《Loved by Tate Langdon》Optional Ending


*few months later- graduation day*

"Paris Parker." The school principal said, getting my diploma ready. I smiled nervously, yet happily as I walked the stage to get the document. "Congratulations." He smiled as he shook my hand and handed me the diploma.

I grinned and nodded my head. I turned to the crowed, smiled as they applauded and I walked off the stage. I sat down next to Tate, he was already called. The principal gave his speech honoring our senior class and congratulated everyone. It was to the point in the ceremony where we throw our hats in sync. My classmates, Tate and I moved our tassels to the left. We then took our hats off and threw them into the air and watched them land as everyone applauded. I never thought I would make it to graduation.

After the ceremony, Tate and I got in the car to go home. He leaned in to give me a hug, "We graduated, babe" he spoke softly into my ear. "Yes we did" I looked up at his beautiful brown eyes.

He leaned back over to the drivers seat, started the car and we took off.

"Happy birthday, Paris!" I shout with joy as she walks into our bedroom of our new house. It's her 22nd birthday today. I'm so proud that she has made it this far, I always knew she could.

"Awe, thank you babe!" She walked over towards me and gave me a tight hug. "I have a surprise for you, my love." I whisper to her. She jumps out of the hug eagerly. "What is it?" She asks with excitement.

I grab her hand and lead her into the spare room.

I wonder what the surprise is... he's such a sweetheart.

He lead me into the pitch black spare room. I was confused as to why it was so dark in there. "Cover your eyes, babe." Tate tells me. I do as he says and I put my hands over my eyes. I hear Tate moving around, "Okay, uncover your eyes."


I drop my hands from my eyes to see bright lights on the ceiling. There are rose petals all over the floor. I walk closer to get a better look at the ceiling, it looks like it spells out something. I then realize the lights on the ceiling spell out the words "Will You Marry Me?"

My eyes widen and my mouth drops with happiness. I gasp and look over to the love of my life on his knee with excitement spread all over his face, holding a little box with a ring in it.

My eyes well up with tears of joy. "Will you?" He asks kindly. I take a step towards Tate, "of course! Now stand up and give me a kiss!"

He chuckles, stands up and puts the ring on my finger then grabs my cheeks gently and kisses me. He leans out of the kiss with his forehead pressed against mine, "We're getting married." He whispers. "Yes we are." I reply.

Today is the day that I get married to my one true love, Paris Parker. I can't wait to see her walk down that aisle on this wonderful fall evening.

I stand in front of a body mirror adjusting my tie. "They're ready for you." My mother, Constance says stepping into the room. I take a deep breath and release it. "I'm ready."

I walk out to the barn where our wedding ceremony is being held. I walk up the aisle and wait there for my beautiful bride to emerge. The wedding music plays as each bridesmaid and groomsman walks out in pairs, going to their places. Finally, my soon to be wife walks in.

Paris is wearing a beautiful black wedding dress, because you know- she doesn't like normal things haha. She looks stunning with her gorgeous red hair laying over her shoulders. A black veil rests on top of her head coming down her back. (ha black veil brides, get it. 5 years later and I'm still an emo at heart ;) )


She walks to the beat of the song, joining me at the end of the aisle. The ceremony begins with the minister's speech. (I'm not good with weddings idk lol)

It comes to the point in the ceremony where we speak our vows, I go first.

I look deeply into Paris' eyes and speak my vows,

"The day we met, my whole life changed for the better. I knew the second I laid eyes on you that you would become the biggest part of my life and now you are the most important part. I vow to stick by you through everything. I want to experience every part of you- like when you laugh so hard you start to cry tears of joy, when you watch a sappy movie and tears start to form in your tear ducts, or when you smile from ear to ear so hard that your cheeks start to ache, and when you hurt so hard that you're about to break. I vow to never let you break. I've saved you time and time again and I will continue to save you until the day you die. And when you do pass, I'll be there holding your hand, just so you know that when you die, you'll die.. loved."

I tear up as I hear Tate read his vows. It takes me a minute to gather myself after hearing those beautiful words. I take a deep breath and begin to read mine,

"I will never forget the day I met you. I'll never forget the way you looked at me with those deep brown eyes gazing into my soul, practically fixing every broken piece of me with just one look. I could almost see our future together through that gaze. I could almost see the life we were about to embark on together. Everything that we have been through has made us so much stronger, you have made me stronger. We continue to grow together more and more each day and I want to grow with you for the rest of my life. I want to wake up every morning wrapped up in your arms. Everything you go through, I go through with you. I vow to never leave your side, I vow to love you even when I hate you. You saved me, now it's my turn to save you."

Tate tears up with a smile after I've finished my vows. After reading them the minister says a few words, pronounces us husband and wife and tells Tate he may kiss me.

We conclude our marriage ceremony with a heartfelt kiss as the guests applaud. We turn towards the crowd and walk back down the aisle. When we return to the outdoors outside of the barn I turn to Tate, "That was the most beautiful wedding day I could have asked for." Now it's time for our honeymoon in Paris, France. How perfect is that?

*6 AM*

I toss and turn and suddenly open my eyes and sit up. I rush to the bathroom and lean over the toilet while last nights dinner spews out of my mouth. Tate hears me throwing up and comes in to hold my hair back. He pats my back and hands me a towel to wipe my face when I'm done. We both give each other that immense look.

*couple hours later*

Tate comes home from the store with a bag full of a couple pregnancy tests. He hands them to me and I walk into the bathroom. He sits outside the door for me assuring me with kind words. I take a couple tests right then and there and set them on the counter waiting for the results to pop up.

A couple minutes later I open the door and look at Tate with a serious face. He looks up at me from the floor waiting for a reaction. I then give him the biggest smile and shout, "I am pregnant!" He jumps up with joy and gives me the biggest hug and spins me in a circle.

"We're having baby?" He puts me down. "We're having a baby." I reply to him with a kiss.

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