《Water | Minsung》22.


"Woojin, you're the best," Seungmin thanked Woojin and took two sandwiches, one for himself and one for Hyunjin who was still fascinated by the fish in the water.

"Hyunjin, did you spot a hidden pirate ship with treasure or something yet? I mean you've been like this for the last thirty minutes," asked Jeongin while munching his cheese sandwich.

"Do u like pirates?" Chan looked at Jeongin.

"Yeah of course, who doesn't. I've watched the Pirates of the Caribbean like five times," Jeongin smiled.

"Watch Chan be Jack Sparrow next Halloween," Minho whispered to Woojin who wheezed.

"Jinnie, come oN I WON'T HOLD THIS SANDWICH FOREVER. You either take it or I'll give it to Jisung," Seungmin huffed and handed the sandwich to Jisung.

Hyunjin suddenly paid attention. "dON'T-," he yelled and snatched the sandwich out of Jisung's hands.

"-and you keep asking why do you never get anything for Christmas from me. hM, I wONDER WHY, mAYBe if yOu weren't such a bITCH," Jisung glared at Hyunjin.

"hOe IT WAS MY SANDWICH IN THE FIRST PLACE, get your own one," replied Hyunjin.

"Wait..." said Chan, "U just called Jisung a hoe, but Minhœ's already a hoe so now we have two hoes, this is confusing smh."

"Yeah, I'm confusion, America explain," laughed Jeongin.

"Omg vine references, Jeongin ily," Chan smiled.

Jeongin blushed and looked at his shoes.

"I dOn't care, then they're both hoes-" started Hyunjin but then Seungmin started coughing, "whoa Minnie are you okay??"

"You dumbass of course he isn't," Jisung stood up and walked over to their side of the boat.

"Yeah... I'm... fine... just... I just feel horribly sick," Seungmin whispered.

"Oh no, it reminds me of what happened in high school when Seungmin had an allergic reaction and couldn't breathe properly, he went to the hospital and they discovered his high lactose intolerance," said Jisung.


"Woojin did you put something with milk in those sandwiches?" Hyunjin asked.

"I put in butter, cheese, and salmon in the other ones but Seungmin asked me to make one without anything with milk for him, so his sandwich shouldn't have butter nor cheese."

"Oh no, I think I have Seungmin's sandwich, and here I was, wondering why is it so dry," Minho shook his head.

"Y'all we need to get him some medicine or something asap," said Chan and quickly turned on the engine.

The sun disappeared behind the clouds and the sky darkened.

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