《DILF 》fp jones》11.


"Did he tell you why?!" He shouted.

She swallowed hard managing to choke out a small "No."

FP sat back down on the sofa, his fingers gripping to the ends of his hair. "I can't do this Cherry." He whispered. "I can't help you anymore, with this." He waved his hands out into the nothingness of the space in front of them.

Cherry slid closer to him on the sofa, placing her hand delicately on his thigh. She placed her forehead on his temple and they were both quiet for a few moments. FP breathed in and could smell her strong scent of sweet cherries. A small smile creapt onto his lips from their closeness that he tried to hide away.

She kissed his cheek so softly that he almost missed it. "Please." She whispered into his ear.

Whether it was FP trying to desperately find similarities between them or not, he couldn't mistake the desperation in her voice. He had never heard her sound so defenseless.

"You have the serpents here. I have a family that whoever I turn to doesn't want me." She kissed him again, this time harder. "Help me, FP." Her lips slid up to his ear, her breath tickling his neck. "Help me, find a life where I am finally happy." Her lips kissed his earlobe before pressing it between her lips softly. FP shakily breathed in through his nose, his eyes squeezed shut. It was his own fault that he let her manipulate him so easily, and he knew that was exactly what she was doing.

And whether it was the hopeless romantic inside of him or not, but FP desperately wanted to tell her that he could be that life where she was happy. But if he was to tell her that all Cherry would do would be to let him down. Cherry Blossom, although she didn't want to believe it, was a Blossom through and through, that meant no matter her occupation, a life with a man like FP Jones was not enough for her.


The front door of the trailer swung open with no warning. Cherry watched as FP leapt from the sofa and away from Cherry's touch.

"It's only me." He laughed and sent FP a confused look after watching the man panic. Joaquin closed the door behind him and faced the stripper on the sofa, he looked back to FP and desperately tried to tell the man something without moving his lips. FP did't receive the message, and no matter how many times any of his serpents would tell the man that Cherry Blossom was a disaster waiting to happen in verbal form, he would never get the message.

"He came to the Wyrm." Joaquin spoke up, sitting on the coffee table after having to move FP's empty beer bottles. "The Blossom kid." He motioned towards Cherry but never looked her in the eye.

Cherry stood up and the boys looked up at her. "Sit down, Blossom." There was definite sourness in his voice. "He's gone, he was looking for you." Joaquin looked at his only father figure that he had ever had in his life. "Know why?" FP shook his head.

Cherry began to pace before she stopped and lent against the dividing wall that separated the living room and kitchen. She couldn't help but think the worst, that yet again a Blossom descendant was going to abandon her.

The three heads whipped to the door as a loud and rushed knock came from it. FP looked back at his fellow serpent and Cherry.

"Mustang gave him your address, I think." Joaquin sighed. "Believed he wouldn't have the balls to actually show up." He shrugged.

He ushered his guests down the hall into his bedroom and shut the door with a sigh as the knocking came again.


Joaquin sat on the end of FP's bed, looking behind him at the one messy side and the one straightened side, then looked back to Cherry, stood with her arms folded and trying to listen through the door.

"Have you slept with him?" Cherry whipped her head round to the younger boy and scoffed.

"I'm not a prostitute." Lately that may have not been completely true, but she tried to push the lie to the back of her mind. She never wanted Hal Cooper to pay her. It made her feel dirty and used but she needed all the money she could get.

"I didn't mean has he paid you!" The serpent hissed. "He cares about you, Cherry." The way her name fell from his lips sounded like it was poison in his mouth. "I don't know why." She heard this loud and clear, but turned away from him for she had no reply.

FP Jones was everything she had wished for when she was younger. The perfect prince that she was told by her mother would find her someday, just like Snow White's. But times had changed and Cherry soon found out everything her mother said was lies and everything her family did was a crime. And the reality was FP Jones was a gang leader and living in poverty. Not exactly the ideal prince she had hoped for, because Cherry Blossom was desperately hanging on to the last piece of childhood innocence that she had left. Because between the metal poles and behind the velvet curtains of the Hoe Zone, and underneath the lace corsets and above the men she danced for there was still a vulnerable little girl whom had been exposed to life and adulthood way too early.

FP Jones had opened the door revealing a shivering ginger, clutching at his school letterman jacket, trying to protect himself from the cold. FP looked around the dead trailer park before pulling the boy into his home. "What do you want, boy!?" He spat as the Blossom quivered before him.

"I came to tell you about an addition to the plan." He stuttered under the serpent's hard stare. "My girlfriend will be coming with us, so we need a bigger vehicle, a car this time not a bike." FP raised his eyebrows at the boy as he tried to pluck up the courage to talk to the serpent confidently and demandingly.

Jones sucked at his teeth as he tried to find an answer. "Right!" Jason relaxed a little, but FP wasn't done. "I need you to do a little job for me, first." Jason's body went stiff once more.

"Come down to the Wyrm tomorrow night, nine o'clock. No later!" Jason nodded and was pushed out of the trailer by the serpent.

"A job!?" Cherry came storming out of his bedroom as soon as she heard the door close.

"Yes." FP stated matter of factly, as Joaquin watched from the kitchen entryway. "And I'm giving you one too."

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