《One Week Trip to Where?!✔️》tuesday - part two
T U E S D A Y - P A R T T W O
words: 2221
The group arrived to the upper labs later than scheduled. Lauren apologized at least four times. The class was going to get to learn about and work on nanotechnology with Tony. Learn and maybe even attempt to recreate Pym Particles with Scott and research gamma rays with Banner. Needless to say, the group was crazy excited to learn about new stuff. This was WAY more cool than their high school science and technology classes.
"Hello everyone. As you know, I am Tony Stark. This is Dr. Bruce Banner and Scott Lang." Tony motioned to the two other men in the room. "They can tell you what's happening today... because I have no clue." He mumbled the last part. Peter picked up on it due to his enhanced hearing and had to hold in a laugh. He walked over to his section of the room and continued to drink his coffee.
"Thank you. For the introduction, Tony." Bruce glanced at Tony with an amused look in his eyes as he began. He soon put his focus back on the group to explain. "Alright! As he said I am Dr. Banner and this is Scott, or Mr. Lang. Today, you guys will be splitting up into three groups and will work on the different activities we have for you today." Peter looked at Scott while Bruce was explaining, only to find him looking right back. Scott was trying to keep himself from laughing as his eyes trailed up to Peter's hair. "Guess I didn't get all of the glitter out." Peter rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to keep you waiting any longer though. Split up and you can start!" Banner finally finished with an exhale, glad to be out of the spotlight.
Of course, we have the trio which consists of MJ, Ned, and Peter. Then, there's Betty, Abe, and Cindy. Lastly, we have Flash, Charles, and Sally. Peter wanted to talk to Mr. Stark about Clint, so that's where they went.
"Hey kid. How's the trip?" Tony asked with a slight smirk. Oh, he was in for it now.
"How's the trip?!" Peter hissed quietly. "Why don't you ask Clint?! OR! Ask the glitter thats going to be in my hair for the next 70 years!" Peter was red by now. He exhaled and relaxed once more as Tony's grin just grew wider.
"Don't complain to me. I said I wouldn't do anything and I haven't!" Tony replied back, recalling their conversation from a few days prior. "You're the one that started Prank War II by webbing Clint to the floor last night." MJ had found out about Peter not to long ago. Peter had let Tony know that she knew, that way Tony wouldn't find out on his own through... different methods. At this Ned finally spoke up.
"You webbed Hawkeye to the floor?! Dude, that is awesome!" Ned exclaimed quietly. Peter turned to his friend with a look before turning back to Tony.
"Look. Can you just, PLEASE, keep him away from me? I don't want the Decathlon team asking more questions." Peter pleaded with his puppy dog eyes. Tony was about to give in when FRIDAY cut in and the whole room went silent.
"Mr. Stark, it appears that Cat Lover and Princess Sneakers have arrived at the tower and are headed your way." At this, Peter visibly paled. With how many times Tony has called everyone by their nicknames, Peter learned them all. Unfortunately for Peter, this is the one person he didn't want to see this week.
"Thank you, FRIDAY." Tony turned back to the trio as FRIDAY went back into her digital rest until someone calls upon her again.
"Mr. Stark, you have to get me out of here. I cannot under any circumstances see-" Peter was cut off by the door of the lab being thrown open.
"WHERE IS MY FIANCÉ?!" Shuri yelled in her accented voice with a grin that could rival the Cheshire Cat's. Peter ducked behind the table. She made eye contact with Tony who "inconspicuously" looked down at where Peter was. Shuri grinned and made her way over to the trio + Tony. "Hello, fiancé!" she exclaimed looking down at Peter. The group of teens were slowly piecing together who was behind the table.
"H-hey, Shuri! What- uh... what are you doing here?" Peter stuttered from his spot on the ground. Shuri was about to answer when she was cut off by another voice.
"She heard you would be here for the week and decided to drop by. All I can say is good luck, she already has the wedding planned." T'Challa spoke up from the door way with a smile. He was dressed in more casual attire for their surprise visit with his silver panther necklace. The entire room was in shock. It was completely silent. Peter sighed before Shuri helped him up.
"Hey, Cat Lover, want to help us teach these kids? Maybe teach em' about vibranium?" Tony called out to T'Challa who was walking over to Bruce. He was about to respond when he was cut off.
"While you do that, I am stealing my fiancé." Shuri called out dragging Peter towards the door.
"Make sure the kid makes it back by lunch!" Peter glared at Mr. Stark. If looks could kill...
"Don't kill him."
"Relax, brother, he'll be perfectly fine... maybe." Shuri smirked and pulled Peter down the hallway. A small, barely audible yelp was heard from Peter. The whole room was in shock over what just happened.
"He's so not making it back in one piece." Tony stated, nonchalantly.
The group was headed to lunch when they heard something that sounded like metal clanging above them. They all looked up with confused looks on their faces when the sound went away. They whispered amongst each other when Peter came stumbling out of one of the vents. Ned ran over to help him up, which Peter gratefully accepted. Peter dusted himself off as his classmates, and Lauren, made their way over to him.
"Hey Peter... Why did you just uh... fall out of the vents?" Lauren decided to break the silence. Peter looked up at her before taking in a big breath.
"I'm kind of... runningfromShuri." Peter rushed out not wanting his team to catch what he said. It didn't work.
"What do you mean? Why are you running from the Princess of Wakanda?!" Sally asked. The group had WAY too many questions. They would have to interrogate him later because Lauren cut them off.
"I'm sure Peter would LOVE to answer all of your questions but it's lunch time and you guys are probably starving." At the mention of food, everyone realized how long it was since they last ate. They were heading to the R&D and Technology labs after lunch to spend the next five hours. They were science nerds, five hours wouldn't seem like enough time for them. Peter shot Lauren a grateful look as the group shuffled on towards the kitchen. "What did she do this time?" Lauren asked Peter as Ned and MJ trailed beside them.
"She was working on actual lightsabers! I'm telling you, she's insane, but they actually worked! Long story short, one of the labs is going to need serious repair..." Peter trailed off, thinking about all the damage the pair caused. When him and Shuri got together... it was chaos for everyone that crossed paths with them. Usually, Tony locks them in Peter's room for when she stays over. It's way less expensive to repair his room rather than an entire lab. Everyone in the tower prefers it that way, too.
As they entered the dining area, they all grabbed what they wanted to eat and sat down. It was silent until Cindy spoke up.
"So... Peter... how do you know Princess Shuri?" The whole group turned to look at him. At this point, he'd wish for Shuri to cut him in half with one of the lightsabers.
"Oh... um..." He was trying to explain without giving too much away. "I met her when she came to visit and work with the other interns. She and T'Challa were teaching them about the vibranium and how it worked and some of the projects they had. They both met me and Mr. Stark and soon enough, we were working on a project together." Peter finished. They worked on his webshooters together but he wouldn't tell them that.
"Dude, that is awesome. King T'Challa is my icon. He's a badass." Abe spoke up with a grin. The group looked at him but said nothing. They all had their own icon, even if they remained unspoken. "Wait. Do you know him, too?" Abe's eyes lit up at the possibility of his classmate knowing the King of Wakanda.
"Um... I was introduced to him briefly when he and Shuri met Mr. Stark." Peter sighed, careful not to spill when they actually met. Although the Civil War, as the media deemed it, wasn't really a introduction. His teammates were very intrigued by this. Who knew that Peter Parker had met royalty and the most badass superheroes in the world. Maybe even the universe! It was hard to believe.
"That's awesome!" Abe started to fanboy. His teammates immediately started to ask him questions. He zoned them out as the hair on the back of his neck stood up and he felt an uncomfortable sensation go up his spine. He focused his hearing and he heard someone screaming for help. He abruptly stood up from his seat causing everyone to stop talking. He soon realized how disruptive that was and how many people were staring at him.
"I... have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." Peter walked off but as soon as he turned the corner, he took off towards the elevator in a sprint. He went down to their room and grabbed his suit. He tapped his bracelets to make his webshooters form and proceeded to swing off towards the screams. The group upstairs sat in silence waiting for Peter to come back.
Peter returned to the table looking a bit pale and sweaty. The team noticed this and Cindy decided to speak up.
"Hey, Pete, you okay over there?" She and the other teens looked at him with questioning looks and concern. He lightly shifted and held a held a hand on his side as he responded.
"I'm good! Just feel a little... dizzy." He spoke, becoming more and more unfocused on the conversation at hand. They didn't seem to believe him but brushed it off and finished their food. Ned, however, noticed his discomfort and decided to ask him about it.
"Dude, what happened? Did you go out as you-know-who?" Ned's voice lowed as he whispered the last part. Peter shifted towards Ned but soon realized his mistake as he winced. This gave Ned all the answers he needed as his gaze shifted to Peter's side. His eyes widened as he saw blood starting to pool up between Peter's fingers. "Dude!" Ned hissed, "You are not okay!" Unfortunately, Ned said that a little too loud. His classmates looked at Peter and started asking way too many questions.
Peter's senses started going into overload. There was too much happening at once. His visions started acting up. The lights were too bright. Everything was blurry. His hearing was wacky, too. Everything was so loud. He could hear the scrape of chairs in the Avengers commons room. He could hear Mr. Stark yelling frantically at FRIDAY. "Wait... Mr. Stark? Why is he freaking out?" He could hear the all too quiet squeak of the large doors to the café area when they opened. Then, everything went quiet.
"Hey, kid. You gotta help me here. Get up." He could hear Mr. Stark's voice over everyone else's. He nodded, disoriented. He stood up, collected, to the best of his ability. Tony slid his arm under Peter's and helped him walk out of the room. Tony basically dragged him over to the elevator. Peter's senses finally started to calm down when the elevator doors closed. "What exactly were you thinking?" Tony asked calmly. Way too calm.
"I heard screaming. I had to go help..." Peter responded, still a bit loopy.
"This is the third time you've been stabbed and not told anyone about it. You're lucky we have the people here to treat everyone's injuries. If Cho didn't work here, you would have to go to the hospital because of the blood loss." Tony replied, letting his concern slip through for a second. At this Peter signed. Not a "I'm sorry" sigh. A "Oh my God, I'm a moody teenager" sigh.
"I'm tired of people telling me to 'Go to the hospital' and that I've 'Lost a lot of blood.' It's my stab wound, not yours. Stay out of it." Peter replied, rolling his eyes.
"It's official. You've lost your mind." Tony replied, shaking his head. "Unbelievable. I'tS My StAB wOUnd NOt YouRS. You're ridiculous, Underoos." Peter just smiled at that.
"I got it from you." He replied, leaning his head against the elevator wall. Tony just started at him with a blank look. He then let a smile creep its way onto his face as he helped Peter out of the elevator.
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Turlough is a mage. He also happens to be an orc, generally lauded as being less intelligent than humans. He was unfortunately born with the Curse of the Barbarian, meaning that he can’t level up except through combat- which greatly hinders his ability to show he can be a proper mage. In a world with necromancers, dragons, invading armies, and all sorts of other monsters he would still be able to advance quickly, but unfortuantely… that world is not his world. An unprecedented peace reigns across the land, and in the last several decades there’s been little use for people capable of fighting- and thus little reason for people to fight him. So when he sees a portal in his master’s study he takes it, hoping to find a horde of demons or something equally foolish to combat at low level. But instead he ends up in a strange city full of skyscrapers and people running around in colorful outfits. Superheroes- and of course supervillains as well. What dangers and opportunities could await him in such a strange and unfamiliar world? Only time will tell. Inspired by many things in the superhero genre, and Super Minion specifically- though while the setting will share some standard elements, it is an original setting that will hopefully be as engaging as many of the other universes. Schedule: One chapter each Monday/Thursday, approx. 2000 words.
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Aki's Abnormal Life
Aki's life has been normal. But everything changed when he was teleported to a fantasy world where humans is next to nonexistent. He was teleported by the queen of the kingdom called Vanzie alongside with his childhood friend, Miyuki. The queen apologize to them because she accidentally summoned them and as an apologize, she offer them to live in the Vanzie for a year. They are not going to go to an adventure to defeat demon king or anything. They will just stay here quietly and go to the school in this world?! On top of it, Aki and Miyuki has to pretend to be a demon so that they won't be discriminate by demons in Vanzie. Aki's Abnormal life begins !---I want to improve my writing more so help me with my grammar and please pointed out what is wrong with this story. English is not my first language, after all.(And please no bashing or rude comment. I accepted harsh critique but not rude critiques..)---This fiction also contained many of Anime/Japanese cartoons(?) references so many readers won't get it. I try my best not too put so many references.P/S - You can also read this at - http://kurozaki-aki.deviantart.com/gallery/57975532/Aki-s-Abnormal-Life ---EDIT - I will be rarely updating this fiction. And i didn't drop this at all.
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shu yamino x reader
hes gonna shake your body and soul.cover: @SeseMilk
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