《Water | Minsung》23.


The sun disappeared behind the clouds and the sky darkened.

It started raining.

"I don't like this," Chan frowned while looking at the sky, "it looks like a scene from an apocalyptic movie, wtf. Seungmin, are u sure u ain't somehow related to the weather?"

"Chan nO, it's not the time for this," said Minho.

"Ok but look at those waves, they keep getting bigger and bigger," Woojin pointed to the sea, "it wasn't like this a few moments ago."

Meanwhile, Hyunjin was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Minnie please don't die, I love you, I'll never take the last cookie again, okay? Just please, hang in there," he sniffed.

"Holy Jisoos, Jinnie I'm okAY, I'M NOT DYING, I just have an allergic reaction and my head hurts so much bUT I'M NOT DYING," Seungmin yelled while whispering.

"Shh, he doesn't know what he's saying anymore," Hyunjin wiped a tear from his eye and looked at the others.

"Hyunjin, he said that he's not dying, he said it tWiCe, so you should believe him ffs," Minho facepalmed.

All at once, a big wave hit the boat. Jeongin almost fell over the deck but Chan caught him in time. Hyunjin hugged Seungmin even tighter and Minho quickly took Jisung's hand.

The rain became stronger and the wind started aggressively blowing.

"WhoOa, wHAt was tHAt," yelled Chan, "It lOoKs LikE tHe sToRm iS CoMiNg."

"Oh nO, bUt wE'rE sTiLL fAr fRoM tHe sHoRe," Woojin yelled back at him.

Jisung sat in the corner of the boat. The bad feeling that he felt earlier came back, but much stronger. He felt like they were all going to drown. Storms on the sea were dangerous.

Minho sat next to him and hugged him. "Don't worry, we're almost on the beach, besides, me and Chan are lifesavers so everything will be fine, trust me," he gave Jisung a reassuring smile.


Jisung almost believed him. Almost. But the dark memories were still creeping in his mind and he couldn't get rid of the bad feeling that something's bad's going to happen.

Suddenly they noticed another huge wave coming towards them. It was much bigger than the first one. It was enormous.


The crash came earlier than they expected. Jisung felt how his whole body got surrounded by the salty water.

For a second he felt like he flew but then he heard something break and everything went dark.


Jisung opened his eyes. At first, he thought he was in his room but then he felt the waterdrops falling on his face. It was still raining.

He slowly sat up and looked around. His whole body hurt him so much, he felt like he was hit by a train.

He turned his head around, just to see the pieces of the destroyed boat. They were thrown all around the beach.

Then he looked at the other side and froze in shock.

A body was lying a few steps away from him.

Jisung came closer, to see who was it.

It was Minho.

And he wasn't moving.

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