《Lean On Me • {Jared Padalecki}》16. THAT'S THE POINT


chatting with: 🐿


What the hell happened?

Willow, come on. What happened? Are you okay?

I'm here if you need anything.

chatting with: 😍


Are you okay?

I really need to talk to you.

Are you coming to work today?

chatting with: 🐶


How are you holding up?

not really very well.


Are you at work?

yeah. i'm hiding from them.


Listen, I know you're upset and I get it, but are you sure you made the right decision?

i'm never sure that any of my decisions are the right ones, jackson.


Then you should talk to him.

i'm just not good for him. he's jared padalecki, after all. he needs someone who can handle fame.


That's bullshit. He doesn't want someone who can handle fame. He wants you.

what if he doesn't after a while, though? what if he can't handle my anxiety and my insecurity and my self-consciousness and how i'm never sure about anything?


That's a risk you have to be willing to take, Willow. That's what a relationship is.

it's scary.


It's fucking terrifying. That's the point.

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