《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 14 - AI? Artificial Intelligence?


Sorry for adding video which is not suitable for all. Again upcoming scene matches the song. So added this. I don't know Telugu, but the meaning would suit the below scenes. That's why.

Long gone was the sleep for Shruti.

'As if I will let you sleep?' Her subconscious mind poked in.

He shouldn't have thought so low of me? I thought he was different. Her heart whimpered

'Then what else can he think of when you have baby? How can he guess Vidya was born by AI? You never said about her birth. Whose mistake was that' her mind pointed out.

She sighed.

'Even though he had thought like that, he did say that her past doesn't matter to him.' When she recalled their last conversation, her eyes welled up.

Yes she was glad when her past didn't matter to him, but what hurt her was when there was no past, someone judged you wrongly.

But she knew she was wrong. She should have discussed about Vidya when they started their relationship. With that determination, she went to other room to apologize to him. She frowned on seeing him missing.

When she went to living room, the aroma of making Tea made her to step into kitchen.

She leaned on to the counter and stared at his back. She struggled to speak as she was ashamed of her actions.

"You want some tea?" he asked without turning.

She whispered yes. He poured tea to two cups and handled over one to her.

She didn't look at his eyes thinking he was angry at her.

As she kept on staring the cup, she decided to speak out.

"I am sorry." She blinked when he apologized instead.

Wasn't it my dialogue? She thought.

"What?" she looked at his eyes to see bags were formed under his eyes.

"I didn't mean it that way Shruti. I could never think you had one night stand. I know about you." When he said these, her heart fluttered and tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Viswa," she called out to him.

"No. Listen to me fully. Initially I thought you had a boyfriend but might have had breakup since I didn't see him anywhere near you. On the day of labor I asked your maid to call the father of the child as he has the right to see the baby. When she said that you don't know who the father is, I thought you were raped."

By this time, tears were pouring out of her eyes.

He never thought me like that?

She couldn't be any more ashamed for her behavior last night. Why didn't I let him speak yesterday?

'You and your impulse action only,' her mind accused her.

"Viswa," she called him.

When he looked at her, he was shocked on seeing her crying.

"What happened?" he cupped her face.

She took deep breath. "I didn't get raped nor had any boyfriend." She looked at his eyes which were still waiting for her to continue.

"I lost trust in men soon after my engagement got cancelled. My family wanted to get me married immediately. But I got fed with the idea of getting married. But I longed for a family. So I thought of starting one. That's why I thought of AI method."

"Artificial Intelligence?" he frowned.

She looked as if he grew two heads.

"Oh yeah. You see Vidya is robot, I created like Dr.Vaseegaran created Chiti robot" She rolled her eyes.

"You and your computer science brain," saying that she bet his arm.


He laughed.

"It is Artificial Insemination." She corrected him which made him to freeze.

"What?" he asking looking shocked. When she first said AI, he felt like he heard this term somewhere but couldn't pinpoint and tell what it was. When she gave the exact abbreviation, he was taken to the past.

"Men will donate sperm. Doctors will inject that sperm into female uterus." Shruti started to explain the process to Viswa thinking he doesn't know.

"As per contact terms you will not get to know the father of the child." He finished.

Shruti beamed in happiness thinking he grasped the point so easily, unknown to the fact that he went through similar process.

On seeing his face, her smile dropped. He seemed to be in deep thought.

"Viswa what happened?"

When Shruti explain him about AI, he started to revive about the painful past. Initially he used to wonder what happened to his baby and baby's parents. Whenever he used to see pregnant women or babies, he used to get remind of it. Later when Shruti and Vidya entered his world, he forgot about his baby. Not his actually, as per law.

When Shruti shook him, he came out of thinking process and saw Shruti looking at him with concern.

"Nope, nothing. That's why you parents were against it?" he diverted the topic. The more he thinks about that, the more he will feel guilty for not knowing about his child. Even though he knew it is not in his hands that he is not able to take care of the baby.

She looked down and nodded her head. "I know I hurt them. They thought I wouldn't take risk. But I felt lonely. So I went for this option."

He hugged her tightly. He felt glad that her parents didn't accept her. Maybe if they had, then he wouldn't have been a part of Shruti and Vidya's life.

Moreover His heart swelled with pride when he came to know she went for AI. It needed lot of courage to stand independently in this world. Like he said for himself before, she knew what she was getting herself into.

Can he ask any more in a girl? He felt proud of his girl.

"Next time I see them I need to apologize to them." He chuckled.

"Why?" she frowned at him.

"Well, when you said your parents didn't pick up your call when Vidya was born, I used to mentally curse them for abandoning their only child when needed, as I thought you got raped. But it wasn't their mistake."

"They still didn't support me." She defended herself.

"It is difficult for them to accept. We can have that talk later. Drink the tea." he said.

As she sipped the tea, only then she realized something.

"Viswa I am sorry. Last night I shouldn't have reacted that way." She got diverted when he apologized.

"I get it why you got angry. We both were at mistake. You didn't discuss about her birth details with me. And I also assumed something and didn't clarify about Vidya's birth. Now everything is fine," saying that he pecked her forehead.

"Still I am sorry. I shouldn't have kicked you out when we..." she blushed.

"We what?" he teased.

"You know," She glared at him.

"Know what?" he acted innocently.

"Argh!" she pulled him by his T-shirt.

"This," saying that she tiptoed and kissed him passionately.

He groaned. "Not again. Don't start which you can't end. I don't want to have another cold shower at early morning in month of winter."


"What if I don't want it to end?" She looked at his eyes.

"You are surely going to be death of me," saying that he carried her to the same room where they fought Yesterday.


She tried to get up as Sun was peaking between the curtains.

He pulled her back and hugged her.

"Sleep," He whispered.

"Vidya," she informed him.

"I think she will also be sleeping. We both slept late at night."

"What were you both doing being awake?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

"What else, gossiping about big mommy only," she chuckled and hugged him back.

As days passed, their love grew stronger. At night they both used to sleep in one bedroom and Vidya in other. As they felt bad for leaving her in other bedroom, sometimes, Viswa bring Vidya to their room at middle of the night. Other times, she would interrupt their love session by wailing all of a sudden.

"Here, hold her," he gave the baby to him. He sat behind her and placed his chin on her shoulder.

"She is hunger I think," saying that she started to feed her baby. Viswa snaked his one arm around her waist and caressed Vidya's head using the other.

She was taken back to the car incident where they had their first fight. She smiled how that fight turned into.

Fighting makes love stronger. She used to laugh when people in love used to say that quote. But now she understood that fighting did help them to open their eyes to truth.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I thought about the car incident." She said and leaned on him.

He chuckled.

"Still I don't get why you refused to feed her in front of me." He wondered.

"I was feeling shy," She exclaimed.

"Now you do?" he frowned.

"Because I got used to, you looking at me like this."

He shook his head.

"Feeding is same. Before and after falling in love, I don't look at you in other way while you are feeding. It is nothing wrong when you child is hungry." He replied in stern tone.

She rolled her eyes.

"You won't understand. Maybe you will, when you are born as a woman and me as a man in next birth that time I will taunt you to feed our baby in front of me." She teased.

"I will gladly feed my baby in front of the whole world if my baby is hungry." He said with a smug look.

She chuckled and shook her head. She knows it is difficult to convince him. Some things can be understood only when they are in that situation. At the same time, she couldn't refuse when he said, nothing is wrong when your child is hungry. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

Soon Vidya started to yawn. Viswa placed her on the bed and they retired to sleep.

After few days, Shruti felt her periods were getting late. She knows during breast feeding, periods would be irregular. But with the events that has been be happening lately she doubted it could be cause of something else.

Can it be? She thought.

She shook her head. Every time he used protection, except once, first time alone. But that wasn't her ovulating time, just two before that incident, she had her periods. So it is 99.9% that she is not pregnant.

It must be because of breast feeding. She convinced herself.

On the other hand, she was scared of thinking of 0.1% percent possibility.

Already Vidya is too young. If I am pregnant, how will I take care of her and myself? She palmed her face looking worried.

"Shruti. What happened?" Viswa caressed her hair.

She shook her head saying it was nothing.

Soon they retired to their bedroom.

"Vidya, why are you crying?" She asked.

"No one likes me." She started to cry.

"Who said like that?" Shruti got upset.

Vidya in turn kept crying.

"Vidu, what happened? Who said like that?" Vidya whimpered.

"Papa is always with Vishruti. Even you. You both love her more than me." She complained.

"No Vidu, she is so small right? That's why we were looking after her. Even you are our princess." Shruti tried to explain to Vidya.

"That's what you having been saying for past three years. Is she still small?" she shouted.

"Vidu," She called for her

"No one loves me." She kept on shouting.

Shruti woke up suddenly and gasped for air.

She looked around then realized it was a dream. Indeed a bad dream.

She took his shirt and wore it. She tiptoed to the other room where Vidya was sleeping peacefully.

"I would never leave you alone." She whispered she caressed her head.

First born will get insecure when they have a sibling. It is common one. Later they will understand the reason.

But in her case, What will Vidya think if Viswa will side with their baby when they have one?

Will Vidya be left alone?

She trusts Viswa that he won't show partiality between kids, but blood is thicker than water, right?

She hugged herself being caught in situation where she felt helpless and vulnerable.

Suddenly, pair of arms snaked around her waist and pulled her back to hard chest.

She froze. Wasn't he sleeping?

He placed his chin on her shoulder and hugged her tightly.

She blinked and moved her eyes to hide her tears.

"Did she cry?" he whispered as he didn't want to disturb the baby.

She shook her head no.

He sighed. "What happened?"

She cleared the lump on her throat to speak. But she couldn't.

"Nightmare?" he asked.

She turned around and hugged him. He patted her back shoulder. Then he lifted her and went to the living room.

He sat on the sofa and made her to sit on his lap.

"Want to talk about it?" he cupped her left cheek.

She shook her head no.

"Shruti, you have been upset from evening."

She sighed. She bent her head and laid it on his shoulder and hugged him.

He wanted to force her to spill what is running in her mind. But he better knew to be calm as she will open up when it is needed.

"I am scared." She whispered.

Locking her thoughts in her head will ruin her relationship. She learnt her lesson few weeks before. No more secrets. We speak our heart out.

"You are not pregnant. Then why were you scared?" she looked up on hearing him say that.

"I saw the result in the bathroom." He brushed her hair from forehead and pecked it.

As soon as she got the doubt, she brought the pregnancy kit and tested it.

"My periods got delayed. So I tested it." She whispered.

"You are sad?" he asked

She shook her head no.

"You?" she asked.

"Nope." She looked shocked on hearing him say that.

"Shruti, Vidya is around five months old. Having another kid will complicate things. Plus, I seriously doubt Akshay would give you another maternity period." He joked.

She smiled humorlessly.

"But that is not you were scared of. What is it?" he asked.

How can he read my mind like that? She wondered.

Taking a deep breath, she told him about the dream.

"I would never leave Vidya and show love only to our child." He defended.

"I know." She trusts him. She knows his love for Vidya is more than he has for Shruti itself. The mistake is with her. Even if he sides with their child for once, she will feel insecure.

"Shruti. Do you trust me?" He asked with hurt coated in his words.

"More than anything." She looked at his eyes and replied, making him sigh in relief.

"Shruti." He breathed in before saying his next words.

"I don't want any more children. Just Vidya is enough." He said.

Shruti gasped.

"No, no. You need not do this to me, to us." She can't take that right from him. She was insecure, but she will overcome it one day.

He held her arms and said. "Shruti, it is not like sacrifice I am making. I don't want children. Just one child is enough. Do you really think with the current population I would ask for another one?" he joked.

"Vis..." he cut off her

"I am serious. It has nothing to do with you or with Vidya." He said.

"Anyone would want to have their own blood Viswa." She said.

Now he might not need another child. In future, what if he regrets for the decision he took today?

"Yes. I did want to have own child. It was long back. If I had accepted Sunita, in future I might have asked for another baby. But I wouldn't have shown partiality between my kids."

"What changed then? Don't tell me it was because of Vidya?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled but sobered up.

"My child changed it." He said shocking her.

"You... your child?" she stammered.

He nodded his head. He held her hand for support.

"Shruti, I have a confession to make. I know I should have said this to you earlier. I... I was scared and felt it wasn't right time to tell. But I think this is the right time."


Hi guys! Yes I asked you about the length of the chapter. Got four replies, with equal votes. So publishing as short chapters. Since you answered immediately, for those who asked for long chapter, I am sorry. But I am posting this chapter today itself for you guys.

Do comment me your views on the chapter.

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