《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 24


"Oh my god. I had no idea that it was our 1 month.. I'm so sorry. But, you didn't have to get me anything." I said slowly grabbing the box and paper out of his hand.

"Its okay. I know you've been having a hard time lately, I don't blame you for not knowing. And I wanted to get you it. Open the paper, I apologize for it sucking, I haven't written in so long." he told me smiling, walking inside, shutting the door behind him.

I smiled and opened up the paper. It was a poem.

It read:

"You're the only one I need,

Come dance with me, I will lead.

I wont ever let you fall,

Whatever you do I will love it all.

You are always the one to make me smile,

Because I am sad every once in awhile.

I used to be a suicidal mess,

All alone, and depressed.

But, then you came and changed it all,

Because of you, I stand tall.

Before I met you I thought "I cant do this"

But, now you're here and now I can,

So happy one month, Paris. <3

Love, Tate."

I smiled and said, "Awe that's so cute."

He blushed while smiling and looked down at his feet.

I then opened the box and it was a keychain. It was a silver Eiffel Tower.

I giggled at how cute that was, him getting me a key chain with the Eiffel Tower on it and my name being Paris.

"Thank you." I said, standing on my tip toes to give him a hug. When we pulled apart from the hug I checked my phone and it was 6:56.

"C'mon. We're gonna miss the bus." I told him grabbing my bag. He opened the door for me and I smiled walking out of it.

As we were walking to the bus stop, I was trying to put the key chain on the ring of my strap. I finally got it when we arrived to the bus stop.


The bus was 2 minutes late. When it finally arrived we hopped on. I sat next to him in the back, like always.

A Few Hours Later

*5th period*

I'm in history class right now. I have to use the restroom so I raise my hand. My sleeve slipped down a little bit revealing some of my bruises and burns. I didn't realize until i put down my arm when the teacher called on me.

My heart quickly dropped and i ask, "May I use the restroom?"

The teacher hesitated before answering, "Yes."

I got up and walked out into the hallway. I let out a huge breath i was holding in.

"I hope she didn't realize" i thought in my head as i was walking down the hallway to the restroom.

Whenever I got back into the classroom, i sat down in my seat. The teacher watched my every move the whole rest of the class.

The next period was lunch. When the bell rang i rushed out of class. I really wanted to tell Tate that i think the teacher noticed, but he didnt even know that I hurt myself again.

I kept it to myself and headed to lunch with Tate. I was silent the whole way down there.

"You should eat today." Tate told me as we walked into the cafeteria.

I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't really in the mood to eat.

He sighed and said, "Well I'm going to get the line, see you at the table."

I nodded my head and walked to the table we usually sit at.

The rest of the day was as boring as always. But, it was killing me not to tell Tate about my relapse.

When the final bell rang i walked out of my last class and over to my locker. Tate was waiting there for me. We walked out together.

Tate and i walked on the bus, holding hands. Like always, people looked at us. I wish they'd get used to it already.


I got off the bus with Tate following behind me. We walked inside the apartment building as usual and walked to our apartment doors.

When we got to mine, he kissed me and smiled. Tate walked over to his apartment door and smiled at me again before opening it and walking in.

I walked inside mine and dropped my bag next to the railing on the stairs. I walk into the living room and see two cops standing there with my mom.

"Mom?" I say, sounding worried.

"Sweetie, your teacher called the cops because she saw bruises all over your arms and though I was abusing you." she said crossing her arms.

My heart immediately dropped and I started sweating.

"I.. um.." I said not knowing what else to say. I guess the teacher really did realize.

"Paris, tell the cops that i do not abuse you." she said.

I realized at this moment that i had to confess to self harming if I didn't want to be sent to a foster home and leave Tate. I also didn't want my mother to go to jail.

"Um, sir, she doesn't abuse me i promise. I um.." i paused before continuing, "I self harm.." i finally said facing my mother.

I could see the pain in her eyes. I could see how shocked she was.

I turned the cops and lifted up my sleeves and leggings showing them my scars and bruises.

"I used to cut, but then my boyfriend made me promise that i wouldn't cut again. So i found a loophole and decided to hit myself and burn myself." i told them.

"Tate knows?" my mother asked with tears in her eyes.

I nodded my head and turned my attention back to the cops. I just kind of stared at them waiting for their reaction.

About 5 minutes later, they finally accepted it and left. They gave me a card that had suicide hotline numbers on it.

I walked out of my apartment door to go take the trash out and I see 2 cops walking out of Paris' door.

I just kind of stood there with my eyes wide open. I waited for the door to shut so i could go knock on it.

Paris' POV:

I heard a loud knock on the door. I had no idea who it was. I walk over to open it and see Tate standing there looking worried as fuck.

He looks down at my arms and his eyes go wide. I look down at where he's looking and realize that i didn't pull down my sleeves after i showed the cops.

I let out a little gasp and was about to pull down my sleeves, but Tate stopped me. He got on his knees and grabbed my arms. He gently kisses my bruises and burns causing me to flinch.

A single tear starts to roll down my pale cheek. He looked up at me and stood up. He placed his hands on both of my cheeks and kissed my cold lips. I could feel my lips start to warm as soon as his lips touched mine.

We pulled our lips apart and i could hear my mom in the background whisper to herself, "Awe."

I turned around smiling and Tate looked at her smiling, too.

"Sorry, I'm going." she said walking upstairs.

I laugh and so does Tate and we look back at each other.

"I love you." Tate whispers.

"I love you more." I whisper back.

"I love you most." he again, whispers.

"I know you can get through this. We will get through it together." he says.

I could actually feel my happiness once again.

A/N: Honestly one of my favorite chapters so far. What's your guys' favorite chapter so far? And sorry for that lame poem, i cant exactly write poetry lolz

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