《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 29


Paris' POV:

*a few months later* *graduation day*

"Paris Parker" the principal called me up to get my diploma. I smiled as I slowly walked up to him to grab my diploma. "Congratulations" he said as I grabbed my diploma.

I smiled and nodded. I turned to the crowd and smiled, they applauded, and I walked off stage. Tate was called next. He got his diploma, too. After the principal gave a speech and congratulated everyone, we all threw our caps up in air and let them land.

After the graduation ceremony, Tate and I went home together. We got into the car and he wrapped his arms around me.

"We graduated, baby." he whispered into my ear. I giggled and nuzzled my head into his chest. I ended up falling asleep in his arms.

I carried her up into her room after we got home. She as still sleeping and I decided to lay next to her. I cannot believe we graduated.

We are free to be adults and we're doing it together. I am so happy with my life right now.

Paris and I have moved into our own house together. Today is her 22nd birthday.

"Happy birthday Paris!" I yell as she walked into the room.

"Awe! thank you" she replied. I gave her a huge hug and said, "I love you."

"I love you too." she replied. I smiled.

"I have a surprise for youuu." I tell her. "Wwhat is it?" she asks.

I told her to come with me and we walk into the hangout room.

Paris' POV:

"Why is it so dark in here?" I ask him. There was only a lamp on and I could barely see anything.

"Just close your eyes and look at the ceiling but with your eyes closeddd." he told me. I nodded my head even though I was slightly confused as to what he was doing.

I heard him move around and he turned the lamp off. I was really confused now. "What are you doing?" I ask with my eyes still closed.


"Open your eyes." he tells me so I do so. I look at the ceiling and it has a string of lights that spell out the words:

"Will you marry me?"

I gasped and looked at him. He was down on one knee with a wring in his hand.

"Will you?" he asked smiling. I cup my hand over my mouth. My tears up and I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh my god, Tate. Of course I will, yes!" I excitedly shout. He smiles and puts the ring on my finger. He gets up and gives me a big hug. I jump up on him and he spins me around. I have never felt happier.

We have decidedto have ourweddingnext year since we are still younger.

"Hey baby." Tate says wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He rests his head on my shoulder.

"Hiiii." I say turning around and putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Wanna take a walk? I have to get a few things from the hardware store." he asked me.

"Yeah sure." I smile. We walk downstairs and get our shoes on. We started walking down the street and he walked into the hardware store.

"Be right back just wait here." he says kissing me on the forehead.

I smile and nod as he walks into the store. I just wait outside leaning up against a pole on my phone. Suddenly a guy with a gun runs up to me and puts his hand around my throat, causing me to drop my phone and it shattered the screen.

"Give me your money bitch" the man said.

"I-I don't have any.." I told him nervously.

"Bitch give it to me or I will shoot you right her right now." he said holding the gun to my head. Mmy heart was racing and I didn't know what to do I didn't have any money.

I walk out of the store and see Paris pushed up against the pole with a gun to her head. I drop my bags quickly and run up to the dude.


Before I could stop him, he shoots her right in the head and she falls to the ground.

"NOOO!" I cry falling to my knees. The guy ran away. I watch him run with an angry face on. I decoded to stay with Paris. I scooped her up into my arms and held her close.

"No, no no. Please dot die on me Paris. Please.." I cry harder. I got out my phone and dialed 911.

*on the phone*

911: Hello 911 what is your emergency?

me: Yes, my girlfriend just got shot in the chest.

911: address?

me: 401 Driveway road (idfk)

911: we will be therer as soon as we can

me: thank you hurry up please

*hangs up*

I just lied there with her and cried. I held her and held her and begged for her to be okay. Shortly after the ambulance came. The pulled her up on the gurney and I followed them to the hospital. I waited in the waiting room.

2 hours later the doctor came over to me. I jumped up eager and nervous at the same time for the news.

"I am uh.. I'm sorry for your loss.." the doctor says.

My heart drops to my feet. I think I stopped breathing for a second. I instantly felt like I was going to be sick. I walked into her hospital room and sat down next to wear she lied.

I grabbed her head and kissed it.

"I am so sorry this happened. I loved you--so much..U didn't deserve this.. u really didn't.." I whisper through the tears.

"Tate, you have to leave now." the doctor says to me. I nod my head and slowly get up. I release my hand from hers and kiss my hand and wave goodbye.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I walked down the hallway. I see Paris' mother curled up into a ball against the wall crying. I decided to walk up to her.

"I'm sorry.." I told her. She looks up at me with tears stained on her face along with fresh ones. She hugs me tight..

"She loved you." she cried into my shoulder. I cried harder.

After talking with her mother, I left the hospital. Whenever I got home I walked through my door and slowly walked up into our room. I lied on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I went through all of our old texts and pictures. I cried more. I don't know how to handle this.

I pace around my room as I think about what to do. I paused and then I walked over to my desk. I got out a pen and a piece of paper.

I wrote:

"To Paris:

I hope you are watch me write this and are reading this from above. You were my everything. I cannot believe you are gone. I do not want to live here on this earth, I don't wanna live this life, if you are not living it with me. I tried to save you, I really did. Yes, I know you died, but you died.. loved. Ill see you soon.

Love, Tate"

I got up and walked into the bathroom. I look through the medicine cabinet and got out every bottle of pills I saw. I took a lot of them out of each so it was sure to work.

I go back into my room after I've taken them. I lay on my bed and shut my eyes. Nobody was there to save me.


In Heaven:

Paris and I are finally together again. We watch over our families and make sure they're okay. We give them subtle hints that even thigh we aren't there anymore, they will be okay. We are finally fully happy. Nothing to worry about.. nothing at all. Even though we never got the chance to get married, we are happier now then ever.

A/N: And that, my friends, was the story of Tate and Paris

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