《One Week Trip to Where?!✔️》tuesday - part three


T U E S D A Y - P A R T T H R E E

words: 2111


The team finished their lunch and Lauren took them to the labs. She was questioning where Peter went... again. Ned just told her Peter wasn't feeling too good so Mr. Stark basically yoinked him. No one else noticed the blood sliding down his hand and drenching his shirt. They were brainstorming ideas and talking with the other interns when the lab door opened. Normally, that wouldn't be distracting but this time it almost thrown off its hinges.

Peter ran into the room and quickly closed the door, not so quietly, behind him. He had his hands on the door as he leaned his head down and sighed. He turned around and froze, realizing most of his classmates were staring at him. He stared before giving them a small smile. The interns went back to doing what they were doing.

"Peter... What is it this time?" Lauren spoke up as she walked over to him. Peter looked at her before glancing back at his class, who were waiting for an answer.

"I kind of r-ran from Mr. Stark..." He trailed off looking at his hands. Lauren just laughed while his class continued to stare. It seemed like Peter was always running away or after someone.

"Why? You don't run from him a lot." Lauren replied. It was true. He was usually running after Clint or running from Shuri.

"I..." Peter trailed off, thinking of an excuse, "blew something up in the lab...?" He finished, sounding unsure of himself. Lauren gave him a skeptical look but brushed it off and nodded. She was used to him being skittish about questions involving the Avengers.

"Alright. So, basically, you guys are going to get the chance to work on some of the projects in development with some of the interns here. You guys can even work with some of the interns and start a project of your own!" Lauren explained and clapped her hands. She gave a final 'off you go' and the class wondered around.

They weren't quite sure what to do so they just stood around awkwardly. Eventually, some of the interns introduced themselves and got a conversation going to break the ice. They all had fun and a lot of them had ideas of their own. Some of them exchanged numbers with the intern they were working with so if they needed help with their project at any time, they could ask.

The interns absolutely loved the class. They enjoyed working with some of the younger minds and got to see what kind if odd, but cool inventions they had in mind. For the next five hours, everything was going good. Dinnertime rolled around and the Decathlon team said their goodbyes to their new friends.

Peter managed to keep his stitches from re-opening and started a BB-8 project with Ned. Everything was good. They all went out to a restaurant for dinner. They decided to go to McDonalds. Sure, not the best place, but everyone was good with it. Lauren went with them to supervise, but there was a... surprise guest.

The class stared with wide eyes at the super soldier in front of them. So... you're going to a McDonalds with a famous super-hero. None of them knew how to react. They kind of felt nervous because they had to be on their best behavior... or did they?


They placed their orders and got their food before sitting down where Steve was. It was silent before he spoke up.

"Alright. What is it?" He asked looking at them. None of the teens knew what to say so Charles started.

"Why are you at a McDonalds... with us?" He asked with emphasis on the 'us.' He smiled at them before responding.

"Because someone had to make sure you guys stayed safe... and if I didn't, Tony would have. Knowing him, he would have bought the place just so you guys could do something crazy." He got a few chuckles out of that. Peter grinned knowing that's exactly what his mentor/father figure would do.

"Do you expect something to go wrong?" Sally asked as a follow up. A few of them noticed how he mentioned safety even through they were just going to a McDonalds.

"You never know. I mean look at how the D.C. trip went." He replied. At this, most of the team grimaced, remembering their near death experience. Peter knew nothing was going to go wrong here but he understood the concern. His spidey sense wasn't screaming at him. He did feel like someone was watching them though. That was to be expected while they were sitting in a McDonalds... with Captain America. "Speaking of trips, how are you guys enjoying this one?" He asked with a smile.


"I love it!"


"Really freaking cool!"

"Interesting..." At this a few of them glanced at Peter. He turned a light shade of pink and looked down at his food. Cap followed their glances to look at him, which Peter glanced up to see. Peter understood the look and sighed before taking in a big breath.

"Clint came in and started Prank War II because of something I did and now I have glitter in my hair. Then, Shuri and Mr. T'Challa showed up and Shuri called me fiancé in front off everyone and tried to kill me with the light sabers we made so I ran from her and then messed up something in the lab and Mr. Stark wanted me to stay up there for a few but I ran away and now we are at a McDonalds with you." Peter finished with a big huff and a large breath in. The class looked at him and then to Cap, sort of used to all the crazy things that involve Peter.

Out of all the things he could have gathered... "Wait. Barton started another Prank War?!" Peter could basically see the Vietnam flashbacks.

"Technically, I started it, but yeah." Peter mumbled back. At this, Steve snapped his head back over to Peter.

"You?! Wait... you stole his food, didn't you?" Steve put the pieces together. The only reason Clint would retaliate was if someone went after his food. At this, Peter nodded sheepishly. Steve sighed before responding, "Son... We're all doomed. I wish you the best of luck tomorrow." Peter gave him a confused glance. "Tomorrow? What's tomorrow... Oh God." Peter groaned.

"This is it. I'm dead. He is going to kill me. He will literally shoot me with an arrow." Peter replied, not so lightly putting his head down on the table. Steve just laughed. Training for him tomorrow was going to be absolute death.


"Wait, what's tomorrow again?" Flash spoke up.

"You guys get to train with some of the Avengers." Lauren answered from her spot beside Steve.

"Oh shi- shoot. Peter is a dead man." Abe said, stopping himself from swearing in front of the super soldier. Peter looked at Steve as he struggled to hold back his famous line: 'Language.' Peter waited a few moments before telling Steve to 'just say it.'

"Language." The class finished their food and asked Steve about literally everything. Mostly about the attack on New York, Bucky, and the Civil War. He didn't particularly like talking about the Civil War. There was a lot of bad that happened then. Rhodey, Tony's parents, and much more. Eventually they went back to the Tower. Steve wanted them to be full of energy for the training tomorrow.

When they finally got to their room, they started talking about the day. It was crazy. They got to see and/or meet at least six Avengers and it was only their second day there. They joined their bunkmate on the top and asked, once again, what they were going to do tonight. Betty asked Peter if he could go get more Pop-Tarts again. He agreed and soon found himself walking up the stairs along with the rest of his Decathlon team.

Of course, he didn't want them to come with him. For one, they had a high chance that they would run into one of the Avengers and two, he didn't want another confrontation with Clint. He couldn't do anything in front of his class. When he opened the door from the stairway to the commons room, the class stared with wide eyes, completely forgetting the exhaustion from climbing all the stairs.

There were multiple flat screen TV's, a hologram table, a HUGE kitchen, with a bar, and a lot more. (Imagine the scene from Age of Ultron where they try to lift his hammer, that's basically what the living room part of it looks like.)

"Yo, Parker, where are we?" Flash asked in a hushed voice, looking around in amazement. Peter went over to the cabinets, trying to come up with a better answer than, 'The Avengers commons room.'

"Uhh nowhere important..." Peter replied jumping onto the countertop to reach his favorite. He called over Ned and Betty to carry the boxes. He would have asked MJ but she gave him a look that said, 'you really think imma carry those for you?' He hopped down from the counter and grabbed their attention.

"Alright, we need to get out of here." He said, as he ushered everyone towards the stairs once again. A few of them gave him a look, wondering why they had to leave so soon, but went on anyways. They all stopped dead in their tracks when they heard a voice.

"Back for Round Two, Pete?" Peter slowly turned around, only to come face to face with, not one, but two Avengers. Clint Barton and Sam Wilson. "Oh crap." Peter backed towards his class, not taking his eyes off of the two grinning Avengers. He turned his head slightly to Ned.

"Get them back to the room. I'll handle this." Peter said, giving Ned his box. Ned gulped before nodding. He got all of them to leave. They wanted to see how this turned out but were scared of what might happen.

"I was mad at him for keeping me awake, but I guess he was right. You did come back." Sam spoke up. He didn't like that Clint woke him up saying that Peter was stealing food... again. Unfortunately for Peter, him and Sam shared a favorite flavor, so Peter was actually stealing his Pop-Tarts, too. By the time Clint and Sam were stalking towards him, his class was gone. Peter turned towards the door one last time to make sure they were gone for sure before turning dangerously slow back towards the two.

He had a deadly glare in his eyes. He was getting better, courtesy of one Natasha Romanoff. It caught them a little off guard, but it didn't stop them. There was two of them and one of Peter. There was no way they could lose... right?


Peter charged at them, activating his webshooters as he ran. They ran head on towards him, forgetting that he had advanced senses and strength. Peter flipped over the two, landing in the iconic Spider-Man pose. Sam and Clint turned around ready to fight. Peter swung at Clint who ducked out of the way as Sam ran up to the second layer of the tall room. Peter and Clint went back and forth, dodging and throwing punches. Eventually, he knocked Clint's feet out from under him, causing him to fall to the floor.

At the same time, Sam jumped at Peter from the second layer. Peter sensed him and rolled out of the way at the last second. Luckily for Sam, he was lined up with one of the multiple couches around the glass table. Sam and Clint got up and went after Peter. It was a 2v1. Peter was doing more dodging than punching. All of a sudden, his spidey sense warned him of something flying at him but he was too late to react. It was Redwing, Sam's computerized companion. It hooked onto Peter effectively throwing him out the window.

Peter shot a web and attached it to the top of said broken window. He swung through another window on a random floor, stumbling as he hit the ground. He was definitely bleeding somewhere but it wasn't serious. It would probably be gone within the hour. Normally they wouldn't go the extent of throwing someone out the window, but this was war. Peter messed with their food. Clint and Sam ran towards the window, but saw nothing but the web hanging from the window.

The two sat in silence before Sam turned to Clint. "So that was a win, right?"

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