Shruti who was excited when she said 'Ma' Viswa asked the same question again.

"Ma...Ma errrrr Pa" this time Vidya said without much gap.

Shruti gasped when she heard Vidya say that.

She looked Viswa who gave her million dollar smile and asked, "Will you..."

Before he could complete, she hugged him without crushing Vidya.

"YES! YES! Million times yes" she shouted against his chests.

"Yes" Vidya repeated her mother's words to which all laughed.


Hi! I know last part is bit cliche type. But wanted it to be cute. So it is like that. Yaayyy finally we are in the last chapter. I mean yes there will be epilogue. Three things can't be hidden, Sun, Moon and the TRUTH. In it will be covered. And it is going to be big maybe around 4k-5k words. There are many things that will be handled. So it is going to pretty big. Hope you don't mind it.

Coming to this chapter, for the last time I am asking this, how is the chapter? Thanks for all you support throughout the journey. Whoops, I should say this dialogue in epilogue. Okay, will handle this later. Thanks for reading. Epilogue will be out soon.

Until then, take care. Will be back with epilogue.

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