《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 25


We leaned in to hug each other and stayed there, close together, for a bit. Then I heard my mother walk down the stairs.

"Hey Paris, Danny invited us over to his new apartment later to have dinner. Just letting you know." my mother said.

I immediately felt my heart drop down to my stomach. My eyes sprang open like I just woke up from a bad dream. My body stiffened up to where I couldn't move for a second. I had no words. I moved my way out of the hug.

My mother started walking back upstairs. I started to shake. I wanted to cry, cry my eyes out. I just stood there, still, and shaking.

"Paris, are you okay?" Tate asked me placing his hand on my arm.

I couldn't say anything for a second. But, I finally had the courage to tell him the truth.

I grabbed his hand and opened the front door. I pulled him and I out of it and shut the door behind me.

"Danny is my older brother," I began, "He's 3 years older than me. He moved out with his girlfriend 2 years ago. He used to hit me really hard all the time. Danny was very abusive. I never told my mother though. He started to hit me around 8 or 9. He didn't hit me hard though. The hits started getting harder and harder around when I was age 13." I whispered.

I saw Tate's eyes get wide.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

I hesitated before answering, "Yeah.."

I then immediately thought of something.

"Tate, you have to come with me." I told him.

"Will your mom let me?" Tate asked me, agreeing with me.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked back in the apartment with Tate following behind me.

"Mom!" I called out for her.

"Yeah sweetie?" she asked walking down the stairs.


"Can Tate come with us pleas?" I asked really hoping she'd say yeah.

"Why?" she asked with a confused look on her face.

"Um, because I think Danny would like to meet my boyfriend, cause well.. he's my brother." I lied. I'm sure Danny could give a shit less to be honest.

My mother thought before answering.

"Actually, you know that might be a good idea. He can come along." she finally replied smiling.

I smiled back and felt my chest untighten and I felt relieved. My mother walked upstairs. Tate looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back and he grabbed my hand saying, "See, you'll be safe now."

I smiled and looked down. He put his hand on my chin and brought it up and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Paris you guys should get ready, we're leaving in a few minutes!" my mother shouted from downstairs so Tate and I could hear her from my bedroom.

Tate and I looked at each other and I got up. I looked in the mirror and decided to keep on what I was already wearing. It was my Jack Skellington shirt with my red leggings.

I sat down at my mirror and brushed my hair. I threw it up in a messy bun and sprayed myself with perfume.

I got up and Tate was still sitting there.

"So you are wearing that?" I asked him.

"Yep." he simply replied.

I smiled and nodded my head. He got up and followed me as I walked towards my door to open it.

We walked downstairs and him and I both put on our shoes.

"Ready?!" my mother asked walking into the hallway from the kitchen.

I nodded my head and opened the door. We all walked out, down the hallway and out the door. I opened the door to the passengers seat, but Tate gestured his head towards the back.


I closed the car door and got into the back with Tate.

10 Minutes Later

We were starting to get closer to Danny's house and I could feel my nerves starting to build up inside my body. I guess Tate noticed.

He grabbed my hand and starting stroking the top of my thumb with his. He smiled at me and mouthed the words "You'll be okay"

I smiled and nodded and looked back out the window. I still was worried.

When we got there, Tate and I were till holding hands. My mother, Tate, and I walked up to his front door and she knocked.

When he opened the door, he looked right at me. All the memories flooded my mind all at once. Chills were sent up my spine and I squeezed Tate's hand harder. He took his other hand and placed it over top of both of ours and stroked his hand over them calmly.

Danny stared Tate down.

"Hello, welcome." Danny said gesturing us inside.

Tate and I slowly walked inside and kind of just looked around.

"You can take your shoes off and follow me to the kitchen." he said smiling. When he smiled, I kind of thought, maybe he doesnt do that anymore. I mean I haven't seen him in like two years. He could've changed.

We all took our shoes off and followed Danny into his kitchen. He had a lot of food set out.

"Where's your girlfriend?" my mother asked him.

"She's out of town." he replied simply. Heh, she must be lucky..

"Speaking of relationships, who's this?" he asked me sitting down.

Tate and I sat down, too.

"This is Tate." I told him with about no expression. All I had was the feeling of fear.

"Paris, you don't have to be nervous, we're brother and sister." he said smiling. Haha maybe abusive brother and the victim is the sister.

We all just ate for an hour. I didn't do much talking and neither did Tate. Mostly just my mother and Danny.

"Well, I think we should go." my mother said.

Thank god.

"Well, cant Paris stay a little longer, we need some catching up to do?" Danny asked.

Goddammit please say no.

"Yeah, that's fine." she said smiling.


"Can Tate stay too?" I immediately said, probably sounding rude.

"Yeah, that's fine." Danny hesitated before answering.

I smiled and my mom nodded. She got up and walked out the door waving goodbye.

"Paris, would you mind helping me with the dishes?" Danny asked.

I nodded my head got up, releasing my hand from Tate's. I grabbed some dishes and followed Danny. We walked out of the kitchen.

"Why cant we just wash the dishes in the kitchen sink?" I asked.

"Its backed up." he said walking into the laundry room, there's a sink in there. More like a wash tub but whatever.

Danny and I started to wash the dishes. I walked back into the kitchen to grab some more dishes. On my way back to the laundry room, close to the door, I dropped a glass bowl. It made a really loud noise and there was glass every where.

I felt my nerves go crazy and I started shaking. I quickly bent down to pick the pieces up and Danny walked out.

A/N: Hey, guys. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I haven't been in the best mood. But what do you think Danny will do?

Will he stay calm and help her pick the pieces up?

Or will he go back to his old habits?

Cliff hangerrrrrrr.

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