《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 13 - Fire and Water


AN/- Sorry that I couldn't get translation for the above song. While watching this movie, when this song was playing on the screen my eyes was glued to the screen and my mind fixed them as Viswa and Shruti. From March 9, I wanted to use this song. All I could see was Viswa and Shruti romancing on the screen. Please note video is for above 18. Not that mature, still I feel it is not suitable for all age.

Staying arrangements were not yet decided. He visits their home daily.

Regarding their sleeping arrangements, they take turns to stay with baby in separate room.

As Vidya crossed 4 months, she wasn't waking up at night much, which made Viswa's job easier, as he didn't want to run to her room at night when baby wakes up.

Like said, not much, but sometimes things happen or things are forced upon.

"I fed just one hour ago. I don't think she is hungry."

"Doon't knooow." He said while yawning.

He fell on her bed after handling over the baby to the mother and soon slept.

Soon baby started to smile. "Did my baby miss me at night?" saying that she kissed her cheeks.

She paced back and forth across her room with Vidya on shoulder.

Viswa peaked with one eye. On seeing her back facing him. He winked at Vidya.

As Viswa was smiling at Vidya, he didn't notice his girlfriend noticing the duo via the mirror.

When she turned around, he pretended as if he was snoring.

She chuckled and shook her head.

Both V are kedi (bugger - playful manner)

She laid Vidya next to Viswa and slept beside her.

Next day morning when she woke up she had the most beautiful sight.

She clicked some pictures of them together and set one of them as her phone wallpaper.

Next night even though it was her turn to sleep with Vidya, she entered her bedroom with the baby.

"Why are you sleeping here?" even though his heart was beating in happiness, Viswa asked her innocently.

"I know she will wake up at night as she wanted to be pampered by both of us." she said.

"See baby is playing cupid." he joked. She thought of keep quiet but when he was acting innocent she wanted to wipe that smug look on his face.

"Baby playing cupids or daddy is using baby as cupid." she raised her eyebrow playfully.

His eyes widen in realising she found the truth.

Damn! How did she find out? Yesterday was the first time I did this. I even planned to implement this once in a while as I didn't want make it more suspicious.

He cleared his throat to explain but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Caught your tongue? So childish." she scolded but both knew she didn't mean it seriously.

For first time his cheeks turned red because of embarrassment.

"Aww. One baby is spoiling the other with these wicked ideas." saying that she pulled his cheeks and pecked on his nose.

"Hold her. I will bring the cradle here." saying that she placed Vidya on the bed.

Before she could get up he caught her hand and pulled towards her.

"Woah" he made sure she fell on him without disturbing Vidya.

"What?" she hissed.

"Let her sleep on the bed. For today." he suggested.

"No no. You will crush her." He frowned at her comment. He was about to defend himself, she cut him off.

"Well I couldn't say the same for last night. Only I know the hardships of pushing your leg off mine." she teased.


He scratched back of his head. He knew he is more of cuddle type. He always uses a hugging pillow beside him while sleeping.

Cradle to grave.

"Yesterday you didn't crush her. I don't want to take risk though." she said strictly.

"Well we can place Vidya on the wall side and you on the middle. I will be next to you."

Before she could react, he placed Vidya on corner of the bed next to the wall. He rolled Shruti to the middle and hugged her from behind.

"Now fine?" she could feel his smug look even though he was behind her.

"You!" she pinched his biceps which he laid below her head.

He pulled her to himself and used the other hand to pat Vidya's tummy. Vidya tried to wrap his index finger around her hand. When he allowed her to do so she gave a victory smile to both.

"I like this view." saying that he placed a small kiss on her shoulder and placed his head beside her head.

"Hmm." she hummed.

"Love you." She kissed on his cheek.

Soon it started to become a habit, so they decided to sleep in same room, with baby sleeping on cradle and these two adults sharing her bed.

Two days later...

"I don't want to leave you alone."

She rolled her eyes.

"I can manage. I think watchman is staying."

It was Pongal Holidays which is for about one week. He was reluctant to leave alone as all her neighbors were leaving to their native places.

"Why don't you stay at my home? Most of my neighbor's native is Chennai only. You won't feel staying as alone."

She was about to refuse he cut her off by blackmailing her.

"Either that or I stay here."

She huffed.

"Seriously now I get how you became project manager. You do have a way of making others to dance to your tune." she teased to which he grinned.

After one week holiday he returned back to his home. His heart swelled with happiness on finding Shruti and Vidya playing around in his house.

There were times when he dreamt of entering home to witness his wife and his child playing around. Now on visualizing them he went to cloud nine. The only thing he longed for. Family. Now he got what he craved for. Can I ask any more?

Later at night...

"They asked me whether I was seeing someone." he said looking at the ceiling.

She looked puzzled.

"They found me happy after a long time. So they asked me that. I confirmed their assumption and when they asked who the girl was, I said I will reveal later."

She sighed. She had her own worries about his parents. But didn't voice it out.

She snuggled close to him for warmth.

"You are so warm." she mumbled.

"When you shivering you will feel like that only. This is why I asked you to not sneak behind me and eat ice-cream like a kid." saying that he hugged her.

As if you don't enjoy the outcome of her sickness. His mind smirked at him.

When she woke up in the morning, it was one hour late compared to her usual timings for waking up.

She searched for Viswa and Vidya the entire house.

Where did the little devil and daddy monster hide? Still searching for them she entered gym room.

She glared at Viswa who was using Vidya as replacement for dumbbell and on the other hand, Vidya was laughing when he was counting the number of lifts.


"In which angel do Vidya look like dumbbell?" she asked make the father daughter duo to grin.

"She was getting bored when I was lifting them. So I thought of lifting her. See she is laughing." He grinned which made her to roll her eyes.

Then he laid baby on the floor and started to do push ups.

"What did Akshay say regarding your maternity period getting extended?" he asked her inbetween the counts.

Since she took maternity period when she was 8 months pregnant, being with Vidya for 4 months, her maternity period got over. She could have left the baby at play school or assign a maid for Vidya, but she felt Vidya is too young for that. So she asked for extension for 4 more months.

"He agreed for three months only. Then I convinced him saying I will work from home for the fourth month."

He rolled his eyes at Akshay's work alcoholic nature.

Wait till you get yourself a child man, Viswa mentally cursed him, well not exactly curse. But having a child will demand you to sacrifice many things both in personal and professional life.

"I will get showered and will give baby, a shower too. You take rest." Saying that he pecked her forehead.

Every day was routine for them, but love made each day beautiful and contented one.

One day, later at night...

"I hate your mother. Why is she so strong headed?" he spoke out with frustration. He was hurt and wanted to yell at Shruti to listen to him, at the same time he didn't want to scare her.

"Should have known this when you mother is an Arian. Aries women don't listen what other are trying to say. So arrogant, stubborn and finally very impulsive." He huffed.

Vidya looked at Viswa without blinking and then smiled at him. She found it funny when Viswa was blabbering.

"You laughing?" she smiled more showing her teeth.

"Thank god you are Virgo. Imagine two Arians in same house! Then Viswa RIP only." he looked up as of thanking God for making Vidya to be born on the month of August

Baby hit Viswa face's nose softly.

He sighed. "She is correct. Any one in her place would have reacted like that only. I acted like a fool and brought the memories back which she tried to forget."

Few hours earlier...

Later at night he was waiting for Shruti. She went to meet her school friends. But on seeing it past 8 he started to get worried. When he called her it said her phone is unreachable.

In mean time he fed the baby with cereals. On seeing Vidya sleepy, he laid her on the cradle and soon she slept off.

As each minute passed his heart started thump loudly.

Atlast on hearing knocking sound he sighed in relief.

He marched towards the door to glare at her but on seeing her state his eyes soften.

She was completely drenched. When he looked out only to notice it was raining.

"Where is baby?"

"Slept." he answered in monosyllabe.

Not taking his tone seriously, she took out her things putting dry and went to other bedroom as she didn't want to disturb Vidya.

"What happened to your phone?"

"Sudden rain. I dropped phone in water. Didn't take umbrella."

Can she be anymore careless? He gritted his teeth.

She when she turned around she bumped into him. When she made an eye contact with him, she could various emotions passing from rage to concern to something else that she couldn't decipher.

"Do you know how scared I was?" he asked in hoarse voice.

She gulped and stepped back. On seeing her retreating he encircled her.

"Just because of the little fool who couldn't call me from friend's phone." he flicked his index finger at her temple.


That made her furiously. She kicked his knee, unknown to her his arm was still holding which made both of them to lose balance and fall straight on bed.

That didn't stop them wresting each other.

"I didn't know your number. I used to know only last two digits." she exclaimed while hitting on his chest.

"Whose mistake is that? You should have memorised it by now." he flipped her such that he was hovering over her.

As both of them were clawing each other's throat, finally one had to stop this silly fight once and for all. So he took the charge of shutting the her mouth by pressing his lips to hers.

Shruti in turn bit his lips.

"You!!!" he hissed.

"Pay back for calling me fool." she stuck her tongue out.

He dipped his head the the crook of her neck and gave a bit mark at her soft spot.

He smirked and kissed at the same spot when she hissed both in pain pleasure.

Finally when their eyes met they knew that fight was long gone and it got replaced by desire.

By this time both knew where they were leading to.

Once again when kissing session began, Shruti fisted her hand clutching his shirt giving it a tug to remove it.

Viswa who was controlling himself to not cross the line thinking he might scare her, gave in.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

She nodded her head.

He looked straight at her eyes.

"I have never done this before." he whispered while cupping her face. He was nervous just like she was.

"Me too" she said looking at his eyes.

His eyes widen when she said that.

What about the baby? He thought. And blurt the things out without thinking about the consequences.

"What? You... You have... I thought..." he stammered.

Her eyes widened in realization of what he could have thought about her.

All the things her colleagues thought about her came to her mind. It hurt that Viswa also thought in same way as others.

"Don't tell me you also believed in the rumors our office talking about." she chided at him.

"I... I am sorry. It didn't matter to me. And it doesn't matter what your past was. So I didn't take into consideration of other possible ways." he tried to explain his blunder mistake of touching her nerve.

Is there any other way of getting pregnant? Before he think of a solution Shruti intervened.

She shook her head at disappointment. He indeed believed in rumors.

"I thought you are different from others. But no. Even you also thought so low me. Just leave." she pointed her hand towards the door.

'You also thought so low of me.' On hearing her words, he realized she misunderstood.

She thought that I meant one night stand! Why would I think like that?

"Please understand. I didn't mean it like that." he wanted to tell her what he thought. He never believed in rumors when he himself was victim of a gossiping group.

"Whatever it is we will talk tomorrow. I want to be alone. So leave now" she whisper yelled as she didn't want to wake her baby sleeping in adjacent room.

Dejectedly he walked out to the other room.


Hi Guys! First fight between the couple. Don't worry they will patch up next morning itself. *Whoops* did I say it out? Forget it.

Regarding Aries women, I hope I didn't offend anyone. Actually I am Arian. So don't feel bad. Aries are not bad, we are evil. *Sticks tongue out.* Any Aries out there? If you are wondering for Aries dates it is from Mar 21 - Apr 19 (Sun sign and not the moon sign)

Any guess what Viswa's Sun sign is? From his character.

According to the story Viswa is Aquarian. Yes birthday boy is going to have a surprise on his special day. *winks*

Aquarius element is Water. Aries element is Fire. So now you get the title of the chapter. *winks*

Not only that, both of their character will mostly match with Zodiac traits.

And she is more of like Aries who is a rebel. In future she might get on your nerves. But Viswa who is calm as water will pacify her.

I always wanted to use numerology on my characters. *grins widely* don't worry no more numerology. Just wanted to cover in this author's note.

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