《Water | Minsung》21.


After Felix had breakfast, he returned to the bar. As he stood behind the counter and cleaned up glass cups, he noticed Changbin sitting in the dark corner. Again.

He remembered what Woojin had told him and he put away the glass so he could look at Changbin without breaking it.

He also remembered that Changbin was the son of the owner of this resort.

Doesn't he have any friends, why is he sitting there all alone? Felix thought.

He felt a bit bad for him. He didn't know what exactly happened between him and Hyunjin, but he knew that nobody deserved to be alone.

Felix summoned all his courage and approached the boy. He sat on the other side of the table, opposite Changbin.

Changbin looked up from his phone. A freckled boy has just sat at his table. Huh? Who's that? Wait... I think I've already seen him somewhere. It's one of Chan's friends, what was his name again?

He put his headphones down and tried to remember the boy's name.

"Uhm, hi?" Changbin greeted Felix.

Felix smiled brightly.

"Hello, it's Changbin, isn't it? I'm Felix, Chan's friend. We met a few days ago, but we didn't have the chance to talk yet. I work here by the way, so I've seen you quite a lot here," said Felix.

Changbin was shocked by Felix's deep voice, it didn't really match his baby face.

"Nice to meet you Felix, yeah I'm Changbin. And you're right, I spend here a lot of time because I like this place, there are a lot of people but it's nice and quiet here in this corner."

I feel less alone here than in my room, he wanted to add, but he didn't say it out loud. Instead, he smiled a bit at Felix.


"Oh I know right, this place is great, I love working here, people are super nice. Well some customers aren't but my coworkers are amazing, did you know that one drink is called Cherry bomb lmao it's..."

Changbin looked at Felix. The boy was shining like the sun. How can someone enjoy so much talking about drinks from the bar?

Some people just like to talk a lot, they talk about anything they can think of, anything that comes first on their minds. Apparently, Felix was one of those people.

And Changbin was the complete opposite. It's not that he didn't like to talk, it's just he didn't feel the urge to talk. It was unnecessary to say a sentence when all you need is a one-word reply.

He usually let other people talk and he stayed quiet. Because every time he said something, it either came out wrong and hurt someone or it was just really stupid and it didn't make sense. That's why Changbin rather stayed quiet.

"...and he told me, you can't put the glasses like this, you have to flip them over like this, so particles of dust won't get inside and blah blah... I mean it doesn't really matter, or does it? You can always wash it one more time, duh." Felix shook his head.

"Lmao is that Woojin you're talking about?"

"Yeah, but plz don't tell him or he'll get offended. By the way, how do you know him? I mean you don't work here?"

"I know all the staff that works here a few years. And Chan introduced him to me last year."

"Ohh so that's why everyone knows everyone. Idk why but I feel like everyone has connections all around the world. And then there's someone like me, who doesn't know anybody."


"It's okay, neither do I. The only people I know, are the people who work here, and some old friends from Korea."

"But Hyunjin was your boyfriend."

"And? wHat has Hyunjin to do with this?? I mean, I knew that Hyunjin has a boyfriend now anD I'm pErFeCtLy fiNe with it."

"You don't look fiNe in my opinion. You look angry and sad..."

"No, it's just my face."

"...lEmme finish my sentence sMH. Yeah, so I think you should get over him."

"And why are you telling me this."

"Because that pain doesn't suit your pretty face."

"...whoa ok that was smooth, I don't know how should I respond."

"Ikr, I'm like the smoothest person alive, hah you're lucky to meet me, so I can bless you with my smooth pick-up lines ay."

"Way to ruin a moment, but you ain't wrong tho."

"Ain't wrong with what."

"With that part that I'm lucky that I have met you."

"Omg really? A lot of people find me annoying so I thought I was annoying you too lol," laughed Felix.

"Wth, who said that you're annoying, lemme fite them. You're like one of the most amazing and interesting people I've ever met. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," said Changbin and patted Felix's hair. It was orange and fluffy.

"Awh thank you, you know at first I thought you'll be a bit rude but you're honestly so nice," smiled Felix.

Changbin shrugged. "Yeah, it happens often, that you misunderstand someone's personality because of their looks."

"Does it happen often to you?" Felix asked.

"Unfortunately," said Changbin, "yes, it happens quite a lot to me."

"Oh nœ, donut worry I won't judge you for anything."

"Why thank you."

"By the way, what were you listening to before I came here?"

"Nothing much-" started Changbin but Felix snatched his phone from his hand.

"wHOA IS THIS OPERA MUSIC? I thought you'll be listening to some dark rap or something like that."

"Omg, how did you know it's opera music."

"I'm not trying to be rude but bish smh everyone knows Ave Maria, besides I live in Sydney. Operas were my childhood. My mom used to take me to the Sydney opera house every month. I guess you could say I know most of the famous operas by heart lmao."

"Whoa okay, I surely wasn't expecting that."

"Me neither, now it's your turn to explain why do yOu have so much opera music here lol wtf."

"You know, I'm actually composing some songs and I like to take inspirations from classic music, don't @ me."

"Omg, someday you have to show me what you've composed."



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