《Lean On Me • {Jared Padalecki}》17. OUR OWN WAY


chatting with: 😍


You didn't quit your job, did you?

no. why?


It's been two weeks and I just haven't seen you around.

i've been hiding from you.


Oh. Well, that makes me feel... good.

i know. i'm sorry. i just don't really know how to talk to you right now.


But we need to talk, Willow.

i know.


Can I see you? Please?

yeah. where are you?


My trailer.

i'll be there in a minute.

Willow stepped through the open door of Jared's trailer slowly, still ultimately very unsure of what to say and nervous about seeing him.

"Hey," he said quietly from the front bench seat, looking at her like he thought she might break him.

"Hey," she whispered back, sitting beside him but making sure to leave a small space between them.

"Why, Willow?" he asked, his voice much more accusatory than she'd expected it to be.

"Why... what?" she asked, and he was automatically shaking his head.

"Don't do that. Don't pretend like you don't know that you've hurt me. You know damn well you have," he said, and the anger in his words surprised her. She wasn't sure she'd ever really heard him fully angry.

"I know I hurt you. I do, okay? I hurt me too," she told him, and he shook his head again.

"Then why the hell did you do it?" he asked, and she shrugged. "You're gonna have to give me a whole lot more than the whole 'fame' thing. We both know that you've been in the limelight one way or another most of your life, whether it was because you're a makeup artist or because your brother is who he is. I get that people always talking about Elaine on our posts makes you uncomfortable. I get that, but I can't stop it. People are going to say whatever they want to say, and they can. I can't stop them from stating their opinions. But, Willow, their opinions aren't the ones that matter. The only ones that matter are mine and yours and I don't know about you but I'm absolutely fucking crazy about you," he told her, looking at her with a severe look in his eyes.


"I'm crazy about you too, Jared. You know I am, but I'm scared, okay? I'm scared that you'll eventually decide everyone is right about me and go back to Elaine," she said quietly, automatically feeling stupid when the words were out of her mouth. Jared scoffed dramatically.

"Are you joking? Willow, I'm never going to go back to Elaine. I have absolutely no interest in her and even if I did, way too much shit has gone down between us to even think about anything like that. Elaine and I are done. I've moved on. I've moved on to you, Willow, and I don't want to lose you for good over this. You know how much I love you," he told her, and she nodded.

"I do. I love you too," she told him, scooting just closer to him so that she could kiss him.

"Can we stop getting in our own way and just have a relationship now, do you think?" he asked, and she laughed.

"I think maybe that can be arranged," she told him, and he smiled brightly.

"Good," he said quietly, kissing her again.

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