《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 12 - Confession of Love


He froze when he felt her soft lips being pressed against his one.

On seeing him still stiff and cold, Shruti regretted kissing him. She parted herself from him but to her surprise, she felt his arm snake through her waist and crashed her to his hard chest.

She looked at him surprise, before she could react; he startled her when he repeated her actions.

Now it was her turn to be stunned by his actions. Her heart started to beat fast when he parted her lips to enter.

Using his free hand, he clutched her hair and made her to tilt her head for better access. She in turn moved her hand to cup his face and kissed him back.

No more turning back. She ran her hand through his soft hairs and then gripped his hair to pull him closer.

After few seconds both parted to take deep breath.

When they looked each other, they realized that they have been ignoring the truth which was binding them to each other.

Words remained unspoken. They let the one, which had the power to look into the soul, to confess their heart out.

I love you. His eyes glinted with love.

I love you too. Her eyes dilated which made him to dip in for another kiss.

Both loved each other, but they thought it was just attraction. A kiss made them to realize what they truly felt for each other.

Second time when they parted for kiss, he brushed his lips against her swollen ones in teasing manner. When she groaned in frustration, he pecked her lips first and then rested his lips on her forehead lingering there for few more seconds.

They felt complete. This is what they both longed for, Love.

She wished to stay in his arms forever. And so does him.

Suddenly she heard, or so imagined, her baby crying. She pushed herself away from his embrace.

Viswa, who was lost in world of bliss, suddenly got startled when he lost the warmth engulfing him.

He opened his eyes to see a huge gap between them with her back facing him and her head hung as if she was regretting.

Is she regretting? No, never. Her eyes conveyed something else. Something is bothering her.

He walked towards her reducing the gap and stood behind her. As much as he wanted to engulf her and assure her that everything is alright, he didn't want to frighten her. So he maintained a small gap between them.

"Shruti." He called out her.

He noticed how her hands were clenching painfully into fist.

When he called her once again, she lost it.

"I can't" he heard her whispering the words which broke his heart into pieces.

"What are you scared of?" he asked coming straight to the point.

She shook her head refusing to answer.

"Shruti." He called her in warning tone which brought shivers to her body.

"Let's forget this happened." Viswa lost his patience when she uttered them.

He pulled her hand roughly and made her to face him.

"Shruti, look at my eyes and say them again." He said in threatening manner. He was burning in rage.

Forget what happened? He would have if it was one side. But when he knew Shurti is also in love with him, he is not ready to let go love of his life.

"It won't work out between us Viswa." She said still looking at the floor.

"Why? What is wrong with us?" He asked.

Everything is perfect in between us. Aren't we like perfect puzzle pieces fitting each other?


She sighed. She didn't know how to spell it out.

She isn't looking for temporary relationship. All she wanted for a lifelong. As much as she wanted to believe that Viswa is also marriage material, she feared about Vidya's future.

What if she doesn't accept him? What if she question my decision?

It wasn't just about Vidya's thought. She was also worried about Viswa's attitude on Vidya's future.

For now, he might accept Vidya, what if he got fed up of taking care of Vidya? Him loving me doesn't actually mean loving my daughter also. When Vijay couldn't accept his own child and asked Nandhini to abort, how would Viswa agree to be father of child whose father is unknown?

'Viswa is not like that that ba****d. He loves Vidya.' Her heart pointed out.

It is not about comparing Vijay with Viswa. All men are same. Viswa didn't accept his wife's child, why would he accept Vidya, both situations are same. Her mind contradicted her heart's words.

She was brought to the world when she felt warm hands cupping her face.

He made her to look at him. His eyes soften on seeing her worried face.

"What is bothering you?" he spoke calmly. He saw how she was struggling with herself. He wanted to work on the relationship which hasn't been started yet because of this strong headed girl who refuses to accept the attraction between them.

"I... I... You..." she was struggling for words. She didn't know how to tell her insecurities without hurting his feeling. He got angry, when she said that she felt uncomfortable to breast feed the baby in front of him. She couldn't imagine what he would say when she points out the actually truth.

"Is it Vijay that you couldn't trust men or because of the fact that you were rap..." he was cut off by phone ring tone.

"F**k the timing."

He thought of ignoring the phone, but Shurti used that opportunity to distance herself from him.

She gestured to pick the phone. When he did, she could hear the other person probably, one of the team-lead of his project asking him about whereabouts as it time for flight.

After answering him, he turned towards her still waiting for the answer.

"We will discuss this when you return. Now go."

"No, not when..." again he was stopped when both of them heard loud shrill by Vidya.

"I need to go." Shruti said and was walk away towards baby's bedroom to nurse her baby Viswa caught her hand.

"We will speak when I return. But remember, whatever reason you behold, I am not backing away." Saying that he took the luggage and went out.

One week passed since that incident. In this time period neither he nor she called each other. Both were giving each other silent treatment and hurting themselves in return.

"Vidu, what do you think about Viswa?" She knows baby doesn't understand nor say anything, but she just wanted to share them with her.

Vidya just smiled showing her tiny bottom teeth.

"Will you accept him as father in future?" she asked.

She pushed her hands and legs up and down. Shurti smiled and kissed her tummy which made Vidya to laugh more. It has been two to three days that she started to laugh. At the same time she started to cry because of the discomfort of teething.

Shruti sobered up and asked more seriously. "Will he accept you as his own child?"

Vidya looked at her mommy sadly. She didn't like when her mommy was looking a bit serious. Of course she didn't understand what she was asking, but she didn't like her mother's expression.


Just when she was about to let a whimper, a loud voice echoed through the hall.

"Why wouldn't I accept her as my child?"

Shruti's heart skipped a beat.

"Why the hell are you sneaking behind me every time? I got scared." She placed her palm on her chest taking a deep breathe.

She turned around to find him leaning against the door and luggage near the sofa.

"Did you come here straight from airport? Why don't you refreshed? I will get you something to drink." She was about to get up his reply made her to freeze her again.

"You still didn't answer my question." He reminded her.

When she looked at her face she gasped. He looked broken. There were bags under his eyes. Did he present the project with this look? I hope those clients accepted the project.

When she felt glare from him, she composed herself.

"Well, I thought you might not... accept... Vidya." She began boldly, but on seeing him glare at her, she stuttered at the end.

"Why would I?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

Why is he looking a bit scaring? Did I ask anything wrong? She thought.

She sighed. No use of telling indirectly. She wanted to end the conversation.

How can I when he is looking so cold?

She looked down as she couldn't face him. She pushed the words out of her mouth even though she regretted saying them.

"I don't want you to feel Vidya as burden. You might accept her for now, but later you might regret for taking this decision. It would be very difficult to be caught in between you both. This is starting stage only, we can move on. After years of us being in love, I don't think I can move on at later point if you decide Vidya to be not in part of our lives."

After pouring out her worries, she looked up to see his bloodshot eyes.

He closed his eyes to calm him down and opened them to look at her blankly. He marched forward and kneeled in front of her.

Using his left hand he held her hand and using other hand he just patted Vidya, who was lying on her mother's lap.

"How could your mommy think that I will consider you as burden?" he spoke to Vidya even though his questions were directed to Shruti.

"Have I ever ignored you? Or did I do anything, that made your mommy to think bad about me?" he asked to which she shook her head.

"No." she whispered.

"Then how did you to come to the conclusion that I will not accept her? She is part of you Shurti. When I said I love you, I meant I loved everything about you that includes baby also." this time he looked at Shruti's eyes. Tears formed at his eyes.

"She is mine as much as is yours. Do you get that?" he asked her.

"To be honest if not Vidya, I wouldn't have entered your life Shruti. Do you think I would ever abandon her for giving me such a gift?" he asked.

She shook her head, but he felt there is more.

"What is it?"

She gulped before touching the sensitive part.

"You didn't accept him." She said.

He understood whom she meant.

"You couldn't accept your ex-wife's child as your own. She didn't cheat on you. Actually she came to know about the pregnancy after marrying you. You would have accepted the baby. But you didn't."

She isn't blaming that he didn't accept the baby. No one would do. She knows that well. What she was trying to say was that, when he couldn't accept her, how could he accept the child born out of wedlock.

He shook her head. "It is not like that."

He sighed. He didn't know how to explain that he will be a great father to Vidya.

"I would have accepted the baby if she hadn't put the blame on me."

"What?" she didn't get is point.

He explained how he got drunk and when the pregnancy news was revealed, and how she said that they had consummated their marriage and tried to cover him as father when in actual he wasn't.

"If she had come clean about the pregnancy, I would have accepted her and the baby. She knew the truth and tried to put the blame on me, that's why I couldn't accept her baby. Even after everything she did, if given time, I would have accepted the baby for my parent's sake. I am no saint Shruti. Even I wished to have a baby of my own. But that doesn't mean I am so cruel who would have abandoned a pregnant women on the road. She decided to get on with her lover, leaving me all alone. I was, in no way responsible for not being a part of her child.

"Coming to you and Vidya, you are no way similar to her. I didn't know that she was carrying someone's child. I thought it was my child and prepared myself for being father role. When the truth came out, I was devastated. But in your case, I very well know that Vidya is not my baby, but I am ready to accept her as my own.

"When I know what I am getting into, why would I regret at later point? Shruti I swear I would never ever abandon Vidya at any cost. She is my daughter as much as she is yours.

"I seriously don't know how to explain this to you. I feel that connection with her than with any babies I have come across. I couldn't understand how she could wrap me around her tiny fingers with her smile. Before I got to know you, I was very well accustomed to her. All I want is a family, Shruti. You both are my family. You both complete me." Saying that he cupped her face.

Shruti broke into sobs which she was controlling on while hearing his confession. All she knew was just gist of his past. When he confessed how he was betrayed, she got angry on herself for doubting him.

"I am sorry. I was in..." she was cut off when she felt him peck her forehead.

"Shh. I can understand you. You were insecure" Viswa whispered against her forehead.

"Love you." He said and brushed his lips against her.

She smiled and pecked his lips. Before they could get into passionate moment, they heard a cry.

Both parted and chuckled on seeing Vidya crying.

On seeing her parents both looking at her, she started to control her cry. He bent down to kiss on her forehead, to which she started to laugh tried to catch his hand.

"Get refreshed. Go." She patted his arm. He got up but not before giving a sound kiss on her lips and ran away to washroom before she could kick him.

"Jeez, not in front of baby!" she shrieked to which she heard a loud laughter.


Precap: Story Description Scene.


Coming to the first few paragraphs, I am really sorry if you felt it awkward. Readers who read all my other stories knew that I haven't written a kiss with description. This is the first time I am trying to write such a scene. Not even in Love me like you do, I gave an effort to write it like that. I am not saying the writing kiss is awkward. What I meant is such scene written by me is awkward. I seriously don't know how I wrote it. I was literally searched typing, 'how to describe kiss in writing' in the Google.

Because of that scene only the chapter got extended. Else I would have covered the other parts. Anyway will meet you with another chapter next week.

By the way I would like to thank all of you regarding the cover selection. Many of you were asking about Vidya. To be honest even I felt guilty for leaving her out. Only when you guys pointed out I remembered that I didn't include her. Working on some covers, will get back to you with them for suggestion.

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