《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 26


My heart stopped as I slowly looked up to see his feet then gradually looked up to see his face.

"You stupid piece of shit!" Danny yelled.

I felt my chest tighten to where I could barely breathe. I tried to say I was sorry but I couldn't get the words out.

Danny kneeled down and pushed me back so hard that I was now laying on the ground. He was now hovered over top of me and he swung his right hand up and forcefully drug it down and back handed me on my face.

I could feel it instantly bruise on the side of my cheek. The slap was so loud that you could probably hear it from a mile away.

Suddenly Tate ran in making my head shift towards his direction. Tate's eyes were wide and anger filled his eyes. I saw his fist clench.

He then runs up to Danny and screams, "Get the fuck off of her you sick bastard!"

Tate aggressively pushes Danny off of me and Danny slides across the floor hitting the wall. I crawled towards the corner. I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks and the fear tremble through my body.

The bruise on my face was throbbing with pain. I reached up to touch it, but it hurt so bad it made me flinch. I reach up to grab the phone and dial 911.

*on the phone*

911: Hello, this 911, what is your emergency?

Me: My older brother just hit me in the face. He's abusive, but my boyfriend is trying to hold him off right now. I need police and ambulance.

911: Okay, what's the address?

Me: 204 Galloway street Albany New York (I literally made that up from the top of my head xD)

911: We will be there as soon as we can.


*hangs up*

I shakenly put the phone next to me on the floor and bring my knees up to my chest. I wrap my arms around my legs and bury my chin into my arms.

I watch Tate punch and kick and hit Danny. Danny was pretty fucked up and Tate had a few bruises and scratches.

Tate then leaves Danny on the ground and looks back at me.

"Are you okay?" Tate asks me about to come towards me, but before I could answer Danny gets up and elbows Tate in his spine.

Tate slams to the ground face first. His nose is bleeding now. Danny forcefully turns him around and wraps his hands around Tate's neck.

"Tate!!!!" I fearfully scream.

I look up and see a glass jar on the counter filled with candy. I grab it and twist the lid off and dump all the candy out.

I vigorously threw the jar aiming for Danny's head. It hit him right in the temple causing him to fall back and grab his head.

Tate gasped for air and placed his hand on his throat.

"Good aim." Tate said to me breathlessly.

The cops bust through the door with a gun. I felt relief. Tate and I both quickly look at them.

The cops go towards Danny. Tate crawls towards me and holds me while I cry into his chest.

"Thank you for everything." I whisper, sobbing.

I feel him nod his head. He places his hand on the back of my head and gently strokes it.

I start crying more.

"Hey, why you crying still?" he asked sounding concerned.

"I'm scared he's gonna come at me again." I say chokingly.

"Shhh its okay, you're okay. I got you. The cops are gonna keep him away from you." he told me still stroking my head.

"But, what if he gets out?" I ask still crying.


"Paris, I'm here now.. Ill protect you." he whispered in my ear and kissed me on my forehead.

I shift my eyes towards Danny. The cops lift him up and the ambulance comes in with a gurney. Danny is placed on top of the gurney and they bring him out into their truck thing.

One of the cops comes over to us and he kneels down.

"So, how did this start? How long has he been abusing you?" the cop asks me.

I told him the story while Tate held me and the cop wrote everything down.

"What caused him to hit you today?" he asked me.

"I dropped a glass dish, as you can see the glass pieces and shards over there," I said pointing towards the laundry room, "he came out and yelled at me and hit me across the face causing this bruise." I pointed at the bruise on my cheek.

The cop nodded his head as I continued.

"Then, before he could hit me again, Tate came out and took over. He didn't let Danny hit me again." I said feeling a little more protected as I explained how Tate protected me.

The cop wrote that down and said, "Thank you. We will take him in and ask him a few questions. We'll contact you with out information we get from him, if we do that is. I contacted your mother, she should be here soon. But, you are safe now."

I smiled a vague smile and said, "Thank you."

The cop nodded his head and walked out. My mother came rushing in worried as fuck.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" my mother asked me.

"Mom, I'm fine. Tate kicked his ass." I said laughing a bit.

She smiled and looked at Tate who was smiling too.

"You're good for her." she told Tate.

Tate smiled even bigger and nodded.

"C'mon, lets get home." my mother said.

I nodded and got up. I grabbed Tate's hand as he got up. We walked to the car and we both got in the back seat. I was tired and I'm sure he was too so we snuggled against each other.

The song "Lost Boy" by Ruth B was playing on the radio. Her voice was so soothing that I eventually fell asleep.

When Paris' mother arrived to the apartment building, Paris was still sleeping on me.

"Tate, you can stay if you'd like. I think Paris really needs you right now." her mother told me.

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you." I said.

I leaned over and reached for the handle thing to open the door. I grabbed Paris and placed her over my lap. I was holding her and I slowly slid out of the car, shutting the door behind me with my foot.

I carried her into the building and into her apartment door. I brought her upstairs into her room and lied her on her bed. I brought out my phone and briefly texted my mom what had happened and told her I was staying the night to comfort Paris.

I locked my phone and placed it on Paris' night stand. I slid under the covers with Paris and wrapped my arms around her.

A/N: Gahhhh fav chapterrrrrr. Hope you guys liked it. It is literally 10 till 12:30 in the morning so ima get to sleep. Let me know what you guys think so far.

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