《Gay one shots》School... (bohner)


And sorry for any errors. Let me know because I don't wanna look like a dummy who doesn't know how to spell.


I strode down the hallway with my best friend AJ, by my side. Ya know the best friend you can do anything and fuck shit up with. Well that's the type of best friend I have.

We kept walking until we met up with Skyler

(Did I spell his name right. Sorry if I didn't)

We kept walking until this certain someone caught my eye.

Tyler mother fucking Carter.

His the type of guy who raises his hand to answer the question first in every class his has, helps people out, has those small groups of friends that stick with him by the hip bone.

Which is Ty. Skyler's little brother.

Yeah but those blue greenish eyes and small butt you wanna just smack. Has me practically whipped but more head over heels.

Anyways back go reality. He was leaning up against a random locker with Ty mostly in his locker trying to get text books out.

He was wearing a black and white button up shirt along with black skinny jeans.

He looked so fucking hot and those jeans make his butt sorta pop and it makes you just wanna run up and smack it.

Well that's just me so eh.

We passes by them two and I waved at Ty


Michael mother fucking Bohn passed by and waved at Ty.

"Your lucky Ty" I grumble

"Why because my brothers friend with Michael Bohn the guy you "loooovvvvee" and I get to see me most of my time of day" he said laughing a little

"You practically took the words out my mouth twerp"

And that made Ty laugh more.

"Shut up..." I groaned. And I began to stare at Michael walking beside AJ his best friend.

I gotta say those black skinny jeans, he makes it work so much.

Today his wearing a black v-neck , again with black skinnies . along with his red and black book bag swiftly on his right shoulder.

God his so fucking hot.

"Yo Tyler quit eye-fucking my brothers friend okay " Ty said laughing at me

"Shut up Acord" I said

"Same goes to you Carter"


*hours passes because I can you flying horses*


Right now lunch was starting and I was sitting along with my friends


Skyler, AJ, and AJ girlfriend Megan( made the name up ) and Skyler's little brother Ty. And infront of me Tyler Carter

Which I wish that become my boyfriend sooner or later.

I really fucking wish sooner then later.

Ty kept talking stuff about what has happened the few classes we attended this morning before lunch.

We kept laughing and joking and having a great time at lunch.

But lunch soon had to end and physical will start.


I don't even know why we have GYM! Right after lunch like we need time to let the food down.

Last year there was this kid named Kendal who threw up school food because he had eaten all of his food, and some of his friends.

Note to self: never over eat lunch food/school food. Because your stomach eventually won't have the chance to take it all.

But the good thing about gym is... I have it with Tyler

Insert creepy sorta sexy wiggle da eyebrows moves.

I walked my way to gym and straight to the boys locker room.

Since today is FRIDAY! We have gym with the girls.

(That's what my old school did on Fridays sometimes Thursdays but uh too much go explain doe)

Yay...note the sarcasm

I went to my gym locker and opened it grabbing my black shorts and white tank top.

I took off my clothes and began to change.

But it didn't get the feeling of someone staring at me....

And I'm kinda hoping that someone, name starts with a "T"!

I finished dressing and I headed out to the gym and sat on a bleacher. Waiting for Ty to get out.

I forgot to mention I also have this class with Ty.

Ty later came out along with *creepy smile* Tyler.

He came and sat next to me while Tyler sat on his other side.

"Hey Ty, Tyler" I said waving at them and they waved back

"Do you think mr. exercise-is-my-life, would but us through my torture then last Friday?"

"Yep, remember that girl that took the dodge ball to the fucking face making her tumble back " Ty said making a face with a whole lot of pain

"I know It looked like it fucking hurt man" I said


Mr. Exercise-is-my-life made us play dodge ball again and Tyler was on my team along with Ty , and a girl with a name (Y/N) she was pretty rad she throws the dodge ball really fucking hard almost knock a guy out.


But Tyler..those dark blue shorts had me practically begging me to rip them off.

But gym ended and we changed into our normal clothes and headed to classes.

I'm waiting for school to just end!


Gym was starting and I walked with Ty by my side,i got to my gym locked and took my clothes out and began to change.

I looked to my right and saw Michael changing

God his so toned out and god those arms are so worked out.


Well I landed on Michael's team, along with Ty and a girl by the name (Y/N) she throws the ball as if it was the lightest thing in the world.


School ended and I went to my locker getting my things and leaving walking to Ty's locker.

"Hey there Acord" I said making Ty jump

"Jesus Christ Tyler you scared me shitless!" He said clutching his heart.

"Oh quit beginning a sour puss"

"That's a new nick name. Oh wanna come over to my house. We could play video games and and ! We could study that test that will take tomorrow!" He said excited.

"Sure leggo I'll just text my mom on the way there"

"Okay come on come on, Sky will be waiting !" He said grabbing ahold of my wrist and dragging me down the hall and through the double doors.

"I'm not a rag doll ya know" I said laughing at the end.

And Ty just turned his head and rolled his eyes at me making me even laugh more.

We made it to Sky's dark green jeep and there was standing Sky,Aj, and....Michael.....

Someone kill me now and throw me into a fucking shitty river.



"Hey Mikey wanna come over to my place. We could chill and eat pizza" Sky asked me

"Sure why not I have nothing better to do. I'll just tell my mum when we get there "

"Okay, meet me at my jeep. And tell AJ " he said and he walked off to I'm guessing his locker.


I got to his jeep, with AJ with me and us threw just stood there

"Hey how come were waiting?" AJ asked

"Oh, Well I can't leave Ty ya know. He told me he was inviting Tyler. This could be your chance Mikey!" Sky said wiggling his eyebrows like a creep.

"It could be but, you obviously know that his gonna be my Ty's side. Those two are practically attached by the hip bone dude " I said leaning against the jeep and sighing.

"Yeah and I think they would be studying up in Ty's room. You know how Tyler is when a test is coming up at times" AJ commented

"Maybe we could all get together in the living room. You both are getting together. Even if I have to trap you two in a room" Sky said

And I began to laugh. "Oh shut up Sky I'm not that of a wuss. "

Minutes passed by and all we saw were kids leaving getting into their cars,others walking with there group of friends home, others walking by themselves, kids grabbing there skateboards and bikes riding them off.

Then we spotted Ty walking with oh my god Tyler, and them both just talking.

When there were only a few feet away, Tyler looked up to see us and we both caught each other's eyes.

God those damn eyes. I smiled at him and he looked taken back and he blushed looking back down.


We all got to Ty's & Sky's home and I noticed my mom and she said it was okay that I go home before supper.


When all of us got to Ty's & Sky's house Ty and I went straight to Ty's room and we began to do our homework and a bit of studying for the test.

"TY COME DOWN HERE!!" I heard Sky yell

"Be right back" and with that he left me in his room.

*sorry for the POV changes I'm those type of people who want both POVs to get notice. Okay mm okay *

Then Ty came up "hey wanna play video games? " He asked me

"Yeah sure. Down stairs with them?"


I nodded my head and we both heading down the stairs and we all got together


Hehhe I know it's a cliffhanger I'll update part two later.

And I was wondering should I change the book cover to something else idk what though. Just wondering

And thank you too all who read this book and who vote and sometimes comment.

Means a lot.

Okay let's put this too a end before I go to tears.

Okay bye my aliens

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