《DILF 》fp jones》10.


"I don't want to do this anymore!" Cherry stood in the doorway of Cheryl's bedroom as she removed her infamous blood red lipstick.

She stopped midway as the makeup wipe glided along her lips and looked back at her cousin.

"I'm not a homewrecker. I don't want to be a home wrecker." She whispered. In her profession, Cherry had no problem with the men who came to watch her perform, but now their touch had gotten to her, Hal Cooper's touch, Fred Andrew's touch, Fp Jones's touch. They were married men, men with real lives outside of the four brick walls and neon signs of the Hoe Zone, not play things for Cherry Blossom to toy with.

Cheryl slammed her hand down on her dressing table and stood up to face her older relative. Tears were welling in the Blossom twin's eyes. "You already are!" She spat and barged past her to leave the room.

"What the fuck do you mean? You wanted me to do this!" She screamed down the hallway to her cousin, not caring about her sleeping relatives.

"I'm not talking about the stupid bet!"

"Then what, Cheryl?"

Her real name sounded weird coming from her cousin's lips.

"Just look what you do to this family."

"What's he said?" Cherry spat.

"Nothing! I just see you finally for the mess that you are."

Cherry scoffed.

"Look at yourself Cherry, when are you going to grow up? How many times have you had to repeat senior year? How many times have you got to sleep with drunk men to fucking feel something about yourself? When are you going to stop bringing shame to this family?"

" Oh, how very Blossom of you." She hissed and barged past her cousin to leave the mansion, with no idea of where to go. Only the anger fuelling her to keep walking.


Her sore feet took her to the rough pavements of the Southside, more specifically the worn grass and sharp gravel of Sunnyside trailer park. She had only ever been here once before, that time she regretted coming face to face with the reality of FP Jones, this time she didn't. The porch light flickered due to the aging bulb, which Cherry hoped meant the man was home, and home alone.

She swallowed hard before tapping her knuckles on the plastic door. It flung open to reveal the very man himself. She looked down, sheepishly at her unexpected arrival. "Cherry?" He managed to choke out.

His hair was a mess and he was missing his t-shirt to cover his top half. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I had nowhere else to go."

He shook his head and removed himself from the doorway in order to welcome her in. "No. Don't be sorry, it's fine really." He smiled to try and reassure the girl.

"Did I wake you?"

"Yes, but no need to worry, you're more important. Especially when you're wandering the Southside dressed like that!" He rushed to the back of the trailer and brought out some clothes. "These are my son's but I think he'll be fine with it." He shrugged passing over to her a pair of sweatpants and a plain t-shirt.

"Mr Jones, I'm used to being on the Southside dressed like this." She giggled, which made FP smile at her. However she gladly took the clothes.

FP waited anxiously on his sofa, staring mindlessly at the television screen as adverts lit up the room, for the girl to exit his bathroom.

"Thank you for letting me stay." She fidgeted in the entranceway between the kitchen and living area.

"You want to talk about it?" FP asked moving to the edge of the ratty sofa. "Why you're here?"


"I had an argument with Cheryl." She whispered. "I know it doesn't sound like such a big deal, but her and Jason have been one of the only things getting me through living in the rotten house." She sat down next to the older man but made sure to leave a gap between them both. "Like you already know." She sighed. "I had plans to leave with Jason in the summer, before I was forced to leave."

"Had?" FP interrupted.

"See that's the thing, it all just seems to be falling apart, this perfect plan that I had created. I never thought for one Cheryl would become so important to me, I never predicted that Jason would want to bring his girlfriend along, I never predicted-"

"Wait!" FP rose from his seat. "His girlfriend?"

Cherry looked up at him confused. "Yes, he's quite a good looking and popular boy my cousin so, yes, he has a girlfriend."

"No, no, no. I know that." FP rolled his eyes but then began to pace. "Fuck!" He muttered.

"What is it?" Cherry stood up, now worried.

FP sighed, running a hand through his already messy hair. "Jason's girlfriend is Polly Cooper!"

"So?" Cherry shrugged, not seeing the problem.

"A Cooper, Cherry!" FP grabbed the girl by the shoulders and shook her gently. "This has trouble written all over it, for you, for me. Did Jason tell you why?" He ran a hand over his stubble. "Did he tell you why he wanted her to come along?" He raised his voice a little at the seriousness of the mess he was getting himself into. But it was his own fault, his own fault that he had such strong feelings for a woman that played him constantly, his own fault that he was becoming defenceless to her charm that she had used on nearly every single other man in Riverdale, his own fault that he had let his guard come crumbling down around them as soon as she showed even the tiniest bit of interest. His own fault. But was it really when Cherry did this to so many others? Made them feel like they were something to her.

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