《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 27


1 Week Later

*alarm goes off* *time is 6:30 AM* *Tate's POV*

I immediately open my eyes and reach over to dismiss my alarm. I get up and start to get dressed. I put on my black shirt with grey skinny jeans. I brush my hair and grab my phone off of my night stand.

I unlock my phone and click on my messages. I click on Paris' name and texted her.

It read:

"Good morning beautiful cx Hope you slept well <3 Ill be over at 6:50, I hope you're still doing okay c: I love you <3"

I locked my phone and sat down on my couch. A few seconds later, Paris texted me back.

It read:

"<3 okay and thnx I love you too"

10 minutes passed and it was 6:50. I got up and put on my shoes. I walked out the door and knocked on Paris' door.

She opened the door wearing a black dress with black lace over the black on the chest part with laced-long sleeves. She had black knee-high socks on with black flats. Paris had her faded, blue hair straightened. She looked beautiful even though she still had a healing bruise on the side of her cheek.

"Wow." Is all I could say.

She smiled and playfully rolled her eyes.

"Hi." she smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back.

I walked in and she shut the door. We sat down on the couch for five minutes and talked about how she's been doing. When it was 6:55, Paris and I got up and walked out the door.

We walked down to the bus stop.

"I don't want to go to school today." she said.

"You never want to go to school." I laughed, grabbing her hand and gently swinging it back and forth.


She smiled and said, "I know."

"Oh, by the way, I'm going on vacation for two weeks at the beach. I'm leaving after school today." I told her.

I saw her smile decrease after I told her.

"Oh, you're going to leave me alone." she said, playfully making a pouty face.

We arrived to the bus stop and the bus was there waiting for us with the doors open.

"We'll talk about it later, okay?" I said laughing a little bit.

Paris nodded her head and we walked on the bus. We sat down in our usual seat and didn't really make any conversation the whole ride to the school.

When we got to the school, Paris and I walked to the cafeteria for announcements. We talked through the announcements like we always do.

*time is 10:42 AM* *lunch time*

Tate and I walked to lunch. The whole day, all I could think about was Tate leaving me for two whole weeks. I could only think about the worst.

I got in line to get my lunch with Tate. When we got our lunches, we walked to our usual table.

*last period*

Ugh, this whole day was so boring. It went by so slow, too. I'm in history right now, the most boring class of all, in my opinion.

Tate isn't even in this class, with me. Right now i am basically lost in my thoughts. I'm thinking about everything all at once.

"Paris, do you know the answer?" the teacher asks me, and i suddenly break out of my thoughts.

I had no idea what she was talking about. I felt my face heat up, it was probably a light shade of red. Everybody was staring at me.

"Um, no." I said, shakenly.

"You need to pay attention." the teacher said sternly.


I nodded my head and said, "Can I use the restroom?"

She hesitated before answering then she nodded her head.

I got up as everybody still stared. I walked out and let out the breath that I've been holding in. On the way to the restroom, I saw Tate.

"Hey" he smiled at me.

"Hey." I said.

He opened his arms for a hug and i accepted by wrapping my arms around him. We pulled apart from the hug and he smiled. I smiled back.

"Well, i got to go do what I'm supposed to be doing so my teacher doesn't suspect anything." i told him.

"Okay." he smiled, walking back to his class.

I walked into the restroom and turned the knob on the sink. I cupped my hands and filled them with cold water. I splashed a little bit on my face to cool down. I turned off the sink and dried my hands. I walked back into my class.

Less Than An Hour Later

*final bell goes off*

I walk out the class room and over to my locker. I grab my bag and meet with Tate at his locker.

"Hey." I said causing Tate to turn around to face me.

"Hey." Tate smiled.

He shut his locker and we walked down the hallway. He held my hand as we walked.

Our hands parted as we got on the bus. And again, we sat in our usual seat.

20 minutes later

Tate and I walked off of the bus. We walked down the sidewalk and arrived to the apartment building. Him and I walked inside and got to our apartment doors.

Before parting, Tate grabbed both of my hand hands and says, "I'll miss you and ill see you in two weeks."

He kissed me on my forehead and said, "I love you, goodbye." He let go of my hands and hugged me. We stayed like that and then finally we parted and he walked towards his apartment door. He opened the door and walked in. I didn't walk into mine until he shut his.

I walked inside my door and shut it behind me. I sighed and walked upstairs. I went into my bedroom and shut the door. My mother was at work, so I was officially alone.

I just kind of sat there for a minute and then i heard my phone go off. I reach over to check who it was. It was Tate.

The message read:

"Hey c: Ill text you when i get there. And ill text you everyday when I'm on vacation. I'm about to leave, so byeee love you <3 cx"

I smiled and got up. I walked over to my stand where my stereo was. I plugged the aux cord into my phone and turned on the song "Follow You" by Bring Me The Horizon. I turned the volume almost all the way up.

I lied on my bed and closed my eyes and listened to the music.

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