《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 15 - Birthday Surprise


"Shruti, I have a confession to make. I know I should have said this to you earlier. I... I was scared and felt it wasn't right time to tell. But I think this is the right time."

Child? When did he have child? From whatever angle she thought, she couldn't get a proper answer.

Viswa observed Shruti. Finally on seeing her calm expression he proceeded further.

"I heard about AI many months ago. A couple was in need of sperm. So I volunteered to donate my sperm to the wife."

He looked at Shruti. He knew she won't get hurt. He didn't deliberately hide it from her. His mind was preoccupied with other things that he forgot to mention this to her.

When she informed him about she got conceived through AI, he got nostalgic feeling. But soon they were distracted and the topic never came.

"Woah." Shruti beamed with happiness and he was taken back by her reaction.

This isn't what he expected. He thought she would react neutrally, but not this happy one.

"You are happy?" he asked her surprised.

"You know you did a great help to that couple! I have been in a situation where I couldn't get a sperm. Finally I got it from a donor after a long wait. For me, it wasn't that urgent, but can't the same to a couple. You gave happiness to a family Viswa. You are truly a gem." Her face was glowing in happiness.

He smiled sadly.

"But I am not happy Shruti. I haven't seen the couple. I don't know whether baby is boy or girl. I don't know how baby's parents are taking care of the baby. F**k I don't even know whether the baby is born or still born, Shruti." He burst out.

"Every time I hear news where parents beat their child, my heart skips a beat. Sudden panic arises in me praying that my child shouldn't be in any such situation. I feel utterly useless on knowing I couldn't be there for my child."

This was the second time he burst out his emotions.

"Why couldn't you know?" then she realized the contract the doctors drew as soon as procedure is done.

She caressed his hair.

"Viswa, your child will be safe. Do you believe in karma?" she asked.

He nodded his head. "When you took care me and Vidya very well, he wouldn't abandon your child. There is say right, 'Ooraar pillaiyai ooti valarthaal than pillai thaane valarum' (When you feed other's child, your child will grow on its own)*. So don't worry, your baby will be in great hands."

He nodded his head. He felt better after bursting out and hearing her comforting words.

He laid his head on her chest and let her caress his hair.

"If the couples allow, you can meet your child right?" she asked.

He nodded.

"Shall we speak with the doctor to whom you donated?" she asked and laid her head on his head.

He shook his head.

"I don't have the right to." he whispered as if he was ashamed of his actions.

"Viswa it not too late. We can convince that you are not there to take your child away from them. By law they have the rights. Even they would have known about it. Just seeing whether your child is safe only right?"

"Will you?" he asked.

She frowned.

He created a looked up and asked her. "Will you allow the father of your child to visit Vidya?"


"I... I..." she sighed.

"This is diff... erent." She stammered.

"It is all same from recipient side Shruti. We can convince them, and that couple might allow me to visit the child out of sympathy. But they will have a constant fear of losing their child to me. Just like I fear for Vidya. Not only you, even I wouldn't allow the father of Vidya to enter into her life.

"I am possessive when it comes to people around me. My daughter, My girlfriend. I am not ready to share Vidya with anyone. I can't see Vidya loving and calling someone else as dad, even though that person is biologically her father. Like this only, husband of that couple would be feeling right? I don't want him to go through that. Like you said, I need to believe that god has made sure the child is in good hands." He said.

Shruti could feel his pain. When he said he wasn't ready to share Vidya with anyone, her heart swelled in happiness.

She pecked his forehead.

"Coming back to where we started. Just like I said, my child was the reason for accepting Vidya. When I donated my sperm, I knew how demanding it was. People out there were waiting for months to get a vial of sperm. Wives will be carrying their own child, but husbands, they gladly accept another man's child. After knowing that, I felt, there is nothing in blood. Just because child is your blood, it doesn't mean you become father.

"A really parent is when are part of their growth. I was never a father to my child, but I am to Vidya. That's all it matters."

Shruti's eyes became glossy due to tears.

She pulled Viswa to her chest and cradled with him.

"You are the best" saying she kissed his hair.

He hugged her and said, "Moreover I wouldn't ask for another child because recently I got a weird dream."

She looked at him and asked what.

"Vidya marrying a person. Later I came to know that he was my child. Do you know how weird it is?" she chuckled. But on seeing his serious face she controlled.

"Even I am scared, Shruti. Vidya and that boy might not be connected by blood. But what if we have a girl child and she marries my son? Half siblings getting married!" this time she couldn't control her laugh.

"Viswa, it won't happen like that." Viswa pouted.

"Do you believe in destiny?" she asked.

"Just like I am destined to be yours?" he teased and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, just like that. When a person is born, correspondingly, a soul mate will be born somewhere. God created the soul mates. When he knew to create a soul mate, don't you think he will be careful regarding siblings?" she asked.

He smiled at her mere attempt to lighten his serious mood.

"Fine fine. My children won't get married to each other." Viswa declared.

"That's my boy," saying that she kissed him.

"Ah Ah. All worries and insecurities gone?" he raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes." She gulped. His tone was bit different when he asked that question.

"Now time for punishment," before even she could react, he threw her over his shoulder and marched to their room.

"VISWA" she shrieked.

"Save some screaming for upcoming activities babe," saying he threw on the bed.

"What are y..." she stopped cursing on seeing him taking out his belt from floor.


Her eyes popped out.

"What are you..." she gulped.

"Tsk tsk. Punishment time babe." He smirked at her.

"You can't beat me with that," she accused to which he rolled his eyes.

"I am not into that much of BDSM," saying that he flipped her so that she was lying on her stomach.

Then he used the belt to tie her hands to the headboard.

"But a little," he whispered in a husky voice near her ear which made her to shudder at the same made her excited.

AN/- you can skip to **** part even I feel like cringing while writing this. This would be my first and last scene writing like this.

"Wha..."she cut off by yelling out when flinched in pain.

"Did you just spank me?" she tried to turn her head around.

"Yes. Each spank for each mistake. Now you start t..."

"To count?" she finished rolling her eyes.

"Ah ah. No no. Confess what mistake you did. Then only you won't repeat it." he smirked.

"Five seconds time else you will get will another spanking for free." he said as if he was giving some buy one get one free offer.

"Ouch." she yelped when he started.

"For being insecure." she shouted.

When he spanked her again to which she shouted. "Hey! that's all I did!"

"For kicking me out of the bed in the middle of heated moment." he replied which made her to roll her eyes.

"For not saying about Vidya's birth first itself." he said.

"This is for leaving her alone." he continued.

Like that he listed every small things which annoyed her.

When he spanked again, she cutoff him by saying.

"For not kicking your shin when I got the time." she mocked for which she earned her another one.

"Fine. That's enough." saying that he loosened the belt.

She took that as a chance to fight him but he anticipated that move. So he caught her hands with his right arm and held it above her head.

She gulped. "Punishment time over." she whispered.

He shook his head 'no'

"That was just the trailer." he winked and continued with his sweet torture.


When she woke up, it was 11 in the morning. She mentally cursed Viswa for making her tired. She somehow managed to get up from bed and walked out of their room.

She thought Viswa left for office, but on hearing sounds from kitchen she walked towards it where she saw Viswa feeding Cerelac to Vidya.

She leaned on the counter and looked at the duo. A smile crawled to her face.

"What is the big baby doing here?" he asked still feeding the baby.

"Was she hungry? I didn't hear," she said sadly.

He wiped baby's mouth with cloth and gave same toys to play. He walked towards Shruti and made her to sit on the counter.

"I don't think you would have heard even if the entire building was collapsed." He teased her and pecked her lips.

"Who is the reason for that?" she slapped his arm.

"Well you only. You doubt my love, so I had to make sure how much I love. Isn't the duty of loyal boyfriend," he grinned at her.

She blushed.

He nibbled her cheeks which turned red and gave a small peck.

"But do make some stupid things. Then only I will get reason to..." before he could say he heard toy falling on the floor.

When they turned towards Vidya, they saw her throwing all the toys to the floor and started crying.

Viswa shook his head and commented. "Do you really think I would ask for another child when one itself, not allowing me to romance with my pretty girlfriend?" he teased and went to attend Vidya.

She laughed out. Not only this time, there were times she would cry when they were in middle love making. They couldn't leave the baby as such so they need to run to the other bedroom to calm her down.

Even if she asks for another child also, she was sure Viswa wouldn't allow it to happen.

My possessive jerk. She shook her head.

With two weeks for his birthday, she planned with Vidya to surprise him.

She planned many things. One of that was to search for his child. But she dropped that. It would be like going against his words when he clearly said no.

So she indulged in other surprise hoping it doesn't fail.

One week later he got a call.

"Viswa! Call for you!" she shouted as he was in bathroom.

"Who is it? If it is from office ignore it." current project was getting on his nerves as it was demanding more work from him.

She looked at the caller ID and frowned.

"It says 'Doctor'," she shouted back.

Suddenly the water running sound stopped and she heard footsteps.

He hurriedly pulled the phone from her and attended the call.

"Doctor? What happened? Did the baby got hurt?" he asked in panic tone.

Shruti got alert when he realised it was the doctor.

She couldn't hear what other person was saying but she breathed out on seeing him sighing in relief.

"Then why did you call?" she could see the frown lines forming on his forehead.

Later she saw him clenching his jaw soon she went his side and rubbed his arm in assurance.

"No doctor. I am not ready for another donation."

Being so close, she was able to hearing what other person was saying.

"Viswa, they have been trying for some years. It would be really helpful if you could..." he cut off her.

"Sorry doctor. I understand you. But I already regret donating in first place. I am not going to donate any time soon," saying he hung up on her.

Shruti knew if she forces him to donate he will. She felt sympathetic for that couple. But at the same time she didn't want Viswa to suffer. If someone asks her to bear kid for another person she would refuse. She can't stand one being separated from her child. So she wouldn't dare to convince him to donate.

"Did I do wrong?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"Donation is not for all Viswa. You can't be savior for each and every one." she assured him.

"But I feel guilty." he said.

"There are many people out there to donate. Men earn a lot through donating sperm Viswa. So don't worry, they will get another donor. It is just that they need to wait for few months that's all." saying that she patted his cheek.

He sighed. He wish he could, but at the cost of? His sanity? He is not ready to sacrifice anymore. For once he decided to be selfish to prevent from getting hurt.

"But one thing I came to know about." he grinned.


"I was scared when this doctor called me. I panicked thinking something happened to the baby. She said 'No. She is fine'," saying that he grinned.

"Girl baby!" she too grinned.

"So I need not worry whether my son would become son-in-law?" he winked.

She rolled her eyes.

Later he called Sanchana and apologized for replying rudely. He also explained his fears and Sanchana understood that and didn't force him. She also said that they got another donor from another bank. After hearing that only he relaxed.

One week later, it was his birthday.

On this day, they went to temple and then after dropped them at home.

"Come back soon. Your gift is waiting." She said.

"Gift? You can give me now?" he gave puppy dog eyes to her.

"Aha, no innocent looks. Come soon in the evening. Only then gift," saying she pecked his cheeks.

Shruti made Vidya to wave her hand at him as he drove away to office.

As soon as she entered, she started to decorate their house.

As she was decorating, she heard the calling bell sound.

She looked at Vidya who was playing with balloons.

"I asked your father to come in the evening. See he has come in afternoon itself," saying that she went to open the door.

When she opened the door she got shocked on seeing the people standing outside.


Viswa was getting impatient as soon as she said there is gift waiting.

What else would she gift me? He thought.

Or is it another dancing session like Yesterday night? His wicked mind went to yesterday's night events where he got front view of her famous belly dance that too in belly dance costume.

He shook his head to clear those images as he need to complete the work soon. As soon as his work was over, he returned home and knocked on the door.

When Shruti opened the door, "Where is the gift for birthday boy?" he asked impatiently.

Before even she speak, he lifted her up and was about to kiss her.

"Viswa, Stop." Shruti hissed and made him to look at the guest who came to house.

"Mom? Dad?" saying that his grip on her loosen and made her to stand on her feet.

"Is this the gift you mentioned?" he whispered eye wide.

She furiously shook her, when his mom said in loud voice, "Viswa, can we have a talk?"

He gulped down. At the same time Vidya who was sleeping woke up and started to cry.

"Great timing Vidu," He muttered.


Hi guys! Early update right?

Regarding that quote. Feeding another child meant feeding wife. When husband takes care of his wife who is pregnant, his child will grow on it's own. That's the actual meaning. Some say taking care of other children will help our children to grow well. It is like karma. That is also possible. In this case they think it is second reason. But actually it is first which they will realise it later.

Coming to chapter, how was it? With one chapter and an epilogue left I will wrap everything as much as possible. Is there any thing that needs to be covered? One scene didn't explain in detail. Shruti didn't confront about pillow to Viswa. I thought of covering it but it was late. I mean she found it long back so couldn't cover it in any other chapter. Moreover Shruti knows he doesn't express or boasts about himself. So she understood why he didn't voice it out later. That's why I left it.

Regarding Viswa's decision, no offense. He is not comfortable to donate again. The thing is he gets easily attached to the baby, so he is the one to get hurt at the end. If he was more open minded maybe he could have donated. But he isn't. He still regrets donating in first place. Yes he doesn't show it because of donation only he started to accept Vidya else he wouldn't have. So for that he is glad that he donated. But once again going through hardships is not possible for him. Hope you understand him. As of 2019, this is a situation. Maybe in future, after 5-6 years it might become common one. That time this story will be outdated. But still Viswa will remain same. *sticks tongue out* maybe after 10 he might change his opinion but by that time he will not be eligible to donate. *winks winks*

Coming to cover. I would like to thank omahazeeya she prepared some covers for me. She gave me this long back. Now only I am posting this. Sorry for the delay. *holds my ear*

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